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7 calls to hybridauth_get_provider_name() in HybridAuth Social Login 7

hybridauth_admin_format_provider_title in ./hybridauth.module
Display a text format form title.
hybridauth_user_delete_form in ./
Menu callback; Delete the specified Engage identity from the system.
hybridauth_user_delete_form_submit in ./
Handle identity deletion by removing {authmap} and {hybridauth_linked_account} entries.
hybridauth_user_identities in ./
Menu callback; manage Engage 3rd party identities for the specified user.
template_preprocess_hybridauth_popup_provider in ./
theme_hybridauth_provider_icon in ./hybridauth.module
Returns markup for a specific provider icon.
_hybridauth_popup_process_auth in ./
A helper function that takes a successful HA authentication and handles the Drupal side of things.