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8 calls to HttpblLogTrapper::log() in http:BL 8

HttpblLogTrapper::trapAlert in src/Logger/HttpblLogTrapper.php
Traps and forwards ALERT messages, based on config setting.
HttpblLogTrapper::trapCritical in src/Logger/HttpblLogTrapper.php
Traps and forwards CRITICAL messages, based on config setting.
HttpblLogTrapper::trapDebug in src/Logger/HttpblLogTrapper.php
Traps and forwards DEBUG messages, based on config setting.
HttpblLogTrapper::trapEmergency in src/Logger/HttpblLogTrapper.php
Traps and forwards EMERGENCY messages, based on config setting.
HttpblLogTrapper::trapError in src/Logger/HttpblLogTrapper.php
Traps and forwards ERROR messages, based on config setting.
HttpblLogTrapper::trapInfo in src/Logger/HttpblLogTrapper.php
Traps and forwards INFO messages, based on config setting.
HttpblLogTrapper::trapNotice in src/Logger/HttpblLogTrapper.php
Traps and forwards NOTICE messages, based on config setting.
HttpblLogTrapper::trapWarning in src/Logger/HttpblLogTrapper.php
Traps and forwards WARNING messages, based on config setting.