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htmlpurifier.install in HTML Purifier 6


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 * Implementation of hook_schema().
function htmlpurifier_schema() {
  $schema['cache_htmlpurifier'] = drupal_get_schema_unprocessed('system', 'cache');
  $schema['cache_htmlpurifier']['description'] = t(<<<DESCRIPTION
Cache table for the HTML Purifier module just like cache_filter, except that
cached text is stored permanently until flushed or manually invalidated.
This helps prevent recurrent cache slams on pages with lots of segments of HTML.
  return $schema;

 * Implementation of hook_install().
function htmlpurifier_install() {

 * Implementation of hook_uninstall().
function htmlpurifier_uninstall() {
  db_query("DELETE FROM {variable} WHERE name LIKE 'htmlpurifier%%'");

 * Checks the version of HTML Purifier and fatally errors out if there's a
 * problem.
function _htmlpurifier_version_check() {

  // This version of HTML Purifier is required
  static $req_version = '3.1.0';

  // Can't use drupal_get_path, since module may not have been installed.
  $module_path = dirname(__FILE__);
  if (!file_exists("{$module_path}/library/")) {
    echo "<strong>Fatal error:</strong> Could not find HTML Purifier\n          installation in {$module_path}{$s}library. Please copy contents\n          of the library folder in the HTML Purifier tarball or zip\n          to this folder or ensure exists.\n          You can download HTML Purifier at\n          <a href=\"\"></a>.\n          After you have done so, reload this page.";
  require_once "{$module_path}/library/";
  if (!defined('HTMLPurifier::VERSION') || version_compare($old = HTMLPurifier::VERSION, $req_version, '<')) {
    echo "<strong>Fatal error:</strong> HTML Purifier {$old} is not compatible\n          with this module: HTML Purifier <strong>{$req_version}</strong> or later is required.\n          If the required version is a dev version, you will need to\n          <a href=\"\">check\n          code out of Subversion</a> or\n          <a href=\"\">download a nightly</a>\n          to use this module. Once you have done so, reload this page.";

  // Everything looks ok!
  return true;

// -- Update functions ------------------------------------------------------ //
function htmlpurifier_update_6200() {

  // Migrate any old-style filter variables to new style.
  $formats = filter_formats();
  foreach ($formats as $format => $info) {
    $filters = filter_list_format($format);
    if (!isset($filters['htmlpurifier/0'])) {
    $config_data = array(
      'URI.DisableExternalResources' => variable_get("htmlpurifier_externalresources_{$format}", TRUE),
      'Attr.EnableID' => variable_get("htmlpurifier_enableattrid_{$format}", FALSE),
      'AutoFormat.Linkify' => variable_get("htmlpurifier_linkify_{$format}", TRUE),
      'AutoFormat.AutoParagraph' => variable_get("htmlpurifier_autoparagraph_{$format}", TRUE),
      'Null_HTML.Allowed' => !variable_get("htmlpurifier_allowedhtml_enabled_{$format}", FALSE),
      'HTML.Allowed' => variable_get("htmlpurifier_allowedhtml_{$format}", ''),
      'Filter.YouTube' => variable_get("htmlpurifier_preserveyoutube_{$format}", FALSE),
    if (defined('HTMLPurifier::VERSION') && version_compare(HTMLPurifier::VERSION, '3.1.0-dev', '>=')) {
      $config_data['HTML.ForbiddenElements'] = variable_get("htmlpurifier_forbiddenelements_{$format}", '');
      $config_data['HTML.ForbiddenAttributes'] = variable_get("htmlpurifier_forbiddenattributes_{$format}", '');
    variable_set("htmlpurifier_config_{$format}", $config_data);
  return array();
function htmlpurifier_update_6201() {


Namesort descending Description
htmlpurifier_install Implementation of hook_install().
htmlpurifier_schema Implementation of hook_schema().
htmlpurifier_uninstall Implementation of hook_uninstall().
_htmlpurifier_version_check Checks the version of HTML Purifier and fatally errors out if there's a problem.