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9 calls to HtmlMailMime::successful() in HTML Mail 8.3

HtmlMailMime::addAttachment in src/Utility/HtmlMailMime.php
Adds a file to the list of attachments.
HtmlMailMime::addHtmlImage in src/Utility/HtmlMailMime.php
Adds an image to the list of embedded images.
HtmlMailMime::get in src/Utility/HtmlMailMime.php
Builds and returns the full multipart message with all its parts.
HtmlMailMime::getMessage in src/Utility/HtmlMailMime.php
Returns the complete email, ready to send.
HtmlMailMime::parse in src/Utility/HtmlMailMime.php
Parse a complete message and return a HtmlMailMime object.
HtmlMailMime::saveMessage in src/Utility/HtmlMailMime.php
Appends the complete email to a file.
HtmlMailMime::saveMessageBody in src/Utility/HtmlMailMime.php
Appends the complete email body to a file.
HtmlMailMime::setHtmlBody in src/Utility/HtmlMailMime.php
Sets the text/html part of the message.
HtmlMailMime::setTxtBody in src/Utility/HtmlMailMime.php
Set the text/plain part of the message.