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template.php in Hostmaster (Aegir) 6


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// $Id$

 * Implements a D6 preprocess emulation layer.
function _phptemplate_variables($hook, $vars) {
  global $theme;
  $function = "{$theme}_preprocess_{$hook}";
  if (function_exists($function)) {
  return $vars;

 * Preprocessor for theme_page().
function eldir_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
  $vars['logo'] = l($vars['site_name'], '<front>');
  if ($primary = menu_primary_local_tasks()) {
    $vars['tabs'] = "<ul class='links tabs clear-block'>{$primary}</ul>";
  if ($secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks()) {
    $vars['tabs2'] = "<ul class='links tabs clear-block'>{$secondary}</ul>";
  if (!empty($vars['node'])) {

    // Add a node type label on node pages to help users.
    $types = node_get_types();
    $type = $vars['node']->type;
    if (!empty($types[$type])) {
      $vars['title'] = "<span class='label'>{$types[$type]->name}</span> {$vars['title']}";
    $vars['body_classes'] .= " node-page";
    $vars['body_classes'] .= " ntype-{$type}";
  $vars['sidebar_left'] = trim($vars['left']);
  $vars['sidebar_right'] = trim($vars['right']);
  $vars['body_classes'] .= empty($vars['left']) && empty($vars['right']) ? ' wide' : '';

  // Add path-based class for a last line of defense
  if (!empty($_GET['q'])) {
    $vars['body_classes'] .= ' path-' . drupal_html_class($_GET['q']);

  // Add special body class for error pages

  #  if (menu_get_active_item() === 0) {

  #    $vars['body_classes'] .= ' error-page';

  #  }

  // Add IE 6 compatibility stylesheet
  $vars['styles_ie6'] = base_path() . path_to_theme() . '/ie6.css';

 * Preprocessor for theme_node().
function eldir_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
  if (!empty($vars['node'])) {

    // Add a node type label on node pages to help users.
    $types = node_get_types();
    $type = $vars['node']->type;
    if (!empty($types[$type])) {
      $vars['title'] = "<span class='label'>{$types[$type]->name}</span> {$vars['title']}";

 * Override of theme_form_element().
 * Take a more sensitive/delineative approach toward theming form elements.
function eldir_form_element($element, $value) {
  $output = '';

  // Add a wrapper id
  $attr = array(
    'class' => '',
  $attr['id'] = !empty($element['#id']) ? "{$element['#id']}-wrapper" : NULL;

  // Type logic
  $label_attr = array();
  $label_attr['for'] = !empty($element['#id']) ? $element['#id'] : '';
  if (!empty($element['#type']) && in_array($element['#type'], array(
  ))) {
    $label_type = 'label';
    $attr['class'] .= ' form-item form-option';
  else {
    $label_type = 'label';
    $attr['class'] .= ' form-item';

  // Generate required markup
  $required_title = t('This field is required.');
  $required = !empty($element['#required']) ? "<span class='form-required' title='{$required_title}'>*</span>" : '';

  // Generate label markup
  if (!empty($element['#title'])) {
    $title = t('!title: !required', array(
      '!title' => filter_xss_admin($element['#title']),
      '!required' => $required,
    $label_attr = drupal_attributes($label_attr);
    $output .= "<{$label_type} {$label_attr}>{$title}</{$label_type}>";
    $attr['class'] .= ' form-item-labeled';

  // Add child values
  $output .= "{$value}";

  // Description markup
  $output .= !empty($element['#description']) ? "<div class='description'>{$element['#description']}</div>" : '';

  // Render the whole thing
  $attr = drupal_attributes($attr);
  $output = "<div {$attr}>{$output}</div>";
  return $output;
if (!function_exists('drupal_html_class')) {

   * Prepare a string for use as a valid class name.
   * Do not pass one string containing multiple classes as they will be
   * incorrectly concatenated with dashes, i.e. "one two" will become "one-two".
   * @param $class
   *   The class name to clean.
   * @return
   *   The cleaned class name.
  function drupal_html_class($class) {

    // By default, we filter using Drupal's coding standards.
    $class = strtr(drupal_strtolower($class), array(
      ' ' => '-',
      '_' => '-',
      '/' => '-',
      '[' => '-',
      ']' => '',

    // shows the syntax for valid
    // CSS identifiers (including element names, classes, and IDs in selectors.)
    // Valid characters in a CSS identifier are:
    // - the hyphen (U+002D)
    // - a-z (U+0030 - U+0039)
    // - A-Z (U+0041 - U+005A)
    // - the underscore (U+005F)
    // - 0-9 (U+0061 - U+007A)
    // - ISO 10646 characters U+00A1 and higher
    // We strip out any character not in the above list.
    $class = preg_replace('/[^\\x{002D}\\x{0030}-\\x{0039}\\x{0041}-\\x{005A}\\x{005F}\\x{0061}-\\x{007A}\\x{00A1}-\\x{FFFF}]/u', '', $class);
    return $class;

/* End of drupal_html_class conditional definition. */


Namesort descending Description
eldir_form_element Override of theme_form_element(). Take a more sensitive/delineative approach toward theming form elements.
eldir_preprocess_node Preprocessor for theme_node().
eldir_preprocess_page Preprocessor for theme_page().
_phptemplate_variables Implements a D6 preprocess emulation layer.