You are here in Hostmaster (Aegir) 6

Include for functionality related to Hosting module features.


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 * @file
 *   Include for functionality related to Hosting module features.

 * This hosting feature is disabled.

 * This hosting feature is enabled.

 * This hosting feature is required.

 * Determine whether a specific feature of the hosting system is turned on.
 * @param $feature
 *   The feature to check the status of, e.g. "client" or "platform".
 * @return
 *    TRUE if the feature is enabled, FALSE if it is disabled.
function hosting_feature($feature) {
  static $features = array();
  if (!sizeof($features)) {
    $features = hosting_get_features();
  if (isset($features[$feature]['status']) && $features[$feature]['status'] == HOSTING_FEATURE_REQUIRED) {
  elseif (isset($features[$feature]['module'])) {
    $return = module_exists($features[$feature]['module']) ? HOSTING_FEATURE_ENABLED : HOSTING_FEATURE_DISABLED;
  else {
    $return = variable_get('hosting_feature_' . $feature, $features[$feature]['status']);
  return $return;

 * The Hosting features form.
 * This returns a form with any known Hosting features grouped and listed. It
 * allows administrators to enable or disable the features.
 * @return
 *   A drupal form.
 * @see hosting_features_form_submit()
function hosting_features_form() {
  $form['features'] = array(
    '#type' => 'item',
    '#title' => t('Optional system features'),
    '#value' => t('You may choose any of the additional system features from the list below.'),
  $experimental = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Experimental'),
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#description' => t('Features marked experimental have not been completed to a satisfactory level to be considered production ready, so use at your own risk.'),
  $features = hosting_get_features(TRUE);
  foreach ($features as $feature => $info) {
    $element = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => $info['title'],
      '#description' => $info['description'],
      '#default_value' => hosting_feature($feature),
      '#required' => hosting_feature($feature) == HOSTING_FEATURE_REQUIRED,
      '#disabled' => hosting_feature($feature) == HOSTING_FEATURE_REQUIRED,
    if ($info['group'] == 'experimental') {
      $experimental[$feature] = $element;
    else {
      $form[$feature] = $element;
  $form['experimental'] = $experimental;
  $form['#submit'][] = 'hosting_features_form_submit';
  return system_settings_form($form);

 * Submit callback for the Hosting features form.
 * We process the submitted values and enable any features that the user has
 * requested. This may involve enabling a module and their dependencies and/or
 * calling a specified callback function.
 * @param $form
 *   The built form.
 * @param $form_state
 *   The current form state.
 * @see hosting_features_form()
 * @see hook_hosting_feature()
function hosting_features_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $values = $form_state['values'];
  $features = hosting_get_features(TRUE);
  $module_cache = module_rebuild_cache();
  foreach ($features as $feature => $info) {
    $value = $values[$feature];
    $current = hosting_feature($feature);
    variable_set('hosting_feature_' . $feature, $value);
    if (!$current && $value) {
      if ($module = $features[$feature]['module']) {
        include_once 'includes/';
        $modules = array(

        // Gather any dependencies to enable
        foreach ($module_cache[$module]->info['dependencies'] as $dependency) {
          if (!module_exists($dependency)) {
            $modules[] = $dependency;

        // Enable the module(s).
        drupal_set_message(t("Enabling %module module!plural", array(
          '%module' => implode(", ", $modules),
          '!plural' => count($modules) > 1 ? 's' : '',
      if (function_exists($callback = $features[$feature]['enable'])) {
    if ($current && !$value) {
      $dependencies = array();
      if ($module = $features[$feature]['module']) {
        $modules = array(
        $files = module_rebuild_cache();
        foreach ($files as $dependency => $file) {
          if (isset($file->info['dependencies']) && is_array($file->info['dependencies'])) {
            if (in_array($module, $file->info['dependencies']) && $file->status) {
              $dependencies[] = $dependency;
        if ($dependencies) {
          form_set_error('', t("You cannot disable %module because %dep depends on it", array(
            '%module' => $module,
            '%dep' => implode(', ', $dependencies),
        else {
          drupal_set_message(t("Disabling %module module", array(
            '%module' => implode(",", $modules),

          // turn off module
          if (function_exists($callback = $features[$feature]['disable'])) {

    #print("$feature $current $value $module <br />");

  // Rebuild schema.
  drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);

  // Rebuild menu.

 * Get a listing of all known Hosting features.
 * @param $refresh
 *   (optional) Pass in TRUE to force the list of features to be rebuilt and not
 *   returned from the cache.
 * @return
 *   An array of Hosting features.
 * @see hook_hosting_feature()
function hosting_get_features($refresh = FALSE) {
  $cache = cache_get('hosting_features');
  if (empty($cache->data) || $refresh) {

    ## include any optional hosting.feature.*.inc files
    $files = drupal_system_listing("hosting\\.feature\\.[a-zA-Z_]*\\.inc\$", "modules");
    if (sizeof($files)) {
      foreach ($files as $name => $info) {
        include_once $info->filename;
    $functions = get_defined_functions();
    foreach ($functions['user'] as $function) {
      if (preg_match('/_hosting_feature$/', $function)) {
        $hooks[] = $function;
    $features = array();
    foreach ($hooks as $func) {
      $features = array_merge($features, $func());
    cache_set('hosting_features', $features);
    return $features;
  else {
    return $cache->data;

 * Determine which node types are provided by Hosting features.
 * @param $refresh
 *   (optional) Pass in TRUE to force the list of node types to be rebuilt and
 *   not returned from the cache.
 * @return
 *   An array of node types keyed by the Hosting feature that provides them.
function hosting_feature_node_types($refresh = FALSE) {
  static $types;
  if (!is_array($types) || $refresh) {
    $features = hosting_get_features($refresh);
    foreach ($features as $feature => $info) {
      if (!empty($info['node'])) {
        $types[$feature] = $info['node'];
  return $types;


Namesort descending Description
hosting_feature Determine whether a specific feature of the hosting system is turned on.
hosting_features_form The Hosting features form.
hosting_features_form_submit Submit callback for the Hosting features form.
hosting_feature_node_types Determine which node types are provided by Hosting features.
hosting_get_features Get a listing of all known Hosting features.


Namesort descending Description
HOSTING_FEATURE_DISABLED This hosting feature is disabled.
HOSTING_FEATURE_ENABLED This hosting feature is enabled.
HOSTING_FEATURE_REQUIRED This hosting feature is required.