hostmaster.install in Hostmaster (Aegir) 8.4
Same filename and directory in other branches
hostmaster.installView source
// * Implement hook_install().
// *
// * Perform actions to set up the site for this profile.
// */
//function hostmaster_install() {
// variable_set('install_profile', 'hostmaster');
//// add support for nginx
// if (d()->platform->server->http_service_type === 'nginx') {
// module_enable(array('hosting_nginx'));
// }
// // Bootstrap and create all the initial nodes
// hostmaster_bootstrap();
// // Finalize and setup themes, optional modules etc
// hostmaster_task_finalize();
//function hostmaster_bootstrap() {
// /* Default node types and default node */
// $types = node_types_rebuild();
// // Initialize the hosting defines
// hosting_init();
// /* Default client */
// $node = new stdClass();
// $node->uid = 1;
// $node->type = 'client';
// $node->title = drush_get_option('client_name', 'admin');
// $node->status = 1;
// node_save($node);
// variable_set('hosting_default_client', $node->nid);
// variable_set('hosting_admin_client', $node->nid);
// $client_id = $node->nid;
// /* Default server */
// $node = new stdClass();
// $node->uid = 1;
// $node->type = 'server';
// $node->title = php_uname('n');
// $node->status = 1;
// $node->hosting_name = 'server_master';
// $node->services = array();
// /* Make it compatible with more than apache and nginx */
// $master_server = d()->platform->server;
// hosting_services_add($node, 'http', $master_server->http_service_type, array(
// 'restart_cmd' => $master_server->http_restart_cmd,
// 'port' => $master_server->http_port,
// 'available' => 1,
// ));
// /* examine the db server associated with the hostmaster site */
// $db_server = d()->db_server;
// $master_db = parse_url($db_server->master_db);
// /* if it's not the same server as the master server, create a new node
// * for it */
// if ($db_server->remote_host == $master_server->remote_host) {
// $db_node = $node;
// } else {
// $db_node = new stdClass();
// $db_node->uid = 1;
// $db_node->type = 'server';
// $db_node->title = $master_db['host'];
// $db_node->status = 1;
// $db_node->hosting_name = 'server_' . $db_server->remote_host;
// $db_node->services = array();
// }
// hosting_services_add($db_node, 'db', $db_server->db_service_type, array(
// 'db_type' => $master_db['scheme'],
// 'db_user' => urldecode($master_db['user']),
// 'db_passwd' => isset($master_db['pass']) ? urldecode($master_db['pass']) : '',
// 'port' => $db_server->db_port,
// 'available' => 1,
// ));
// drupal_set_message(st('Creating master server node'));
// node_save($node);
// if ($db_server->remote_host != $master_server->remote_host) {
// drupal_set_message(st('Creating db server node'));
// node_save($db_node);
// }
// variable_set('hosting_default_web_server', $node->nid);
// variable_set('hosting_own_web_server', $node->nid);
// variable_set('hosting_default_db_server', $db_node->nid);
// variable_set('hosting_own_db_server', $db_node->nid);
// // Create the hostmaster platform & packages
// $node = new stdClass();
// $node->uid = 1;
// $node->title = 'Drupal';
// $node->type = 'package';
// $node->package_type = 'platform';
// $node->short_name = 'drupal';
// $node->old_short_name = 'drupal';
// $node->description = 'Drupal code-base.';
// $node->status = 1;
// node_save($node);
// $package_id = $node->nid;
// $node = new stdClass();
// $node->uid = 1;
// $node->type = 'platform';
// $node->title = 'hostmaster';
// $node->publish_path = d()->root;
// $node->makefile = '';
// $node->verified = 1;
// $node->web_server = variable_get('hosting_default_web_server', 2);
// $node->platform_status = 1;
// $node->status = 1;
// $node->make_working_copy = 0;
// node_save($node);
// $platform_id = $node->nid;
// variable_set('hosting_own_platform', $node->nid);
// $instance = new stdClass();
// $instance->rid = $node->nid;
// $instance->version = VERSION;
// $instance->filename = '';
// $instance->version_code = 1;
// //$instance->schema_version = drupal_get_installed_schema_version('system');
// $instance->schema_version = 0;
// $instance->package_id = $package_id;
// $instance->status = 0;
// $instance->platform = $platform_id;
// hosting_package_instance_save($instance);
// // Create the hostmaster profile package node
// $node = new stdClass();
// $node->uid = 1;
// $node->title = 'hostmaster';
// $node->type = 'package';
// $node->old_short_name = 'hostmaster';
// $node->description = 'The Hostmaster profile.';
// $node->package_type = 'profile';
// $node->short_name = 'hostmaster';
// $node->status = 1;
// node_save($node);
// $profile_id = $node->nid;
// $instance = new stdClass();
// $instance->rid = $node->nid;
// $instance->version = VERSION;
// $instance->filename = '';
// $instance->version_code = 1;
// //$instance->schema_version = drupal_get_installed_schema_version('system');
// $instance->schema_version = 0;
// $instance->package_id = $profile_id;
// $instance->status = 0;
// $instance->platform = $platform_id;
// hosting_package_instance_save($instance);
// // Create the main Aegir site node
// $node = new stdClass();
// $node->uid = 1;
// $node->type = 'site';
// $node->title = d()->uri;
// $node->platform = $platform_id;
// $node->client = $client_id;
// $node->db_name = '';
// $node->db_server = $db_node->nid;
// $node->profile = $profile_id;
// $node->import = true;
// $node->hosting_name = 'hostmaster';
// $node->site_status = 1;
// $node->verified = 1;
// $node->status = 1;
// node_save($node);
// // Save the hostmaster site nid.
// variable_set('aegir_hostmaster_site_nid', $node->nid);
// // Enable the hosting features of modules that we enable by default.
// // The module will already be enabled,
// // this makes sure we also set the default permissions.
// $default_hosting_features = array(
// 'hosting_web_server' => 'web_server',
// 'hosting_db_server' => 'db_server',
// 'hosting_platform' => 'platform',
// 'hosting_client' => 'client',
// 'hosting_task' => 'task',
// 'hosting_server' => 'server',
// 'hosting_package' => 'package',
// 'hosting_site' => 'site',
// 'hosting' => 'hosting',
// );
// hosting_features_enable($default_hosting_features, $rebuild = TRUE, $enable = FALSE);
// variable_set('site_frontpage', 'hosting/sites');
// // do not allow user registration: the signup form will do that
// variable_set('user_register', 0);
// // This is saved because the config generation script is running via drush, and does not have access to this value
// variable_set('install_url' , $GLOBALS['base_url']);
//function hostmaster_task_finalize() {
// variable_set('install_profile', 'hostmaster');
// // Enable Eldir, and set is as default theme
// theme_enable(array('eldir'));
// variable_set('theme_default', 'eldir');
// // Disable the default Bartik theme
// theme_disable(array('bartik'));
// drupal_set_message(st('Configuring default blocks'));
// hostmaster_place_blocks('eldir');
// // Save "menu_options" for our content types, so they don't offer to be put in menus.
// variable_set('menu_options_client', array());
// variable_set('menu_options_platform', array());
// variable_set('menu_options_server', array());
// variable_set('menu_options_site', array());
// // Rebuild node access permissions.
// node_access_rebuild();
// * Helper function to place block.
// */
//function hostmaster_place_blocks($theme) {
// $blocks = array(
// array(
// 'module' => 'hosting',
// 'delta' => 'hosting_queues',
// 'theme' => $theme,
// 'status' => 1,
// 'weight' => -2,
// 'region' => 'sidebar_first',
// 'visibility' => 0,
// 'pages' => '',
// 'cache' => -1,
// ),
// array(
// 'module' => 'system',
// 'delta' => 'navigation',
// 'theme' => $theme,
// 'status' => 1,
// 'weight' => 0,
// 'region' => 'sidebar_first',
// 'visibility' => 0,
// 'pages' => '',
// 'cache' => -1,
// ),
// array(
// 'module' => 'views',
// 'delta' => 'hosting_task_list-block',
// 'theme' => $theme,
// 'status' => 1,
// 'weight' => -2,
// 'region' => 'sidebar_first',
// 'visibility' => 0,
// 'pages' => '',
// 'cache' => -1,
// ),
// array(
// 'module' => 'views',
// 'delta' => 'hosting_site_list-block_sites',
// 'theme' => $theme,
// 'status' => 1,
// 'weight' => 0,
// 'region' => 'content_bottom',
// 'visibility' => 1,
// 'pages' => 'hosting/c/platform_*',
// 'cache' => -1,
// ),
// array(
// 'module' => 'views',
// 'delta' => 'hosting_platform_list-block_1',
// 'theme' => $theme,
// 'status' => 1,
// 'weight' => 0,
// 'region' => 'content_bottom',
// 'visibility' => 1,
// 'pages' => 'hosting/c/server_*',
// 'cache' => -1,
// ),
// array(
// 'module' => 'views',
// 'delta' => 'hosting_site_list-block_profile',
// 'theme' => $theme,
// 'status' => 1,
// 'weight' => 0,
// 'region' => 'content_bottom',
// 'visibility' => 0,
// 'pages' => '',
// //"<?php\n\$node = menu_get_object();\nif (!empty(\$node)) {\n return \$node->package_type == 'profile';\n}\n
// 'cache' => -1,
// ),
// array(
// 'module' => 'views',
// 'delta' => 'hosting_site_list-block_client',
// 'theme' => $theme,
// 'status' => 1,
// 'weight' => 0,
// 'region' => 'content_bottom',
// 'visibility' => 0,
// 'pages' => '',
// //"<?php\n\$node = menu_get_object();\n\$menu_item = menu_get_item();\nif (!empty(\$node) && \$menu_item['number_parts'] == 2) {\n return \$node->type == 'client';\n}\n
// 'cache' => -1,
// ),
// array(
// 'module' => 'views',
// 'delta' => 'hosting_site_list-block_client2',
// 'theme' => $theme,
// 'status' => 1,
// 'weight' => 0,
// 'region' => 'content_bottom',
// 'visibility' => 0,
// 'pages' => '',
// //"<?php\nglobal \$user;\$node = menu_get_object();\n\$menu_item = menu_get_item();\nif (!empty(\$node)) && \$menu_item['number_parts'] == 2) {\n return \$node->type == 'client' && $user->uid != 1;\n}\n
// 'cache' => -1,
// ),
// array(
// 'module' => 'views',
// 'delta' => 'hosting_package_list-block_1',
// 'theme' => $theme,
// 'status' => 1,
// 'weight' => 0,
// 'region' => 'content_bottom',
// 'visibility' => 0,
// 'pages' => '',
// //"<?php\n\$node = menu_get_object();\nif (!empty(\$node)) {\n return \$node->type == 'package' && \$node->package_type != 'profile';\n}\n
// 'cache' => -1,
// ),
// );
// $query = db_insert('block')->fields(array('module', 'delta', 'theme', 'status', 'weight', 'region', 'visibility', 'pages', 'cache'));
// foreach ($blocks as $block) {
// $query->values($block);
// }
// $query->execute();