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function hostingService_Certificate_SelfSigned::load in Aegir HTTPS 7.3

Load associated values for the service.

In this certificate we will use the variable system to retrieve values.


submodules/self_signed/, line 27
Self-signed service implementation of the Certificate service type for the hosting front end.


An implementation of the certificate service type, registered with hook_hosting_service.


function load() {
  $this->self_signed_field = variable_get('hosting_self_signed_field_' . $this->server->nid, $this->self_signed_field);

   * Although this certificate does not have it's own tables, we provide some utitilty functions
   * for use in this method.
   * If this certificate used it's own tables, we could use the mergeData method below to merge in the
   * results automatically, instead of iterating through the results ourself.

  // $this->mergeData("SELECT self_signed_field FROM {hosting_certificate} WHERE vid = :vid", array(':vid' => $this->server->vid));