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A Let's Encrypt implementation of the Certificate service for Provision.


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 * @file
 * A Let's Encrypt implementation of the Certificate service for Provision.

 * Implements hook_drush_init().
function letsencrypt_drush_init() {

 * Register our directory as a place to find provision classes.
function letsencrypt_provision_register_autoload() {
  static $loaded = FALSE;
  if (!$loaded) {
    $loaded = TRUE;
    provision_autoload_register_prefix('Provision_', dirname(__FILE__));

 * Implements hook_provision_services().
 * Ensure our classes are loaded early enough to instantiate the Provision
 * services.
function letsencrypt_provision_services() {

 * Generate Apache config to allow access to /.well-known/acme-challenge
 * @param string $challenge_path The path where verification file will be stored.
function letsencrypt_generate_apache_wellknown_lines($challenge_path) {
  $lines = array();
  $lines[] = "  # Allow access to ACME challenges directory.";
  $lines[] = "  Alias /.well-known/acme-challenge {$challenge_path}";
  $lines[] = "";
  $lines[] = "  <Directory {$challenge_path}>";
  $lines[] = "    Options None";
  $lines[] = "    AllowOverride None";
  $lines[] = "";
  $lines[] = "    # Apache 2.x";
  $lines[] = "    <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>";
  $lines[] = "      Order allow,deny";
  $lines[] = "      Allow from all";
  $lines[] = "    </IfModule>";
  $lines[] = "";
  $lines[] = "    # Apache 2.4";
  $lines[] = "    <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>";
  $lines[] = "      Require all granted";
  $lines[] = "    </IfModule>";
  $lines[] = "  </Directory>";
  $lines[] = "\n";
  return implode("\n", $lines);

 * Implements hook_provision_apache_server_config().
 * @see
function letsencrypt_provision_apache_server_config($data) {
  if (d()->type != 'server') {
    return '';
  $server = d();
  if ($server->Certificate_service_type == 'LetsEncrypt' && ($challenge_path = $server->letsencrypt_challenge_path)) {
    drush_log(dt("Injecting Let's Encrypt 'well-known' ACME challenge directory ':path' into Apache default vhost entry.", array(
      ':path' => $challenge_path,
    return letsencrypt_generate_apache_wellknown_lines($challenge_path);

 * Implements hook_provision_apache_vhost_config().
 * @see
function letsencrypt_provision_apache_vhost_config($uri, $data) {
  if (d()->type != 'site') {
    return '';
  $server = d()->platform->web_server;
  if ($server->Certificate_service_type == 'LetsEncrypt' && ($challenge_path = $server->letsencrypt_challenge_path)) {
    drush_log(dt("Injecting Let's Encrypt 'well-known' ACME challenge directory ':path' into Apache vhost entry.", array(
      ':path' => $challenge_path,
    return letsencrypt_generate_apache_wellknown_lines($challenge_path);

 * Implements hook_drush_command().
function letsencrypt_drush_command() {
  $items['letsencrypt-force-key-regenerate'] = array(
    'description' => 'Force a new key to be generated".',
    'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH,
    'aliases' => array(
  return $items;

 * Implements the letsencrypt-force-key-regenerate command.
function drush_letsencrypt_force_key_regenerate() {
  $https_key = d()->https_key;
  $certs = d()->platform->web_server
  drush_log(print_r($certs, 1), 'warning');

  // Remove only the symlink to the certificate.

  // Re-verify the site, this re-generates the certificate.
  $options = array();
  $target = d()->uri;
  provision_backend_invoke($target, 'provision-verify', array(), $options);

 * Implements hook_provision_nginx_vhost_config().
 * Allow access to ACME challenges directory.
 * This is already defined in the server configuration for HTTP, before
 * certificates are generated, but we still need it for the HTTPS vhost to
 * permit renewals.
 * @see
function letsencrypt_provision_nginx_vhost_config($uri, $data) {
  if (d()->type != 'site') {
    return '';
  $server = d()->platform->web_server;
  if ($server->Certificate_service_type == 'LetsEncrypt' && ($challenge_path = $server->letsencrypt_challenge_path)) {
    drush_log(dt("Injecting Let's Encrypt 'well-known' ACME challenge directory ':path' into Nginx vhost entry.", array(
      ':path' => $challenge_path,
    $lines = array();
    $lines[] = "  # Allow access to ACME challenges directory.";
    $lines[] = "  location ^~ /.well-known/acme-challenge {";
    $lines[] = "    alias {$challenge_path};";
    $lines[] = "    try_files \$uri 404;";
    $lines[] = "  }";
    $lines[] = "\n";
    return implode("\n", $lines);


Namesort descending Description
drush_letsencrypt_force_key_regenerate Implements the letsencrypt-force-key-regenerate command.
letsencrypt_drush_command Implements hook_drush_command().
letsencrypt_drush_init Implements hook_drush_init().
letsencrypt_generate_apache_wellknown_lines Generate Apache config to allow access to /.well-known/acme-challenge
letsencrypt_provision_apache_server_config Implements hook_provision_apache_server_config().
letsencrypt_provision_apache_vhost_config Implements hook_provision_apache_vhost_config().
letsencrypt_provision_nginx_vhost_config Implements hook_provision_nginx_vhost_config().
letsencrypt_provision_register_autoload Register our directory as a place to find provision classes.
letsencrypt_provision_services Implements hook_provision_services().