You are here in Aegir Deploy 7.3

The HostingPlatformGitForm class.


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 * @file The HostingPlatformGitForm class.
class HostingPlatformGitForm extends HostingForm {

  // Fields managed by this module.
  protected $fields = [
  public function __construct(&$form, &$form_state, &$node = FALSE) {
    parent::__construct($form, $form_state, $node);
    if ($this->node->type == 'platform') {
      $this->platform = new HostingPlatformGitNode($node);
  public function alter() {
      ->moveFieldsIntoFieldset('platform_git', $this->fields);
    $this->form['platform_git']['#title'] = 'Deploy from Git';
    $this->form['platform_git']['#description'] = 'You may deploy this platform from a Git repository. This strategy is appropriate for hosting scenarios where multiple sites will share common platforms.';
  protected function lockFields() {
    if (isset($this->node->platform_status) && $this->node->platform_status != HOSTING_PLATFORM_QUEUED) {
      foreach ($this->fields as $field) {
  public function submit() {
  protected function setRepositoryPath() {
    if ($this
      ->isANewNode() && !empty($this
      ->getFormStateValue('field_git_repository_url'))) {
        ->setFormStateValue('field_git_repository_path', $this
  protected function setPublishPath() {
    if (!empty($this
      ->getFormStateValue('field_git_docroot'))) {
      $publish_path = $this
        ->getFormStateValue('field_git_repository_path') . '/' . $this
        ->setFormStateValue('publish_path', $publish_path);



Namesort descending Description
HostingPlatformGitForm @file The HostingPlatformGitForm class.