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Provision/Drush hooks for git commands.


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 * @file
 * Provision/Drush hooks for git commands.

 * Implements drush_HOOK_COMMAND_validate().
 * This needs to be called in the validate step so that it runs before the
 * Makefile check and the check for a Drupal installation. Those operations,
 * very inconveniently, run in the same function.
function drush_platform_git_provision_verify_validate() {
  if (d()->type == 'platform' && d()->git_repository_url) {
    $platform = new Provision_PlatformGit();
    return $platform

 * Implements hook_composer_install_path().
function platform_git_composer_install_path() {
  return d()->git_repository_path;

 * Implements drush_HOOK_post_COMMAND() for provision-delete command.
 * If repository path is different from root, delete it too.
function drush_platform_git_post_provision_delete() {
  if (d()->type == 'platform') {
    $platform = new Provision_PlatformGit();
    return $platform

 * Register our directory as a place to find provision classes.
function platform_git_register_autoload() {
  static $loaded = FALSE;
  if (!$loaded) {
    $loaded = TRUE;
    provision_autoload_register_prefix('Provision_', dirname(__FILE__));

 * Implements hook_drush_init().
function platform_git_drush_init() {

 *  Implements hook_provision_services().
function platform_git_provision_services() {
  return array(
    'platform_git' => NULL,


Namesort descending Description
drush_platform_git_post_provision_delete Implements drush_HOOK_post_COMMAND() for provision-delete command.
drush_platform_git_provision_verify_validate Implements drush_HOOK_COMMAND_validate().
platform_git_composer_install_path Implements hook_composer_install_path().
platform_git_drush_init Implements hook_drush_init().
platform_git_provision_services Implements hook_provision_services().
platform_git_register_autoload Register our directory as a place to find provision classes.