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protected function HostingDeployForm::addGitHelp in Aegir Deploy 7.3

1 call to HostingDeployForm::addGitHelp()
HostingDeployForm::alter in includes/


includes/, line 70
The HostingDeployForm class.


@file The HostingDeployForm class.


protected function addGitHelp() {
  if (module_exists('hosting_git')) {
    $this->form['git']['#description'] = t('You may deploy and manage this platform from a Git repository. This strategy is appropriate for development scenarios or when each such platform will only host a single site.');
    if (module_exists('hosting_platform_git')) {
      $this->form['git']['#description'] .= t(' It differs from <em>Deploy from Git repository</em> in that, once deployed, platforms can be updated or otherwise changed via Git.');
      $this->form['platform_git']['#description'] .= t(' It differs from <em>Manage with Git</em> in that, once deployed, platforms are treated as immutable.');