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6 calls to _hosting_parse_error_code() in Hosting 7.3

hook_hosting_task_update_status in ./hosting.api.php
Reacts any time a task has it's status updated, including when being run in the queue, ending, or being cancelled.
hosting_task_drush_update_status in task/
Shutdown function to catch any task status.
hosting_task_execute in task/hosting_task.module
Executes a task while logging to watchdog and drush. Implemented by drush hosting-tasks and hosting-queued commands.
hosting_task_handler_field_status::render in task/includes/views/handlers/
Render the field.
hosting_task_status_output in task/hosting_task.module
Return the status of a task in human-readable form.
hosting_task_view in task/hosting_task.module
Implements hook_view().