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hosting_task.api.php in Hosting 7.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.2 task/hosting_task.api.php
  2. 7.4 task/hosting_task.api.php

Hooks provided by the hosting tasks module.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by the hosting tasks module.

 * @addtogroup backend-frontend-IPC
 * @{

 * Define tasks that can be executed in the front-end.
 * @return array
 *   An array of arrays of tasks that can be executed by the front-end.
 *   The keys of the outer array should be the object that tasks operate on, for
 *   example 'site', 'platform' or 'server'. The values of the outer array
 *   should be an array of tasks keyed by task type, the value should be an
 *   array that defines the task. Valid keys for defining tasks are:
 *   - 'title': (required) The human readable name of the task.
 *   - 'command': (optional) The drush command to run. If not included, will assume "provision-TASKTYPE".
 *   - 'description': (optional) The human readable description of the task.
 *   - 'weight': (optional) The weight of the task when displayed in lists.
 *   - 'dialog' (optional) Set to TRUE to indicate that this task requires a
 *      dialog to be shown to the user to confirm the execution of the task.
 *   - 'hidden' (optional) Set to TRUE to hide the task in the front-end UI, the
 *      task will still be available for execution by the front-end however.
 *   - 'access callback' (optional) An access callback to determine if the user
 *      can access the task, defaults to 'hosting_task_menu_access'.
 *   - 'provision_save' (optional, defaults to FALSE) A flag that tells
 *      provision that a "provision-save" command needs to happen before this
 *      task can be run, used for tasks like Verify, Install, and Import.
 *      If you implement this option, you should implement
 *      hook_hosting_TASK_OBJECT_context_options() in order to pass parameters
 *      to the provision-save command.
 * @see hosting_available_tasks()
 * @see hosting_task_TASK_TYPE_form()
function hook_hosting_tasks() {

  // From hosting_clone_hosting_tasks().
  $options = array();
  $options['site']['clone'] = array(
    'title' => t('Clone'),
    'description' => t('Make a copy of a site.'),
    'weight' => 5,
    'dialog' => TRUE,
    'command' => 'provision-clone',
  return $options;

 * Alter front-end tasks defined by other modules.
 * @param $tasks
 *   An array of tasks defined by other modules. Keys of the outer array are the
 *   types of objects that the tasks operate on, e.g. 'site', 'platform' or
 *   'server', values are arrays of the tasks that apply to those objects.
 * @see hook_hosting_tasks
function hook_hosting_tasks_alter(&$tasks) {

  // Change the title of the site's clone task.
  if (isset($tasks['site']['clone'])) {
    $tasks['site']['clone']['title'] = t('Site clone');

 * Add fields to the task confirmation form.
 * @param $node
 *   The node on which the task is being called.
 * @see hosting_task_confirm_form()
 * @see hosting_site_list_form()
function hosting_task_TASK_TYPE_form($node) {

  // From hosting_task_clone_form()
  $form = hosting_task_migrate_form($node);
  $form['new_uri']['#description'] = t('The new domain name of the clone site.');
  return $form;

 * Validate the form data defined in hosting_task_TASK_TYPE_form().
 * @see hosting_task_confirm_form()
function hosting_task_TASK_TYPE_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {

  // From hosting_task_clone_form_validate()
  $site = $form['parameters']['#node'];
  $url = hosting_site_get_domain($form_state['values']['parameters']['new_uri']);
  if ($url == hosting_site_get_domain($site->title)) {
    form_set_error('new_uri', t("To clone a site you need to specify a new Domain name to clone it to."));
  else {
    hosting_task_migrate_form_validate($form, $form_state);

 * Alter the query that selects the next tasks to run.
 * You may use this hook to prioritise one type of task over another, or to
 * prefer one client over another etc.
 * @see hosting_get_new_tasks
 * @param QueryAlterableInterface $query
 *   The structured query that will select the next tasks to run.
function hook_query_hosting_get_new_tasks_alter(QueryAlterableInterface $query) {

  // Change the sort ordering so that newer tasks are preferred to older ones.
  $order_by =& $query
  $order_by['n.changed'] = 'DESC';
  $order_by['n.nid'] = 'DESC';

 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".


Namesort descending Description
hook_hosting_tasks Define tasks that can be executed in the front-end.
hook_hosting_tasks_alter Alter front-end tasks defined by other modules.
hook_query_hosting_get_new_tasks_alter Alter the query that selects the next tasks to run.
hosting_task_TASK_TYPE_form Add fields to the task confirmation form.
hosting_task_TASK_TYPE_form_validate Validate the form data defined in hosting_task_TASK_TYPE_form().