You are here in Hosting 7.4

Drush include for the package management module.


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 * @file
 * Drush include for the package management module.

// @TODO: Schedule for deletion as we improve install method.

//function drush_hosting_package_pre_hosting_task() {

//  $task = &drush_get_context('HOSTING_TASK');
//  if ($task->ref->type == 'site') {
//    // populate the profile option, if it hasn't been specified yet.
//    if (empty($task->options['profile'])) {
//      // If site node "profile_name" property is a string and not empty, lookup
//      // the profile package NID and save it to the site node.
//      if (empty($task->ref->profile) && !empty($task->ref->profile_name) && is_string($task->ref->profile_name)) {
//        $instances = hosting_package_instances_load(array(
//          'i.rid' => $task->ref->platform,
//          'p.package_type' => 'profile',
//          'p.short_name' => $task->ref->profile_name,
//        ));
//        // If instance is found, save the package ID to hosting_site table.
//        $instance = current($instances);
//        if (!empty($instance->package_id)) {
//          db_update('hosting_site')
//            ->fields(array('profile' => $instance->package_id))
//            ->condition('nid', $task->ref->nid)
//            ->execute();
//          $task->ref->profile = $instance->package_id;
//          drush_log(dt('Updated site node !nid with install profile "!profile" with package ID !package_id.', array(
//            '!nid' => $task->ref->nid,
//            '!profile' => $task->ref->profile_name,
//            '!package_id' => $task->ref->profile,
//          )), 'success');
//        }
//        else {
//          drush_log(dt('Package for install profile "!profile" not found in platform !platform. Unable to update site profile field for site !site', array(
//            '!platform' => $task->ref->platform,
//            '!site' => $task->ref->nid,
//            '!profile' => $task->ref->profile_name,
//          )), 'warning');
//        }
//      }
//      $profile = node_load($task->ref->profile);
//      if ($task->task_type != 'import' && $task->task_type != 'delete' && $task->task_type != 'verify') {
//        $task->options['profile'] = $profile->short_name;
//      }
//    }
//  }
