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12 calls to hosting_get_queues() in Hosting 7.4

drush_hosting_dispatch in ./
Main queue processing drush command for hostmaster.
hosting_drush_command in ./
Implements hook_drush_command().
hosting_form_submit_messages in ./hosting.module
Submit handler for hosting node forms: Display helpful messages.
hosting_queues in ./hosting.module
List queues or tasks in a queue if a key is provided.
hosting_queues_configure in ./hosting.module
Form to configure the frequency of queue execution.
hosting_queues_configure_submit in ./hosting.module
Submit callback for the the queue execution frequency form.
hosting_queues_configure_validate in ./hosting.module
Validation callback for the the queue execution frequency form.
hosting_queue_block in ./hosting.module
Build a block of the hosting queues.
hosting_queue_summary_block in ./hosting.module
Build a block summarising the hosting queues.
hosting_task_view in task/hosting_task.module
Implements hook_view().
theme_hosting_queues_configure in ./hosting.module
Theme function to render the queue configuration form.
_hosting_queue_next_run in ./
Calculate the time at which the task queue will run next.