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constant HOSTING_QUEUE_TYPE_SPREAD in Hosting 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 hosting.module \HOSTING_QUEUE_TYPE_SPREAD

A spread queue type.

This queue type aims to process repeatable tasks spread out over a configurable interval.

See the processing code in hosting_get_queues() for the exact implementation.

This queue type will attempt to:

  • Process items at as many points as possible evenly spread over the configurable interval.
  • Points will be at least 1 minute apart to allow for the default dispatcher to execute them.
  • At each point process the minimum number of items needed to result in all items being processed at least once over the configurable interval.

See also


hosting_get_queues in ./
Retrieve a list of queues that need to be dispatched
hosting_queues_configure in ./hosting.module
Form to configure the frequency of queue execution.


./hosting.module, line 61
Hosting module.


define('HOSTING_QUEUE_TYPE_SPREAD', 'spread');