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11 calls to hosting_get_client() in Hosting 7.3

hook_hosting_quota_get_usage in quota/hosting_quota.api.php
Definition of hook_hosting_quota_get_usage
hosting_client_platform_access_form in client/hosting_client.module
Page callback for the client platform access form.
hosting_client_platform_access_form_submit in client/hosting_client.module
Submit handler for the client platform access form.
hosting_client_user_form_submit in client/
Save the values submitted when editing or adding a user.
hosting_client_user_form_validate in client/
Validate the submission of a user form.
hosting_site_hosting_quota_get_usage in site/
Implements hook_hosting_quota_get_usage().
hosting_site_insert in site/
Implements hook_insert().
hosting_site_update in site/
Implements hook_update().
hosting_site_validate in site/
Implements hook_validate().
hosting_ssl_get_keys in web_server/ssl/
Retrieve an associated array of possible keys.
hosting_ssl_save_key in web_server/ssl/
Store the SSL Cert key in the database.