public static function Terms::export in Hook Update Deploy Tools 7
Exports a single term based on its tid. (Typically called from Drush).
string $tid: The tid of the Term to export.
Return value
string The URI of the item exported, or a failure message.
Overrides ExportInterface::export
- src/
Terms.php, line 507
- Terms
- Public methods for dealing with Vocabularies.
public static function export($tid) {
$t = get_t();
try {
Check::notEmpty('tid', $tid);
Check::isNumeric('tid', $tid);
$msg_return = '';
// Load the term if it exists.
$term = taxonomy_term_load($tid);
Check::notEmpty('term', $term);
Check::notEmpty('term name', $term->name);
Check::notEmpty('vocabulary_machine_name', $term->vocabulary_machine_name);
// Get the vocabulary name.
$vocabulary = Vocabularies::loadByMachineName($term->vocabulary_machine_name, TRUE);
Check::notEmpty('vocabulary_name', $vocabulary->name);
$voc_term_name = self::normalizeVocTermName($vocabulary->name, $term->name);
$file_name = self::normalizeFileName($voc_term_name);
$storage_path = HudtInternal::getStoragePath('term');
$file_uri = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $storage_path . $file_name;
// Add parents. These will be unpacked at import.
$term->parents = taxonomy_get_parents($tid);
// Get pathauto path.
if (!empty($term->path) && isset($term->path['pathauto']) && $term->path['pathauto'] === '0') {
// Lookup the alias and store it.
$alias = drupal_get_path_alias("taxonomy/term/{$tid}");
$term->path['alias'] = $alias;
// Made it this far, it exists, so export it.
$export_contents = drupal_var_export($term);
// Save the file.
$msg_return = HudtInternal::writeFile($file_uri, $export_contents);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Any errors from this command do not need to be watchdog logged.
$e->logIt = FALSE;
$vars = array(
'!error' => method_exists($e, 'logMessage') ? $e
->logMessage() : $e
$msg_error = $t("Caught exception: !error", $vars);
if (!empty($msg_error)) {
drush_log($msg_error, 'error');
return !empty($msg_return) ? $msg_return : $msg_error;