25 calls to Message::make() in Hook Update Deploy Tools 8
- Features::revert in src/
Features.php - Safely revert an array of Features and provide feedback.
- Fields::deleteInstance in src/
Fields.php - Deletes an instance of a field from and entity bundle.
- HudtException::logMessage in src/
HudtException.php - Logs the message to Watchdog.
- HudtInternal::canReadFile in src/
HudtInternal.php - Checks to see if a storagefile can be read.
- Menus::import in src/
Menus.php - Imports menus using the menu_import module & template.
- Modules::checkDisabled in src/
Modules.php - Check to see if modules are actually disabled.
- Modules::checkEnabled in src/
Modules.php - Check to see if the modules are actually enabled.
- Modules::enable in src/
Modules.php - Enables an array of modules and checks to make sure they were enabled.
- Modules::uninstall in src/
Modules.php - Uninstalls an array of modules there were previously disabled.
- Nodes::modifySimpleFieldValue in src/
Nodes.php - Programatically allows for the alteration of 'simple fields'.
- PageManager::buildOne in src/
PageManager.php - Validated Updates/Imports one page from the contents of an import file.
- PageManager::import in src/
PageManager.php - Imports Page Manager pages using the panels module & template.
- Paths::changeAlias in src/
Paths.php - Assuming all alias prechecks have passed, this method makes the save.
- Paths::checkAliasesExist in src/
Paths.php - Checks to see if the aliases exist in an alterable combination.
- Paths::checkSame in src/
Paths.php - Check to see if two alias values are the same.
- Paths::modifyAlias in src/
Paths.php - Change the value of an alias.
- Redirects::import in src/
Redirects.php - Imports a set of redirects from an import csv file.
- Redirects::outputReportSummary in src/
Redirects.php - Outputs a summary report to screen or terminal of has been processed.
- Rules::import in src/
Rules.php - Imports rules using the rule_import module & template.
- Settings::confirmSet in src/
Settings.php - Checks to see if the variable was not set.
- Settings::reloadVars in src/
Settings.php - Loads the variables from the db merged with any set in settings.php.
- Settings::set in src/
Settings.php - Sets a Drupal variable but adds testing loop and feedback.
- site_deploy_install in boilerplate/
install.php - Implements hook_install().
- site_deploy_update_8001 in boilerplate/
install.php - Whatever it placed in this docblock gets displayed upon drush updb.
- Views::viewSwitch in src/
Views.php - Enable or disable requested Views.