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public static function Groups::assignUsersToGroup in Hook Update Deploy Tools 7

Add users to an Organic Group.


array $uids: A flat array of user ids (uid) that should be added to the group.

int $gid: The group id of the group.

Return value

string A message related to what was done.


HudtException Message throwing exception if criteria is deemed unfit to declare the assignUsersToGroup a success.

1 call to Groups::assignUsersToGroup()
Groups::cooptMembers in src/Groups.php
Add members from one group, to another group.


src/Groups.php, line 31
File for methods related to Organic Groups management.


Public methods for dealing with Organic Groups.




public static function assignUsersToGroup($uids, $gid) {
  try {
    $uids = (array) $uids;
    Check::notEmpty('$uids', $uids);
    Check::notEmpty('$gid', $gid);
    Check::isNumeric('$gid', $gid);
    $vars = array(
      '@gid' => $gid,
      '@count_users_added' => 0,
      '@count_users_slated' => count($uids),

    // Load the group to see if it is a group.
    $group = node_load($gid);
    Check::isGroup('$group', $group);
    $vars['@group_name'] = $group->title;
    $members_original = og_get_group_members_properties($group, array(), 'members', 'node');
    $vars['@count_original_members'] = count($members_original);

    // Remove any users that are already members.
    $users_to_add = array_diff($uids, $members_original);
    $vars['@count_users_to_add'] = count($users_to_add);
    $vars['@count_already members'] = $vars['@count_users_slated'] - $vars['@count_users_to_add'];

    // Load the members, but only if they have an active account. There is no
    // need to populate a group with blocked members.
    $users = user_load_multiple($users_to_add, array(
      'status' => 1,
    $vars['@count_active_users'] = count($users);
    $vars['@count_blocked_users'] = $vars['@count_users_to_add'] - $vars['@count_active_users'];
    foreach ($users as $user) {
      $values = array(
        'entity' => $user,
      og_group('node', $gid, $values);

    // Check to see if this worked.
    $group = node_load($gid, NULL, TRUE);
    $members_now = og_get_group_members_properties($group, array(), 'members', 'node');
    $vars['@count_members_now'] = count($members_now);
    $vars['@count_confirmed_added'] = $vars['@count_members_now'] - $vars['@count_original_members'];
    $msg_summary = "\n  Summary:  Slated=@count_users_slated, Added=@count_users_added, Already Members=@count_already members, Blocked Users=@count_blocked_users, Total Members=@count_members_now";

    // Verify the number of members in the group.
    if ($vars['@count_users_added'] === $vars['@count_confirmed_added']) {

      // All seems perfect.  Message and be done.
      $message = "Group:@group_name(@gid)  - @count_confirmed_added/@count_users_added were added as members.";
      $message .= $msg_summary;
      return Message::make($message, $vars, WATCHDOG_INFO, 1);
    else {

      // Some discrepancy in the count.  Can't fail the update as there is no
      // way to roll it back.  Error Message and be done.
      $message = "Group:@group_name(@gid)  - @count_confirmed_added/@count_users_added were added as members.";
      $message .= "  Something went wrong: The confirmed added count does not match the number that should have been added.";
      $message .= $msg_summary;
      return Message::make($message, $vars, WATCHDOG_WARNING, 1);
  } catch (\Exception $e) {
    $vars['!error'] = method_exists($e, 'logMessage') ? $e
      ->logMessage() : $e
    if (!method_exists($e, 'logMessage')) {

      // Not logged yet, so log it.
      $message = 'Groups::assignUsersToGroup failed because: !error';
      Message::make($message, $vars, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    throw new HudtException('Caught Exception: Update aborted!  !error', $vars, WATCHDOG_ERROR, FALSE);