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homebox.api.php in Homebox 7.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.3 homebox.api.php
  2. 6.2 homebox.api.php
  3. 7.3 homebox.api.php


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 * Define homebox pages in code.
 * The menu might need to be rebuilt / cache cleared in order for pages in code
 * to show on the Homebox admin page and become accessible via the specified
 * path.
 * Once an admin saves settings for a page in code, it resides in the database,
 * and the code is no longer read, until it's reverted/deleted.
 * @return
 *   An array of homebox page settings arrays. The machine name is specified in
 *   the array key. The machine name and path MUST not be in use. Both name and
 *   path registered by first-come
function hook_homebox() {
  $pages = array();
  $pages['testbox'] = array(
    // Keyed with the unique machine-name
    'title' => 'Test Homebox',
    // The title of the Homebox page
    'path' => 'testbox',
    // The path of the Homebox (URL)
    'menu' => 1,
    // Add a menu entry for this page (Navigation)
    'enabled' => 1,
    // Enable or disable the page. Only admins can view disabled
    'regions' => 3,
    // How many regions to create (1-9)
    'cache' => 0,
    // Use the block cache, when available
    'full' => 0,
    // Disable theme regions so page can go full-width
    'custom' => 1,
    // Allow users to add custom items to the page
    'roles' => array(
      // Which roles can view the page. If none specified, no one can view
      0 => 'authenticated user',
    'color' => 1,
    // Allow users to change the color of blocks
    'colors' => array(
      // Which colors are available (Must be 6 options)
      0 => '#e4f0f8',
      1 => '#c4d5b4',
      2 => '#ecc189',
      3 => '#ec8989',
      4 => '#6b6b70',
      5 => '#4b97e5',
    'widths' => array(
      // (Optional) The width percentage of each region
      1 => 25,
      2 => 50,
      3 => 25,
    'blocks' => array(
      // The available blocks on the page
      'node_recent' => array(
        // The block key; Format = module_delta
        'module' => 'node',
        // The module this block belongs to
        'delta' => 'recent',
        // The block delta
        'region' => 2,
        // Which region to place this block in
        'movable' => 1,
        // Can this block be dragged?
        'status' => 1,
        // Is this block visible by default (if not, it can be toggled)?
        'open' => 1,
        // Is this block expanded by default?
        'closable' => 1,
        // Can users close this block?
        'title' => '',
        // Blank if default block title should be used, if not, use a custom one
        'weight' => -8,
      'user_new' => array(
        'module' => 'user',
        'delta' => 'new',
        // Who's New block.
        'region' => 1,
        'movable' => 1,
        'status' => 1,
        'open' => 1,
        'closable' => 1,
        'title' => '',
        'weight' => -7,
      'user_online' => array(
        'module' => 'user',
        'delta' => 'online',
        // Who's Online block.
        'region' => 3,
        'movable' => 1,
        'status' => 1,
        'open' => 1,
        'closable' => 1,
        'title' => '',
        'weight' => -7,
      'system_powered_by' => array(
        'module' => 'system',
        'delta' => 'powered-by',
        // Powered By block.
        'region' => 2,
        'movable' => 1,
        'status' => 1,
        'open' => 1,
        'closable' => 1,
        'title' => '',
        'weight' => -7,
  return $pages;


Namesort descending Description
hook_homebox Define homebox pages in code.