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to-know.html in Homebox 6


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There's a couple of things to be aware of before using this module:

  <li><a href="">jQuery UI</a> module can be evil to work properly. If you have troubles, please check <a href="">this issue</a> on Home box project page.</li>
  <li>If you get a <strong>Page not found (404)</strong> error, this can mean that you have no blocks assigned to this home box page. So go to layout settings and give it some blocks.</li>
  <li>Why can't we expose the number of items displayed by a View? <a href="">Read this thread</a>.</li>
  <li>Trouble with your Views blocks and Home box, check <a href="topic:homebox/views">Views topic</a>.</li>
  <li>Anonymous user shouldn't have access to Home box pages, since we can't save their preferences!</li>