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permissions.html in Homebox 6


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One you have setup an home box page, you need to set permissions rules for that page.
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From <a href="base_url:admin/user/permissions#module-homebox">Administer > User managment > Permissions</a>, select all the roles that can access your Home box pages.
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To do that, tick the checkboxes which starts with "access homebox [homebox_name]" for each role you want to grant access.

<a href="path:images/permissions.png"><img src="path:images/permissions.png" /></a>

<div class="help-box">
  <strong>Never ever check the anonymous permission</strong>, since Home box is unable to save user preferences for a user that doesn't exists on your Drupal site. If you check this options, a message will be shown telling they won't be able to save their preferences, and <strong>that they really should create an account!</strong>