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hs_smallhierarchy.module in Hierarchical Select 5.3

Implementation of the Hierarchical Select API that allows one to use a hardcoded hierarchy. When it becomes to slow, you should move the hierarchy into the database and write a proper implementation.


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 * @file
 * Implementation of the Hierarchical Select API that allows one to use a
 * hardcoded hierarchy. When it becomes to slow, you should move the hierarchy
 * into the database and write a proper implementation.


// Hierarchical Select hooks.

 * Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_params().
function hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_params() {
  $params = array(
  return $params;

 * Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_root_level().
function hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_root_level($params) {
  $hierarchy = _hs_smallhierarchy_transform($params['hierarchy'], $params['id'], $params['separator']);
  $children = $hierarchy['root']['children'];
  $level = array();
  foreach ($children as $item) {
    $level[$item] = $hierarchy[$item]['label'];
  return $level;

 * Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_children().
function hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_children($parent, $params) {
  $hierarchy = _hs_smallhierarchy_transform($params['hierarchy'], $params['id'], $params['separator']);
  $children = isset($hierarchy[$parent]['children']) ? $hierarchy[$parent]['children'] : array();
  $level = array();
  foreach ($children as $item) {
    $level[$item] = $hierarchy[$item]['label'];
  return $level;

 * Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_lineage().
function hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_lineage($item, $params) {
  $parts = explode($params['separator'], $item);
  $lineage = array();
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($parts); $i++) {
    $lineage[$i] = implode($params['separator'], array_slice($parts, 0, $i + 1));
  return $lineage;

 * Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_valid_item().
function hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_valid_item($item, $params) {
  $hierarchy = _hs_smallhierarchy_transform($params['hierarchy'], $params['id'], $params['separator']);

  // All valid items are in the keys of the $hierarchy array. Only the fake
  // "root" item is not a valid item.
  $items = array_keys($hierarchy);
  return in_array($item, $items);

 * Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_item_get_label().
function hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_item_get_label($item, $params) {
  $hierarchy = _hs_smallhierarchy_transform($params['hierarchy'], $params['id'], $params['separator']);
  return $hierarchy[$item]['label'];

 * Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_implementation_info().
function hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_implementation_info() {
  return array(
    'hierarchy type' => t('Custom'),
    'entity type' => t('N/A'),


// Private functions.

 * Automatically transform a given hierarchy with this format:
 * array(
 *   'win' => array(
 *     'label' => 'Windows',
 *     'children' => array(
 *       'xp'    => array('label' => 'XP'),
 *       'vista' => array(
 *         'label' => 'Vista',
 *         'children' => array(
 *           'x86' => array('label' => '32-bits'),
 *           'x64' => array('label' => '64-bits'),
 *         ),
 *       ),
 *     ),
 *   ),
 * )
 * to one with this format:
 * array(
 *   'root' => array(
 *     'children' => array(
 *       'xp',
 *       'vista',
 *     ),
 *   ),
 *   'win' => array(
 *     'label' => 'Windows',
 *     'children' => array(
 *        'win|xp',
 *        'win|vista',
 *      ),
 *   ),
 *   'win|xp' => array(
 *     'label' => 'XP',
 *   ),
 *   'win|vista' => array(
 *     'label' => 'Vista',
 *     'children' => array(
 *        'win|vista|x86',
 *        'win|vista|x64',
 *      ),
 *   ),
 *   'win|vista|x86' => array(
 *     'label' => '32-bits',
 *   ),
 *   'win|vista|x64' => array(
 *     'label' => '64-bits',
 *   ),
 * )
 * This new format:
 * - ensures unique identifiers for each item
 * - makes it very easy to find the parent of a given item.
 * - makes it very easy to find the label and children of a given item.
 * @params $hierarchy
 *   The hierarchy.
 * @params $id
 *   A unique identifier for the hierarchy, for caching purposes.
 * @params $separator
 *   The separator to use.
function _hs_smallhierarchy_transform($hierarchy, $id, $separator = '|') {

  // Make sure each hierarchy is only transformed once.
  if (!isset($hs_hierarchy[$id])) {
    $hs_hierarchy[$id] = array();

    // Build the root level.
    foreach ($hierarchy as $item => $children) {
      $hs_hierarchy[$id]['root']['children'][] = $item;
      $hs_hierarchy[$id][$item]['label'] = $children['label'];

      // Build the subsequent levels.
      if (isset($children['children'])) {
        _hs_smallhierarchy_transform_recurse($item, $hs_hierarchy[$id], $children['children'], $separator);
  return $hs_hierarchy[$id];

 * Helper function for _hs_smallhierarchy_transform().
 * @params $parent
 *   The parent item of the current level.
 * @params $hs_hierarchy
 *   The HS hierarchy.
 * @params $relative_hierarchy
 *   The hierarchy relative to the current level.
 * @params $separator
 *   The separator to use.
function _hs_smallhierarchy_transform_recurse($parent, &$hs_hierarchy, $relative_hierarchy, $separator = '|') {
  foreach ($relative_hierarchy as $item => $children) {
    $generated_item = $parent . $separator . $item;
    $hs_hierarchy[$parent]['children'][] = $generated_item;
    $hs_hierarchy[$generated_item]['label'] = $children['label'];

    // Build the subsequent levels.
    if (isset($children['children'])) {
      _hs_smallhierarchy_transform_recurse($generated_item, $hs_hierarchy, $children['children'], $separator);


Namesort descending Description
hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_children Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_children().
hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_implementation_info Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_implementation_info().
hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_item_get_label Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_item_get_label().
hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_lineage Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_lineage().
hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_params Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_params().
hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_root_level Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_root_level().
hs_smallhierarchy_hierarchical_select_valid_item Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_valid_item().
_hs_smallhierarchy_transform Automatically transform a given hierarchy with this format: array( 'win' => array( 'label' => 'Windows', 'children' => array( 'xp' => array('label' =>…
_hs_smallhierarchy_transform_recurse Helper function for _hs_smallhierarchy_transform().