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API.txt in Hierarchical Select 6.3

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5.3 API.txt
  2. 5 API.txt
  3. 5.2 API.txt
  4. 7.3 API.txt
- item: an item in the hierarchy. A hierarchy can also be seen as a tree. In
        that case, an item can be either a parent or a child. However, if
        "multiple parents" are supported (i.e. a child can have multiple
        parents), then it's actually not a tree but a directed acyclic graph
        (see, in which
        each case technically is a "node".
        An example: in the case of taxonomy, this is the term id (tid).
- label: the label associated with an item in the hierarchy. You may now it
         as "title" or something else similar.
         An example: in the case of taxonomy, this is the actual term.
- item type: a per-level, human-readable name that describes what kind of
             items that level contains.
- entity: an item is often associated with an entity. E.g. a term is usually
          associated with a node.
- form element: a form element allows the developer to assign a new value to
                a #type property in a form item. Examples of form elements
                supported by Drupal core are: select, checkboxes, textfield.
- form item: an instance of a form element, with various other properties
             defined, such as #title, #default_value and #description. These
             are used to define a form in Drupal.
- Hierarchical Select: this is the name of the module.
- hierarchical_select: this is the internal name of the Hierarchical Select
                       form element.
- hierarchical select: (note the difference in case) this is the part of the
                       widget with the multiple selects.
- dropbox: this is the part of the widget where the selections are stored when
           multiple selections are allowed.

Form API usage
You have to make sure your form item is using the "hierarchical_select" form
element type:

  $form['select_some_term'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hierarchical_select',
    '#title' => t('Select the tag you wish to use.'),
    '#size' => 1,
    '#config' => array(
      'module' => 'hs_taxonomy',
      'params' => array(
        'vid' => $vid,
      'save_lineage'    => 0,
      'enforce_deepest' => 0,
      'entity_count'    => 0,
      'require_entity'  => 0,
      'resizable'       => 1,
      'level_labels' => array(
        'status' => 0,
        'labels' => array(
          0 => t('Main category'),
          1 => t('Subcategory'),
          2 => t('Third level category'),
      'dropbox' => array(
        'status'   => 0,
        'title'    => t('All selections'),
        'limit'    => 0,
        'reset_hs' => 1,
      'editability' => array(
        'status'           => 0,
        'item_types'       => array(),
        'allowed_levels'   => array(
          0 => 0,
          1 => 0,
          2 => 1,
        'allow_new_levels' => 0,
        'max_levels'       => 3,
      // These settings cannot be configured through the UI: they can only be
      // overridden through code.
      'animation_delay'    => 400,
      'special_items'      => array(),
      'render_flat_select' => 0,
      'path'               => 'hierarchical_select_json',
    '#default_value' => '83',

Now, let's explain what we see here:
1) We've set the #type property to "hierarchical_select" instead of "select".
2) The #size property is inherited by the selects of the hierarchical select.
   You can use it to change a vertical size of the select (i.e. change how many
   items are displayed in the select, similar to a form select multiple).
3) There's a new property: #config. This must be an
array. These are the items it can contain:
 - module (required)
   This will be passed through in the AJAX requests, to let Hierarchical
   Select know which module's hooks should be used.

 - params (optional, may be necessary for some implementations)
   An array of parameters that will also be passed through in every AJAX
   e.g. In the case of taxonomy, this is the vocabulary id (vid). In case of
   content_taxonomy, there's three parameters: vid, tid and depth (tid allows
   one to define a new root, depth allows one to limit the depth of the
   displayed hierarchy).

 - save_lineage (optional, defaults to 0)
   Triggers the lineage saving functionality. If enabled, the selection can
   consist of multiple values.

 - enforce_deepest (optional, defaults to 0)
   Triggers the enforcing of a selection in the deepest level. If enabled, the
   selection will always be a single value.

 - entity_count (optional, defaults to 0)
   Enables the display of entity counts, between parentheses, for each item in
   the hierarchy.

 - require_entity (optional, defaults to 0)
   Whether an item should only be displayed if it has at least one associated

 - resizable (optional, defaults to 1)
   Makes the hierarchical select resizable.

 - level_labels['status'] (optional, defaults to 0)
   Whether level labels should be enabled or not. When save_lineage is
   enabled, this will result in *empty* level labels.

 - level_labels['labels'] (optional)
   An array of labels, one per level. The label for the first level should be
   the value of key 0.
   When enforce_deepest is set to:
   - 0, then you can provide n level labels, with n the number of levels
   - 1, then you can provide only one level label.   

 - dropbox['status'] (optional, defaults to 0)
   Whether the dropbox is enabled or not (the dropbox allows the user to make
   multiple selections).

 - dropbox['title'] (optional, defaults to "All selections:")
   The title of the dropbox. The dropbox is the area where all selections are
   displayed when the dropbox is enabled.

 - dropbox['limit'] (optional, defaults to 0, which means "no limit")
   Limit the number of selection that can be added to the dropbox. So this
   allows you the restrict the number of items that can be selected when
   the dropbox has been enabled.
 - dropbox['reset_hs'] (optional, defaults to 1, which means "do reset")
   Determines what will happen to the hierarchical select when the user has
   added a selection to the dropbox.

 - editability['status] (optional, defaults to 0)
   Allow the user to create new items in the hierarchy.

 - editability['item_types'] (optional, defaults to the empty array)
   Only meaningful when editable is set to TRUE.
   Set the item type for each level. E.g.: "country" for the first level,
   "region" for the second and "city" for the third. When the user then wants
   to create a new item, the default label for the new item will be of the
   form "new <item type>", e.g. "new region".

 - editability['allowed_levels'] (optional, defaults to 1 for each level)
   Only meaningful when editable is set to TRUE.
   Specify in which levels the user is allowed to create new items. In the
   example, the user is only allowed to create new items in the third level.
   When a setting for a level is ommitted, it defaults to 1 (i.e. allowed for
   that level). This means you only have to specify in which levels the user
   is not allowed to create new items.
   This only applies to *existing* levels: it does not affect the
   allow_new_levels setting (the next setting).

 - editability['allow_new_levels'] (optional, defaults to 0)
   Only meaningful when editable is set to TRUE.
   Allow the user to create new levels, i.e. when a certain item does not yet
   have children, the user can create a first child for it (thus thereby
   creating a new level).

 - editability['max_levels'] (optional, defaults to 3)
   Only meaningful when editable_settings['allow_new_levels'] is set to TRUE.
   Limits the maximum number of levels. Don't set this too high or you'll end
   up with very deep hierarchies. This only affects how deep new levels can be
   created, it will not affect the existing hierarchy.

 - animation_delay (optional, defaults to 400)
   The delay of each animation (the drop in left and right animations), in ms.

 - special_items (optional, defaults to the empty array)
   Through this setting, you can mark each item with special properties it
   possesses. There currently are two special properties: 'exclusive' and
   Note: you should include these items in the hierarchy as if it were a
   normal item and then you can mark them as special through this property.
   * 'exclusive': Sometimes it's desirable to have exclusive lineages. When
                  such an option is selected, the user should not be able to
                  select anything else. This also means that  nothing else in
                  the dropbox can be selected: if the dropbox contains
                  anything, it will be reset.
                  Can be applied to multiple items.
                  e.g. an 'entire_tree' item:
                    'special_items' => array(
                      'entire_tree' => array('exclusive'),
   * 'none': Sometimes you want to replace the default '<none>' option by
             something else. This replacement should of course also exist in
             the root level.
             Can be applied to only one item.
             e.g. an 'any' item (used in hs_taxonomy_views):
               'special_items' => array(
                 'any' => array('none', 'exclusive'),
   And a final example for a better overview:
    'special_items' => array(
      'entire_tree' => array('exclusive'),
      'any'         => array('none', 'exclusive'),

 - render_flat_select (optional, defaults to 0)
   Because the hierarchical_select form element consists of multiple form
   items, it doesn't work well in GET forms. By enabling this setting, a flat
   select will also be rendered, that contains only the selected lineages.
   Combine that with Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.prepareGETSubmit in the JS code
   (or, alternatively, the 'prepare-GET-submit' event  that can be triggered,
   see the JavaScript events section for details) and you have a work-around
   (which, admittedly, only works when JS is enabled).

 - path (optional, defaults to 'hierarchical_select_json')
   The Drupal path at which a JSON object with Hierarchical Select update
   information is available. In 99% of the cases, this will remain unchanged,
   but for advanced use cases, e.g. Views, where an object is referenced by
   the form in which Hierarchical Select is present and must this exist before
   the form is rendered, this can be a work-around.
3) We *don't* specify a list of options: Hierarchical Select automatically
generates the options for us, thanks to the 'module' and 'params' settings.

- Item Unicity: each item in the hierarchy must be *unique*. It doesn't have
                to be numerical, it can also be a string.
                If your hierarchy does not have unique items by nature or by
                design (your items may be unique per level instead), that's
                not a problem. You can simply prepend the item's ancestors to
                get a unique item.
                e.g. you have an item "foobar" at the first, second and third
                levels. By prepending the ancestors using the dash as the
                separator, you'd get an item "foobar-foobar-foobar" at the
                third level.
                Also see the "Reserved item values" section.
- #options: it's gone, because it was the inherent cause for scalability
            problems: if a hierarchy consists of 10,000 or even 100,000 items,
            this results in huge HTML being generated. Huge HTML means more
            processing power necessary, and more bandwidth necessary. So where
            does Hierarchical Select get its "options"? It uses the hooks that
            every implementation has to implement to only get what it needs.
- The General Concept: you should think of Hierarchical Select as an abstract
                       widget that can represent *any* hierarchy. To be able
                       to display any hierarchy, you obviously  need some
                       universal way to "browse" a hierarchy.
                       If you are familiar with C++ or Java iterators, this
                       should come natural: the hooks you have to implement
                       is what allows Hierarchical Select to iterate over your
                       hierarchy. Then the heart of the iterator would be the
                       root_level() and children() hooks. params() allows you
                       to define which information is necessary before you can
                       determine *which* hierarchy or which *part* of the
                       hierarchy is being browsed. lineage() must return the
                       lineage, i.e. the item itself and all its ancestors,
                       this allows a hierarchy to be generated from just one
                       (selected) item.

Reserved item values
- Ensure that your items don't have a "none", "all", "create_new_item" nor
  "label_\d+" values (the latter means "label_" followed by one or more
  digits). Your values should also not contain a pipe ("|"), since pipes are
  used to separate the selection of values that are sent back to the server
  in the callbacks.
- Valid 'empty' selections (i.e. if you want to set the #default_value
  property of your form item), are -1 and the empty array. The empty string is
  also considered valid, because Drupal core's Taxonomy module uses this as
  the empty selection.

Developer mode
When you are writing your implementation of the Hierarchical Select API, you
will often wonder what Hierarchical Select is doing internally with the data
you're feeding it. That's why there's a developer mode: it will show you this
data, even the data generated in AJAX callbacks. It'll also show you the time
it took to generate the lineage, to fill up the levels and to calculate the
child info, to track down badly performing code.
Also, when you're just creating a new HS config and it doesn't quite work
right, it can be helpful to enable the developer mode. It will perform some
basic diagnostics that might help you track down the cause.
To use this, you must have a browser with console.log() support. Install 
Firebug Lite ( if your browser does not
suport this. Next, go to Hierarchical Select's .module file and set the define
for the HS_DEVELOPER_MODE constant to TRUE.
When you now open Firebug (Firefox) or the Web Inspector (Safari), you'll see
the debug output. New output is added after each callback to the server.

Hierarchical Select implementations: gotcha's
- "warning: Missing argument 1 for drupal_retrieve_form() …"
  This implies that your implementation's module weight is heavier than
  hierarchical_select.module. In that case, Hierarchical Select will not be
  able to detect hierarchical_select form items, preventing it from applying
  some magic, and AJAX updates won't work.

Hierarchical Select compatibility: gotcha's
- "Invalid response from server"
  This typically means that some functions could not be found when
  Hierarchical Select does an AHAH callback to the server, which in turn means
  that some code (some PHP file) has not been included, while it should have
  Hierarchical Select supports the same system to define files that should be
  included as CTools:
  Hence you should do something like this in your form code:
    $form_state['form_load_files'] = array(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/');
  Which could look like this in your case:
    $form_state['form_load_files'] = array(drupal_get_path('module', 'mymodule') . '/');

Why Hierarchical Select can't take advantage of Drupal 6 Form API
There are two main things that make Hierarchical Select's FAPI code very
complex. But for neither one I can take advantage of Drupal 6's FAPI
1) Hierarchical Select has its own "light" form cache (only a unique id, the
   form_id and the parameters that are passed to the form definition function)
   to make AJAX updates possible (in an AJAX callback only the Hierarchical
   Select should be re-rendered and returned).
   One would think he can use Drupal 6's shiny $form_state. But one would be
   wrong, because Views (the exposed filters form) support is a necessity. And
   that particular form doesn't work when $form['#cache'] is set.
2) add child form items based on the user's input

Hierarchical Select API Tutorial
Written by Stephen Barker of Digital Frontiers Media
( and reviewed by Wim Leers:

Hierarchical Select Small Hierarchy
Hierarchical Select includes a Hierarchical Select API implementation that
allows one to use a hardcoded hierarchy. When it becomes to slow, you should
move the hierarchy into the database and write a proper implementation.
Below you can find an example of how to use the hs_smallhierarchy module. Just
change the $hierarchy array to suit your needs and off you go! Look at the
code of hs_smallhierarchy.module for full details, but this code example
should get you started.

  $hierarchy = array(
     'win' => array(
       'label' => 'Windows',
       'children' => array(
         'xp'    => array('label' => 'XP'),
         'vista' => array(
           'label' => 'Vista',
           'children' => array(
             'x86' => array('label' => '32-bits'),
             'x64' => array('label' => '64-bits'),

  $form['select_some_term'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hierarchical_select',
    '#title' => t('Select the tag you wish to use.'),
    '#size' => 1,
    '#config' => array(
      'module' => 'hs_smallhierarchy',
      'params' => array(
        'hierarchy' => $hierarchy,
        'id' => 'my-hierarchy-about-windows',
        'separator' => '|',
      'save_lineage'    => 0,
      'enforce_deepest' => 0,
      'entity_count'    => 0,
      'resizable'       => 1,
      'level_labels' => array(
        'status' => 0,
        'labels' => array(
          0 => t('Main category'),
          1 => t('Subcategory'),
          2 => t('Third level category'),
      'dropbox' => array(
        'status'   => 0,
        'title'    => t('All selections'),
        'limit'    => 0,
        'reset_hs' => 1,
      'editability' => array(
        'status'           => 0,
        'item_types'       => array(),
        'allowed_levels'   => array(
          0 => 0,
          1 => 0,
          2 => 1,
        'allow_new_levels' => 0,
        'max_levels'       => 3,
      // These settings cannot be configured through the UI: they can only be
      // overridden through code.
      'animation_delay'    => 400,
      'exclusive_lineages' => array(),
      'render_flat_select' => 0,
    '#description' => 'Put your description here',
    '#default_value' => 'win|xp|x86',

1) hook_hierarchical_select_params();
   Returns an array with the names of all parameters that are necessary for
   this implementation to work.

2) hook_hierarchical_select_root_level($params, $dropbox = FALSE);
   Returns the root level of the hierarchy: an array of (item, label) pairs.
   The $dropbox parameter can is optional and can even ommitted, as it's only
   necessary if you need the dropbox to influence your hierarchy.

3) hook_hierarchical_select_children($parent, $params, $dropbox = FALSE);
   Gets the children of $parent ($parent is an item in the hierarchy) and
   returns them: an array of (item, label) pairs, or the empty array if the
   given $parent has no children.
   The $dropbox parameter can is optional and can even ommitted, as it's only
   necessary if you need the dropbox to influence your hierarchy.

4) hook_hierarchical_select_lineage($item, $params);
   Calculates the lineage of $item (array of items, with $item the last) and
   returns it. Necessary when the "enforce_deepest" option is enabled.

5) hook_hierarchical_select_valid_item($item, $params);
   Validates an item, returns TRUE if valid, FALSE if invalid.

6) hook_hierarchical_select_item_get_label($item, $params);
   Given a valid item, returns the label. Is only used for rendering the
   selections in the dropbox.

7) hook_hierarchical_select_create_item($label, $parent, $params);
   Given a parent item and the label of a new item, create a new item as a
   child of the parent item. When $parent == 0, this means a new item is being
   created at the root level.
   Optional hook. When this hook is not implemented, this functionality will
   never be used, even when you configure it that way in code.

8) hook_hierarchical_select_entity_count($item, $params);
   Given a item, get the number of entities (most of the time the entity type
   is 'node') that are related to the given item. Used for the entity_count
   and require_entity settings.
   Optional hook. When this hook is not implemented, this functionality will
   never be used, even when you configure it that way (i.e. when you enable
   the entity_count and require_entity settings).

9) hook_hierarchical_select_implementation_info();
   Return metadata about this implementation.
   This information is used to generate the implementations overview at
   admin/settings/hierarchical_select/implementations. The expected format is:

        'hierarchy type' => t('Taxonomy'),
        'entity type'    => t('Node'),
        'entity'         => t('Story'),
        'context type'   => t('Node form'),
        'context'        => '',
    another example:

        'hierarchy type' => t('Taxonomy'),
        'entity type'    => t('Node'),
        'entity'         => '',
        'context type'   => t('Views exposed filter'),
        'context'        => t('some view'),

10) hook_hierarchical_select_config_info();
    Return metadata about each available user-editable configuration for this
    Optional hook. This information is used to generate the configurations
    overview at admin/settings/hierarchical_select/configs. The expected
    format is:

      $config_info[$config_id] = array(
        'config_id'      => $config_id,
        'hierarchy type' => t('Taxonomy'),
        'hierarchy'      => t($vocabulary->name),
        'entity type'    => t('Node'),
        'entity'         => implode(', ', array_map('t', $entities)),
        'edit link'      => "admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/$vid",

Standardized configuration form
Hierarchical Select 3 comes with a standardized configuration form: 
hierarchical_select_common_config_form(). This function accepts a lot of
parameters, which allows you to use names typical to your module's hierarchy
(e.g. 'leaf' instead of 'term' and 'tree' instead of 'vocabulary'). A submit
handler is also provided, of course.
An example:

  // I'm not configuring all parameters here. For an example of that, see one
  // of the included modules.
  $form['foobar_hierarchical_select_config'] = hierarchical_select_common_config_form($module, $params, $config_id, $defaults, $strings, $max_hierarchy_depth, $preview_is_required);

  // Add the the submit handler for the Hierarchical Select config form.
  $parents = array('foobar_hierarchical_select_config');
  $form['#submit'][] = 'hierarchical_select_common_config_form_submit';
  $form['#hs_common_config_form_parents'] = $parents;

Configuration management
It's now possible to export Hierarchical Select configurations, and there is a
function to set the configuration of a certain Hierarchical Select. Combine
the two and you can manage your Hierarchical Select configurations in code!
An example:

  // The exported configuration.
  $config = array( … );
  $config_id = $config['config_id];

  // Apply the configuration.
  require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'hierarchical_select') .'/includes/');
  hierarchical_select_common_config_set($config_id, $config);

JavaScript events
The Hierarchical Select module's JavaScript code triggers several events, to
allow for advanced interactions.

You can find all hierarchical_select form items using this selector:


You can find a *specific* hierarchical_select form item using this selector:


where x is a number, or more accurately: a hsid (hierarchical select id).
Retrieving all hsids in the current document can be done like this:

  for (var hsid in Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings) {
    // …

Alternatively, you can use one of the transliterated class names. A wrapper
for Hierarchical Select looks like this:
  <div class="hierarchical-select-wrapper
Hence, you could also use selectors such as these, to achieve the same effect,
but with more robust code:

The following events are triggered:
  - change-hierarchical-select
  - update-hierarchical-select
  - create-new-item
  - cancel-new-item
  - add-to-dropbox
  - remove-from-dropbox
  - enforced-update
  - prepared-GET-submit
All events are triggered *after* the animations have completed.

However, it's often useful to do something *before* an event (especially
because all of the above events perform an AJAX request to the server). So,
the equivalent "before" events exist as well:
  - before-update-hierarchical-select
  - before-create-new-item
  - before-cancel-new-item
  - before-add-to-dropbox
  - before-remove-from-dropbox
  - before-enforced-update
There is one exception: when the cache is enabled, the "before update
hierarchical select" event will not be triggered. This makes sense, because
updates from the cache are instantaneous.

An example of binding a function to the 'create-new-item' event of the second
(hsid == 1) hierarchical_select form item on the page:

  .bind('create-new-item', function() {
    // …

And finally, you can trigger a special event to enforce an update (this can be
useful when you have changed a hierarchy through another form item, or for
live previews, or …). You can then also pass additional information that will
be POSTed. You can even disable normal updates, to manage that completely
yourself via enforced updates. This allows you to write a Hierarchical Select
implementation that gets some of its information ($params) from another form
Suppose you'd like to enforce an update of the first (hsid == 0)
hierarchical_select form item on the page:


Now let's move on to a more advanced example, in which we will disable normal
updates and let another form item (here a select) provide a part of the
information that will be used to render the Hierarchical Select. Effectively,
this other form item will *influence* the hierarchy that will be presented by
Hierarchical Select!

  $(document).ready(function() {
    Drupal.settings.specialfilter = {};

    // .specialfilter-first: a select form item
    // .specialfilter-second: a hierarchical_select form item

    update = function() {
      var selection = Drupal.settings.specialfilter.currentSelection;

      // Send an extra parameter via POST: dynamicParameter. This is the stored
      // selection.
          { name : 'dynamicParameter', value : selection }

    attachHSBindings = function() {
      // When a user navigates the hierarchical_select form item, we still want to
      // POST the the extra dynamicParameter, or otherwise we will no longer have
      // a hierarchy in the hierarchical_select form item that really depends on
      // the select.
      $('.specialfilter-second .hierarchical-select > select')
      .change(function() { update(); });

      .unbind('enforced-update').bind('enforced-update', function() { return attachHSBindings(); });

    // Initialize after 25 ms, because otherwise the event binding of HS will
    // not yet be ready, and hence this won't have any effect
    setTimeout(function() {
      // Get the initial selection (before the user has changed anything).
      Drupal.settings.specialfilter.currentSelection = $('.specialfilter-first').attr('value');

      // When the select form item changes, we want to *store* that selection, and
      // update the hierarchical_select form item.
      .change(function() {
        // Store the current selection.
        Drupal.settings.specialfilter.currentSelection = $(this).attr('value');


    }, 25);

The 'enforced-update' (notice the past tense!) event is triggered upon
An even more rarely used special event can be triggered to prepare the
hierarchical_select form element for a get submit: the 'prepare GET submit'
event. To use this event, the 'render_flat_select' setting should be enabled
in the config.


View source
  1. Terminology
  2. -----------
  3. - item: an item in the hierarchy. A hierarchy can also be seen as a tree. In
  4. that case, an item can be either a parent or a child. However, if
  5. "multiple parents" are supported (i.e. a child can have multiple
  6. parents), then it's actually not a tree but a directed acyclic graph
  7. (see, in which
  8. each case technically is a "node".
  9. An example: in the case of taxonomy, this is the term id (tid).
  10. - label: the label associated with an item in the hierarchy. You may now it
  11. as "title" or something else similar.
  12. An example: in the case of taxonomy, this is the actual term.
  13. - item type: a per-level, human-readable name that describes what kind of
  14. items that level contains.
  15. - entity: an item is often associated with an entity. E.g. a term is usually
  16. associated with a node.
  17. - form element: a form element allows the developer to assign a new value to
  18. a #type property in a form item. Examples of form elements
  19. supported by Drupal core are: select, checkboxes, textfield.
  20. - form item: an instance of a form element, with various other properties
  21. defined, such as #title, #default_value and #description. These
  22. are used to define a form in Drupal.
  23. - Hierarchical Select: this is the name of the module.
  24. - hierarchical_select: this is the internal name of the Hierarchical Select
  25. form element.
  26. - hierarchical select: (note the difference in case) this is the part of the
  27. widget with the multiple selects.
  28. - dropbox: this is the part of the widget where the selections are stored when
  29. multiple selections are allowed.
  30. Form API usage
  31. --------------
  32. You have to make sure your form item is using the "hierarchical_select" form
  33. element type:
  34. $form['select_some_term'] = array(
  35. '#type' => 'hierarchical_select',
  36. '#title' => t('Select the tag you wish to use.'),
  37. '#size' => 1,
  38. '#config' => array(
  39. 'module' => 'hs_taxonomy',
  40. 'params' => array(
  41. 'vid' => $vid,
  42. ),
  43. 'save_lineage' => 0,
  44. 'enforce_deepest' => 0,
  45. 'entity_count' => 0,
  46. 'require_entity' => 0,
  47. 'resizable' => 1,
  48. 'level_labels' => array(
  49. 'status' => 0,
  50. 'labels' => array(
  51. 0 => t('Main category'),
  52. 1 => t('Subcategory'),
  53. 2 => t('Third level category'),
  54. ),
  55. ),
  56. 'dropbox' => array(
  57. 'status' => 0,
  58. 'title' => t('All selections'),
  59. 'limit' => 0,
  60. 'reset_hs' => 1,
  61. ),
  62. 'editability' => array(
  63. 'status' => 0,
  64. 'item_types' => array(),
  65. 'allowed_levels' => array(
  66. 0 => 0,
  67. 1 => 0,
  68. 2 => 1,
  69. ),
  70. 'allow_new_levels' => 0,
  71. 'max_levels' => 3,
  72. ),
  73. // These settings cannot be configured through the UI: they can only be
  74. // overridden through code.
  75. 'animation_delay' => 400,
  76. 'special_items' => array(),
  77. 'render_flat_select' => 0,
  78. 'path' => 'hierarchical_select_json',
  79. ),
  80. '#default_value' => '83',
  81. );
  82. Now, let's explain what we see here:
  83. 1) We've set the #type property to "hierarchical_select" instead of "select".
  84. 2) The #size property is inherited by the selects of the hierarchical select.
  85. You can use it to change a vertical size of the select (i.e. change how many
  86. items are displayed in the select, similar to a form select multiple).
  87. 3) There's a new property: #config. This must be an
  88. array. These are the items it can contain:
  89. - module (required)
  90. This will be passed through in the AJAX requests, to let Hierarchical
  91. Select know which module's hooks should be used.
  92. - params (optional, may be necessary for some implementations)
  93. An array of parameters that will also be passed through in every AJAX
  94. request.
  95. e.g. In the case of taxonomy, this is the vocabulary id (vid). In case of
  96. content_taxonomy, there's three parameters: vid, tid and depth (tid allows
  97. one to define a new root, depth allows one to limit the depth of the
  98. displayed hierarchy).
  99. - save_lineage (optional, defaults to 0)
  100. Triggers the lineage saving functionality. If enabled, the selection can
  101. consist of multiple values.
  102. - enforce_deepest (optional, defaults to 0)
  103. Triggers the enforcing of a selection in the deepest level. If enabled, the
  104. selection will always be a single value.
  105. - entity_count (optional, defaults to 0)
  106. Enables the display of entity counts, between parentheses, for each item in
  107. the hierarchy.
  108. - require_entity (optional, defaults to 0)
  109. Whether an item should only be displayed if it has at least one associated
  110. entity.
  111. - resizable (optional, defaults to 1)
  112. Makes the hierarchical select resizable.
  113. - level_labels['status'] (optional, defaults to 0)
  114. Whether level labels should be enabled or not. When save_lineage is
  115. enabled, this will result in *empty* level labels.
  116. - level_labels['labels'] (optional)
  117. An array of labels, one per level. The label for the first level should be
  118. the value of key 0.
  119. When enforce_deepest is set to:
  120. - 0, then you can provide n level labels, with n the number of levels
  121. - 1, then you can provide only one level label.
  122. - dropbox['status'] (optional, defaults to 0)
  123. Whether the dropbox is enabled or not (the dropbox allows the user to make
  124. multiple selections).
  125. - dropbox['title'] (optional, defaults to "All selections:")
  126. The title of the dropbox. The dropbox is the area where all selections are
  127. displayed when the dropbox is enabled.
  128. - dropbox['limit'] (optional, defaults to 0, which means "no limit")
  129. Limit the number of selection that can be added to the dropbox. So this
  130. allows you the restrict the number of items that can be selected when
  131. the dropbox has been enabled.
  132. - dropbox['reset_hs'] (optional, defaults to 1, which means "do reset")
  133. Determines what will happen to the hierarchical select when the user has
  134. added a selection to the dropbox.
  135. - editability['status] (optional, defaults to 0)
  136. Allow the user to create new items in the hierarchy.
  137. - editability['item_types'] (optional, defaults to the empty array)
  138. Only meaningful when editable is set to TRUE.
  139. Set the item type for each level. E.g.: "country" for the first level,
  140. "region" for the second and "city" for the third. When the user then wants
  141. to create a new item, the default label for the new item will be of the
  142. form "new ", e.g. "new region".
  143. - editability['allowed_levels'] (optional, defaults to 1 for each level)
  144. Only meaningful when editable is set to TRUE.
  145. Specify in which levels the user is allowed to create new items. In the
  146. example, the user is only allowed to create new items in the third level.
  147. When a setting for a level is ommitted, it defaults to 1 (i.e. allowed for
  148. that level). This means you only have to specify in which levels the user
  149. is not allowed to create new items.
  150. This only applies to *existing* levels: it does not affect the
  151. allow_new_levels setting (the next setting).
  152. - editability['allow_new_levels'] (optional, defaults to 0)
  153. Only meaningful when editable is set to TRUE.
  154. Allow the user to create new levels, i.e. when a certain item does not yet
  155. have children, the user can create a first child for it (thus thereby
  156. creating a new level).
  157. - editability['max_levels'] (optional, defaults to 3)
  158. Only meaningful when editable_settings['allow_new_levels'] is set to TRUE.
  159. Limits the maximum number of levels. Don't set this too high or you'll end
  160. up with very deep hierarchies. This only affects how deep new levels can be
  161. created, it will not affect the existing hierarchy.
  162. - animation_delay (optional, defaults to 400)
  163. The delay of each animation (the drop in left and right animations), in ms.
  164. - special_items (optional, defaults to the empty array)
  165. Through this setting, you can mark each item with special properties it
  166. possesses. There currently are two special properties: 'exclusive' and
  167. 'none'.
  168. Note: you should include these items in the hierarchy as if it were a
  169. normal item and then you can mark them as special through this property.
  170. * 'exclusive': Sometimes it's desirable to have exclusive lineages. When
  171. such an option is selected, the user should not be able to
  172. select anything else. This also means that nothing else in
  173. the dropbox can be selected: if the dropbox contains
  174. anything, it will be reset.
  175. Can be applied to multiple items.
  176. e.g. an 'entire_tree' item:
  177. 'special_items' => array(
  178. 'entire_tree' => array('exclusive'),
  179. )
  180. * 'none': Sometimes you want to replace the default '' option by
  181. something else. This replacement should of course also exist in
  182. the root level.
  183. Can be applied to only one item.
  184. e.g. an 'any' item (used in hs_taxonomy_views):
  185. 'special_items' => array(
  186. 'any' => array('none', 'exclusive'),
  187. )
  188. And a final example for a better overview:
  189. 'special_items' => array(
  190. 'entire_tree' => array('exclusive'),
  191. 'any' => array('none', 'exclusive'),
  192. )
  193. - render_flat_select (optional, defaults to 0)
  194. Because the hierarchical_select form element consists of multiple form
  195. items, it doesn't work well in GET forms. By enabling this setting, a flat
  196. select will also be rendered, that contains only the selected lineages.
  197. Combine that with Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.prepareGETSubmit in the JS code
  198. (or, alternatively, the 'prepare-GET-submit' event that can be triggered,
  199. see the JavaScript events section for details) and you have a work-around
  200. (which, admittedly, only works when JS is enabled).
  201. - path (optional, defaults to 'hierarchical_select_json')
  202. The Drupal path at which a JSON object with Hierarchical Select update
  203. information is available. In 99% of the cases, this will remain unchanged,
  204. but for advanced use cases, e.g. Views, where an object is referenced by
  205. the form in which Hierarchical Select is present and must this exist before
  206. the form is rendered, this can be a work-around.
  207. 3) We *don't* specify a list of options: Hierarchical Select automatically
  208. generates the options for us, thanks to the 'module' and 'params' settings.
  209. Concepts
  210. --------
  211. - Item Unicity: each item in the hierarchy must be *unique*. It doesn't have
  212. to be numerical, it can also be a string.
  213. If your hierarchy does not have unique items by nature or by
  214. design (your items may be unique per level instead), that's
  215. not a problem. You can simply prepend the item's ancestors to
  216. get a unique item.
  217. e.g. you have an item "foobar" at the first, second and third
  218. levels. By prepending the ancestors using the dash as the
  219. separator, you'd get an item "foobar-foobar-foobar" at the
  220. third level.
  221. Also see the "Reserved item values" section.
  222. - #options: it's gone, because it was the inherent cause for scalability
  223. problems: if a hierarchy consists of 10,000 or even 100,000 items,
  224. this results in huge HTML being generated. Huge HTML means more
  225. processing power necessary, and more bandwidth necessary. So where
  226. does Hierarchical Select get its "options"? It uses the hooks that
  227. every implementation has to implement to only get what it needs.
  228. - The General Concept: you should think of Hierarchical Select as an abstract
  229. widget that can represent *any* hierarchy. To be able
  230. to display any hierarchy, you obviously need some
  231. universal way to "browse" a hierarchy.
  232. If you are familiar with C++ or Java iterators, this
  233. should come natural: the hooks you have to implement
  234. is what allows Hierarchical Select to iterate over your
  235. hierarchy. Then the heart of the iterator would be the
  236. root_level() and children() hooks. params() allows you
  237. to define which information is necessary before you can
  238. determine *which* hierarchy or which *part* of the
  239. hierarchy is being browsed. lineage() must return the
  240. lineage, i.e. the item itself and all its ancestors,
  241. this allows a hierarchy to be generated from just one
  242. (selected) item.
  243. Reserved item values
  244. --------------------
  245. - Ensure that your items don't have a "none", "all", "create_new_item" nor
  246. "label_\d+" values (the latter means "label_" followed by one or more
  247. digits). Your values should also not contain a pipe ("|"), since pipes are
  248. used to separate the selection of values that are sent back to the server
  249. in the callbacks.
  250. - Valid 'empty' selections (i.e. if you want to set the #default_value
  251. property of your form item), are -1 and the empty array. The empty string is
  252. also considered valid, because Drupal core's Taxonomy module uses this as
  253. the empty selection.
  254. Developer mode
  255. --------------
  256. When you are writing your implementation of the Hierarchical Select API, you
  257. will often wonder what Hierarchical Select is doing internally with the data
  258. you're feeding it. That's why there's a developer mode: it will show you this
  259. data, even the data generated in AJAX callbacks. It'll also show you the time
  260. it took to generate the lineage, to fill up the levels and to calculate the
  261. child info, to track down badly performing code.
  262. Also, when you're just creating a new HS config and it doesn't quite work
  263. right, it can be helpful to enable the developer mode. It will perform some
  264. basic diagnostics that might help you track down the cause.
  265. To use this, you must have a browser with console.log() support. Install
  266. Firebug Lite ( if your browser does not
  267. suport this. Next, go to Hierarchical Select's .module file and set the define
  268. for the HS_DEVELOPER_MODE constant to TRUE.
  269. When you now open Firebug (Firefox) or the Web Inspector (Safari), you'll see
  270. the debug output. New output is added after each callback to the server.
  271. Hierarchical Select implementations: gotcha's
  272. ---------------------------------------------
  273. - "warning: Missing argument 1 for drupal_retrieve_form() …"
  274. This implies that your implementation's module weight is heavier than
  275. hierarchical_select.module. In that case, Hierarchical Select will not be
  276. able to detect hierarchical_select form items, preventing it from applying
  277. some magic, and AJAX updates won't work.
  278. Hierarchical Select compatibility: gotcha's
  279. -------------------------------------------
  280. - "Invalid response from server"
  281. This typically means that some functions could not be found when
  282. Hierarchical Select does an AHAH callback to the server, which in turn means
  283. that some code (some PHP file) has not been included, while it should have
  284. been.
  285. Hierarchical Select supports the same system to define files that should be
  286. included as CTools:
  287. $form_state['form_load_files']
  288. Hence you should do something like this in your form code:
  289. $form_state['form_load_files'] = array(drupal_get_path('module', 'node') . '/');
  290. Which could look like this in your case:
  291. $form_state['form_load_files'] = array(drupal_get_path('module', 'mymodule') . '/');
  292. Why Hierarchical Select can't take advantage of Drupal 6 Form API
  293. -----------------------------------------------------------------
  294. There are two main things that make Hierarchical Select's FAPI code very
  295. complex. But for neither one I can take advantage of Drupal 6's FAPI
  296. improvements.
  297. 1) Hierarchical Select has its own "light" form cache (only a unique id, the
  298. form_id and the parameters that are passed to the form definition function)
  299. to make AJAX updates possible (in an AJAX callback only the Hierarchical
  300. Select should be re-rendered and returned).
  301. One would think he can use Drupal 6's shiny $form_state. But one would be
  302. wrong, because Views (the exposed filters form) support is a necessity. And
  303. that particular form doesn't work when $form['#cache'] is set.
  304. 2) add child form items based on the user's input
  305. Hierarchical Select API Tutorial
  306. --------------------------------
  307. Written by Stephen Barker of Digital Frontiers Media
  308. ( and reviewed by Wim Leers:
  310. Hierarchical Select Small Hierarchy
  311. -----------------------------------
  312. Hierarchical Select includes a Hierarchical Select API implementation that
  313. allows one to use a hardcoded hierarchy. When it becomes to slow, you should
  314. move the hierarchy into the database and write a proper implementation.
  315. Below you can find an example of how to use the hs_smallhierarchy module. Just
  316. change the $hierarchy array to suit your needs and off you go! Look at the
  317. code of hs_smallhierarchy.module for full details, but this code example
  318. should get you started.
  319. $hierarchy = array(
  320. 'win' => array(
  321. 'label' => 'Windows',
  322. 'children' => array(
  323. 'xp' => array('label' => 'XP'),
  324. 'vista' => array(
  325. 'label' => 'Vista',
  326. 'children' => array(
  327. 'x86' => array('label' => '32-bits'),
  328. 'x64' => array('label' => '64-bits'),
  329. ),
  330. ),
  331. ),
  332. ),
  333. );
  334. $form['select_some_term'] = array(
  335. '#type' => 'hierarchical_select',
  336. '#title' => t('Select the tag you wish to use.'),
  337. '#size' => 1,
  338. '#config' => array(
  339. 'module' => 'hs_smallhierarchy',
  340. 'params' => array(
  341. 'hierarchy' => $hierarchy,
  342. 'id' => 'my-hierarchy-about-windows',
  343. 'separator' => '|',
  344. ),
  345. 'save_lineage' => 0,
  346. 'enforce_deepest' => 0,
  347. 'entity_count' => 0,
  348. 'resizable' => 1,
  349. 'level_labels' => array(
  350. 'status' => 0,
  351. 'labels' => array(
  352. 0 => t('Main category'),
  353. 1 => t('Subcategory'),
  354. 2 => t('Third level category'),
  355. ),
  356. ),
  357. 'dropbox' => array(
  358. 'status' => 0,
  359. 'title' => t('All selections'),
  360. 'limit' => 0,
  361. 'reset_hs' => 1,
  362. ),
  363. 'editability' => array(
  364. 'status' => 0,
  365. 'item_types' => array(),
  366. 'allowed_levels' => array(
  367. 0 => 0,
  368. 1 => 0,
  369. 2 => 1,
  370. ),
  371. 'allow_new_levels' => 0,
  372. 'max_levels' => 3,
  373. ),
  374. // These settings cannot be configured through the UI: they can only be
  375. // overridden through code.
  376. 'animation_delay' => 400,
  377. 'exclusive_lineages' => array(),
  378. 'render_flat_select' => 0,
  379. ),
  380. '#description' => 'Put your description here',
  381. '#default_value' => 'win|xp|x86',
  382. );
  383. Hooks
  384. -----
  385. 1) hook_hierarchical_select_params();
  386. Returns an array with the names of all parameters that are necessary for
  387. this implementation to work.
  388. 2) hook_hierarchical_select_root_level($params, $dropbox = FALSE);
  389. Returns the root level of the hierarchy: an array of (item, label) pairs.
  390. The $dropbox parameter can is optional and can even ommitted, as it's only
  391. necessary if you need the dropbox to influence your hierarchy.
  392. 3) hook_hierarchical_select_children($parent, $params, $dropbox = FALSE);
  393. Gets the children of $parent ($parent is an item in the hierarchy) and
  394. returns them: an array of (item, label) pairs, or the empty array if the
  395. given $parent has no children.
  396. The $dropbox parameter can is optional and can even ommitted, as it's only
  397. necessary if you need the dropbox to influence your hierarchy.
  398. 4) hook_hierarchical_select_lineage($item, $params);
  399. Calculates the lineage of $item (array of items, with $item the last) and
  400. returns it. Necessary when the "enforce_deepest" option is enabled.
  401. 5) hook_hierarchical_select_valid_item($item, $params);
  402. Validates an item, returns TRUE if valid, FALSE if invalid.
  403. 6) hook_hierarchical_select_item_get_label($item, $params);
  404. Given a valid item, returns the label. Is only used for rendering the
  405. selections in the dropbox.
  406. 7) hook_hierarchical_select_create_item($label, $parent, $params);
  407. Given a parent item and the label of a new item, create a new item as a
  408. child of the parent item. When $parent == 0, this means a new item is being
  409. created at the root level.
  410. Optional hook. When this hook is not implemented, this functionality will
  411. never be used, even when you configure it that way in code.
  412. 8) hook_hierarchical_select_entity_count($item, $params);
  413. Given a item, get the number of entities (most of the time the entity type
  414. is 'node') that are related to the given item. Used for the entity_count
  415. and require_entity settings.
  416. Optional hook. When this hook is not implemented, this functionality will
  417. never be used, even when you configure it that way (i.e. when you enable
  418. the entity_count and require_entity settings).
  419. 9) hook_hierarchical_select_implementation_info();
  420. Return metadata about this implementation.
  421. This information is used to generate the implementations overview at
  422. admin/settings/hierarchical_select/implementations. The expected format is:
  423. array(
  424. 'hierarchy type' => t('Taxonomy'),
  425. 'entity type' => t('Node'),
  426. 'entity' => t('Story'),
  427. 'context type' => t('Node form'),
  428. 'context' => '',
  429. );
  430. another example:
  431. array(
  432. 'hierarchy type' => t('Taxonomy'),
  433. 'entity type' => t('Node'),
  434. 'entity' => '',
  435. 'context type' => t('Views exposed filter'),
  436. 'context' => t('some view'),
  437. );
  438. 10) hook_hierarchical_select_config_info();
  439. Return metadata about each available user-editable configuration for this
  440. implementation.
  441. Optional hook. This information is used to generate the configurations
  442. overview at admin/settings/hierarchical_select/configs. The expected
  443. format is:
  444. $config_info[$config_id] = array(
  445. 'config_id' => $config_id,
  446. 'hierarchy type' => t('Taxonomy'),
  447. 'hierarchy' => t($vocabulary->name),
  448. 'entity type' => t('Node'),
  449. 'entity' => implode(', ', array_map('t', $entities)),
  450. 'edit link' => "admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/$vid",
  451. );
  452. Standardized configuration form
  453. -------------------------------
  454. Hierarchical Select 3 comes with a standardized configuration form:
  455. hierarchical_select_common_config_form(). This function accepts a lot of
  456. parameters, which allows you to use names typical to your module's hierarchy
  457. (e.g. 'leaf' instead of 'term' and 'tree' instead of 'vocabulary'). A submit
  458. handler is also provided, of course.
  459. An example:
  460. // I'm not configuring all parameters here. For an example of that, see one
  461. // of the included modules.
  462. $form['foobar_hierarchical_select_config'] = hierarchical_select_common_config_form($module, $params, $config_id, $defaults, $strings, $max_hierarchy_depth, $preview_is_required);
  463. // Add the the submit handler for the Hierarchical Select config form.
  464. $parents = array('foobar_hierarchical_select_config');
  465. $form['#submit'][] = 'hierarchical_select_common_config_form_submit';
  466. $form['#hs_common_config_form_parents'] = $parents;
  467. Configuration management
  468. ------------------------
  469. It's now possible to export Hierarchical Select configurations, and there is a
  470. function to set the configuration of a certain Hierarchical Select. Combine
  471. the two and you can manage your Hierarchical Select configurations in code!
  472. An example:
  473. // The exported configuration.
  474. $config = array( … );
  475. $config_id = $config['config_id];
  476. // Apply the configuration.
  477. require_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'hierarchical_select') .'/includes/');
  478. hierarchical_select_common_config_set($config_id, $config);
  479. JavaScript events
  480. -----------------
  481. The Hierarchical Select module's JavaScript code triggers several events, to
  482. allow for advanced interactions.
  483. You can find all hierarchical_select form items using this selector:
  484. $('.hierarchical-select-wrapper');
  485. You can find a *specific* hierarchical_select form item using this selector:
  486. $('#hierarchical-select-x-wrapper');
  487. where x is a number, or more accurately: a hsid (hierarchical select id).
  488. Retrieving all hsids in the current document can be done like this:
  489. for (var hsid in Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings) {
  490. // …
  491. }
  492. Alternatively, you can use one of the transliterated class names. A wrapper
  493. for Hierarchical Select looks like this:
  494. id="hierarchical-select-35-wrapper">
  • Hence, you could also use selectors such as these, to achieve the same effect,
  • but with more robust code:
  • $('.hierarchical-select-wrapper-for-config-taxonomy-1:first')
  • .trigger('enforce-update');
  • $('.hierarchical-select-wrapper-for-name-edit-taxonomy-1:first')
  • .trigger('enforce-update');
  • The following events are triggered:
  • - change-hierarchical-select
  • - update-hierarchical-select
  • - create-new-item
  • - cancel-new-item
  • - add-to-dropbox
  • - remove-from-dropbox
  • - enforced-update
  • - prepared-GET-submit
  • All events are triggered *after* the animations have completed.
  • However, it's often useful to do something *before* an event (especially
  • because all of the above events perform an AJAX request to the server). So,
  • the equivalent "before" events exist as well:
  • - before-update-hierarchical-select
  • - before-create-new-item
  • - before-cancel-new-item
  • - before-add-to-dropbox
  • - before-remove-from-dropbox
  • - before-enforced-update
  • There is one exception: when the cache is enabled, the "before update
  • hierarchical select" event will not be triggered. This makes sense, because
  • updates from the cache are instantaneous.
  • An example of binding a function to the 'create-new-item' event of the second
  • (hsid == 1) hierarchical_select form item on the page:
  • $('#hierarchical-select-1-wrapper')
  • .bind('create-new-item', function() {
  • // …
  • });
  • And finally, you can trigger a special event to enforce an update (this can be
  • useful when you have changed a hierarchy through another form item, or for
  • live previews, or …). You can then also pass additional information that will
  • be POSTed. You can even disable normal updates, to manage that completely
  • yourself via enforced updates. This allows you to write a Hierarchical Select
  • implementation that gets some of its information ($params) from another form
  • item!
  • Suppose you'd like to enforce an update of the first (hsid == 0)
  • hierarchical_select form item on the page:
  • $('#hierarchical-select-0-wrapper')
  • .trigger('enforce-update');
  • Now let's move on to a more advanced example, in which we will disable normal
  • updates and let another form item (here a select) provide a part of the
  • information that will be used to render the Hierarchical Select. Effectively,
  • this other form item will *influence* the hierarchy that will be presented by
  • Hierarchical Select!
  • $(document).ready(function() {
  • Drupal.settings.specialfilter = {};
  • // .specialfilter-first: a select form item
  • // .specialfilter-second: a hierarchical_select form item
  • update = function() {
  • var selection = Drupal.settings.specialfilter.currentSelection;
  • // Send an extra parameter via POST: dynamicParameter. This is the stored
  • // selection.
  • $('.specialfilter-second')
  • .trigger('enforce-update',
  • [
  • { name : 'dynamicParameter', value : selection }
  • ]
  • );
  • };
  • attachHSBindings = function() {
  • // When a user navigates the hierarchical_select form item, we still want to
  • // POST the the extra dynamicParameter, or otherwise we will no longer have
  • // a hierarchy in the hierarchical_select form item that really depends on
  • // the select.
  • $('.specialfilter-second .hierarchical-select > select')
  • .change(function() { update(); });
  • $('.specialfilter-second')
  • .unbind('enforced-update').bind('enforced-update', function() { return attachHSBindings(); });
  • };
  • // Initialize after 25 ms, because otherwise the event binding of HS will
  • // not yet be ready, and hence this won't have any effect
  • setTimeout(function() {
  • // Get the initial selection (before the user has changed anything).
  • Drupal.settings.specialfilter.currentSelection = $('.specialfilter-first').attr('value');
  • // When the select form item changes, we want to *store* that selection, and
  • // update the hierarchical_select form item.
  • $('.specialfilter-first')
  • .change(function() {
  • // Store the current selection.
  • Drupal.settings.specialfilter.currentSelection = $(this).attr('value');
  • update();
  • });
  • $('.specialfilter-second')
  • .trigger('disable-updates');
  • attachHSBindings();
  • }, 25);
  • });
  • The 'enforced-update' (notice the past tense!) event is triggered upon
  • completion.
  • An even more rarely used special event can be triggered to prepare the
  • hierarchical_select form element for a get submit: the 'prepare GET submit'
  • event. To use this event, the 'render_flat_select' setting should be enabled
  • in the config.