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public function InstallProfile::validateProfile in Helper 8

Validates a profile and checks its various requirements.

This method performs the following validations:

  • Does the profile exist?
  • Does the profile have all of its module dependencies currently enabled?
  • Does the profile or any of its dependencies fail any hook_requirements() checks with errors?
  • Does the current profile have any enabled modules or themes inside of it that will go "missing" when switching to the new profile?


string $profile: The profile name.


\InvalidArgumentException If the profile does not exist.

\Drupal\Core\Installer\Exception\InstallerException If the profile failed any validations.


src/InstallProfile.php, line 153


Helpers related to working with install profiles.




public function validateProfile($profile) {

  // Ensure the profile exists.
  if (!$this->profileList
    ->exists($profile)) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The {$profile} profile does not exist.");

  // Ensure that the desired profile is different from the current profile.
  if ($profile === \Drupal::installProfile()) {
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The current install profile is already set to {$profile}.");

  // Make sure the installation API is available.
  include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/';

  // Check that the profile's dependencies are already enabled.
  $info = install_profile_info($profile);
  if (!empty($info['dependencies']) && ($missing_dependencies = array_diff($info['dependencies'], array_keys($this->moduleHandler
    ->getModuleList())))) {
    throw new InstallerException("The following module dependencies are not enabled or are missing for the {$profile} profile: " . implode(', ', $missing_dependencies) . '.');

  // Ensure that the profile's .install file and classes are available, since
  // drupal_check_profile only does this for the install profile's
  // dependencies, but not the install profile itself.
  $profile_path = drupal_get_path('profile', $profile);
  $profile_install_file = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $profile_path . "/{$profile}.install";
    ->addPsr4('Drupal\\' . $profile_path . '\\', \Drupal::root() . "/{$profile_path}/src");
  if (is_file($profile_install_file)) {
    require_once $profile_install_file;

  // Ensure that requirements are checked for the new profile.
  $requirements = drupal_check_profile($profile);
  if (is_array($requirements) && drupal_requirements_severity($requirements) === REQUIREMENT_ERROR) {
    $reasons = $this
    throw new InstallerException("Failed requirements check for the {$profile} profile:\n" . implode("\n", $reasons));

  // Check for any modules or themes inside the profile that are enabled and
  // may not be available in the new profile.
    ->checkEnabledProfileExtensions($profile, 'module');
    ->checkEnabledProfileExtensions($profile, 'theme');