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hds-full.tpl.php in Heartbeat 6.4

Template file for one row, rendered by heartbeat and ds

  • $message : after it was parsed by heartbeat (grouped)
  • $row : All parts that are separately themeable
  • $row->message : string activity message
  • $row->time_info : information about the time of activity
  • $row->class : extra classes to use on the row
  • $row->attachments : attachment on the message id (of the grouped message)

@remarks beat-item-<uaid> is necessairy. The beat item id is used by js


View source

 * @file
 * Template file for one row, rendered by heartbeat and ds
 * @var
 * - $content: The content rendered by DS
 * - $message : after it was parsed by heartbeat (grouped)
 * - $row : All parts that are separately themeable
 * -   $row->message : string activity message
 * -   $row->time_info : information about the time of activity
 * -   $row->class : extra classes to use on the row
 * -   $row->attachments : attachment on the message id (of the grouped message)
 * @remarks
 *   beat-item-<uaid> is necessairy. The beat item id is used by js
<div class="heartbeat-message-block <?php

print $message->message_id . ' ' . $zebra;

  <div class="beat-item" id="beat-item-<?php

print $message->uaid;


print $content;



if (count($message->uaids) > 0) {
  <div class="beat-item <?php

  print $message->classes;
  ?> beat-item-ungrouped" id="beat-item-<?php

  print $message->uaid;
  ?>-ungrouped" style="display: none;">

  foreach ($message->additions->source as $ungrouped_message) {

    print $ungrouped_message;
    ?><br />

    <div class="heartbeat-buttons">

  print l(t('Back'), drupal_get_destination(), array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'onclick' => 'javascript:Drupal.heartbeat.splitGroupedMessage(' . $message->uaid . ', null); return false;',
    <br class="clearfix" />

