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private function heartbeatParser::remove_variables_duplicates in Heartbeat 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.4 includes/ \heartbeatParser::remove_variables_duplicates()
  2. 6.3 includes/ \heartbeatParser::remove_variables_duplicates()

Function to remove duplicate messages valuating the variables and count properties

1 call to heartbeatParser::remove_variables_duplicates()
heartbeatParser::clean_up in includes/
Function to clean up dirty messages and xss attacks


includes/, line 176
HeartbeatParser object Parses database messages into a well formed stream of activity messages.


Class heartbeatParser


private function remove_variables_duplicates() {

  // Loop through the candidates, one set for each message.
  foreach ($this->_candidates as $single_id => $info) {
    $uniques = array();

    // Loop through variables to check if there are identical.
    foreach ($info['variables'] as $rid => $value) {

      // If for some reason a defined group target was not found
      // in the message, use a substitute.
      if (!isset($value['!' . $info['group_target']])) {
        $group_by = 'default';
      else {
        $group_by = $value['!' . $info['group_target']];
      if (!isset($uniques[$group_by])) {
        $uniques[$group_by] = $value;
      else {

  // Re-evaluate the counts.
  foreach ($this->_candidates as $single_id => $info) {
    $this->_candidates[$single_id]['count'] = count($this->_candidates[$single_id]['variables']);