You are here in Heartbeat 7

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 * Prepares a heartbeat stream.
 * @param $stream_name Name of the stream.
function heartbeat_stream($stream_name, $page = 0, $account = NULL) {
  static $streams;
  try {
    if (!isset($streams[$stream_name])) {

      // Load a configuration object for the stream.
      $streamConfig = heartbeat_stream_config_load($stream_name);

      // Load the stream if access to it is granted.
      if (_heartbeat_stream_has_access($streamConfig)) {
        $heartbeatStream = HeartbeatStreamFactory::getStream($streamConfig, $page, $account);

        // Add settings that need to be set for each stream.
          'heartbeatPollNewerMessages' => array(
            $streamConfig->class => $streamConfig->poll_messages,
        ), 'setting');
          'heartbeatPollTypes' => array(
            $streamConfig->class => $streamConfig->poll_messages_type,
        ), 'setting');

        // Give other modules a chance to take action when the stream is loaded.
        module_invoke_all('heartbeat_stream_load', $heartbeatStream);
        if ($heartbeatStream instanceof HeartbeatStream && !$heartbeatStream
          ->hasErrors()) {
          $streams[$stream_name] = $heartbeatStream;
        else {
          $streams[$stream_name] = FALSE;
      else {
        $streams[$stream_name] = FALSE;
  } catch (HeartbeatInvalidStreamException $h) {
  return $streams[$stream_name];

 * Builds a heartbeat stream in the StreamObject.
function heartbeat_stream_build(HeartbeatStream &$heartbeatStream) {

  // Load the messages.
  $messages = $heartbeatStream

 * Builds a heartbeat stream from views results.
function heartbeat_stream_views_build(HeartbeatStream &$heartbeatStream, $values) {

  // Load the messages from views response.
  return $heartbeatStream

 * Views a heartbeat stream.
function heartbeat_stream_view(HeartbeatStream &$heartbeatStream, $view_mode = NULL) {
  if (isset($view_mode)) {
  $build = $heartbeatStream
  return $build;

 * Load all the stream configuration objects.
 * @param Boolean $reset
 *   Indicates whether the stream data needs to be rebuilt.
function heartbeat_stream_config_load_all($reset = FALSE) {
  $streams =& drupal_static('heartbeat_streams');
  if (!$reset && ($object = cache_get('heartbeat_streams'))) {
    $streams = $object->data;
  else {

    // Fetch the streams with ctools export.
    $streams = ctools_export_crud_load_all('heartbeat_streams');
    cache_set('heartbeat_streams', $streams);
  return $streams;

 * Implementation of ctools load all function.
function _heartbeat_stream_config_load_all($reset) {
  $streams = ctools_export_load_object('heartbeat_streams', 'all');
  foreach (array_keys($streams) as $key) {
  return $streams;

 * Menu loader for the configuration object of a stream.
function heartbeat_stream_config_load($class) {
  $streams =& drupal_static('heartbeat_streams');
  if (!isset($streams[$class])) {
    $streams[$class] = ctools_export_crud_load('heartbeat_streams', $class);
    if (isset($streams[$class])) {
  return $streams[$class];

 * Implements Ctools load function.
function _heartbeat_stream_config_load($name) {
  $result = ctools_export_load_object('heartbeat_streams', 'names', array(
  if (isset($result[$name])) {
    return $result[$name];

 * Helper function to reset cached streams and attached menu entries.
function heartbeat_stream_config_reset($streamConfig = NULL) {

  // Clear the heartbeat stream cache.
  cache_clear_all('heartbeat_streams', 'cache');

  // This is the only way we can let the menu system know that the
  // menu needs to be rebuild. Just calling menu_rebuild here is too
  // soon and would result in not clearing the menu later on.
  variable_set('menu_rebuild_needed', TRUE);

 * Helper function to unpack the settings into the root of the object.
function _heartbeat_stream_config_unpack(HeartbeatStreamConfig &$streamConfig) {
  if (!empty($streamConfig->settings)) {
    foreach ($streamConfig->settings as $key => $value) {
      $streamConfig->{$key} = $value;

 * Helper function to check access on activity stream by name.
 * @param String $stream
 *   The ClassName of the stream.
function heartbeat_stream_has_access($stream) {
  $streamConfig = heartbeat_stream_config_load($stream);
  return _heartbeat_stream_has_access($streamConfig);

 * Helper function to check access on activity stream.
 * @param HeartbeatStreamConfig $streamConfig
 *   A Heartbeat stream configuration object.
function _heartbeat_stream_has_access($streamConfig = NULL) {
  if (isset($streamConfig) && $streamConfig instanceof HeartbeatStreamConfig) {
    return user_access('view heartbeat messages') && user_access('view ' . $streamConfig->name . ' stream');
  return FALSE;

 * Factory to return a stream object.
class HeartbeatStreamFactory {
  public static function getStream($streamConfig, $page = 0, $account = NULL) {
    $className = !empty($streamConfig->real_class) ? $streamConfig->real_class : $streamConfig->class;
    if (class_exists($className)) {
      return new $className($streamConfig, $page, $account);
    else {
      throw new HeartbeatInvalidStreamException(t('Stream class @class does not exist in @path or it\'s not auto-included in', array(
        '@class' => $streamConfig->class,
        '@path' => $streamConfig->path,
      )), 1000, 'stream does not exist');

class HeartbeatInvalidStreamException extends Exception {
  public $arguments;
  function __construct($message, $code = 0, $arguments = array()) {
    parent::__construct($message, $code);
    $this->arguments = $arguments;



Namesort descending Description
heartbeat_stream Prepares a heartbeat stream.
heartbeat_stream_build Builds a heartbeat stream in the StreamObject.
heartbeat_stream_config_load Menu loader for the configuration object of a stream.
heartbeat_stream_config_load_all Load all the stream configuration objects.
heartbeat_stream_config_reset Helper function to reset cached streams and attached menu entries.
heartbeat_stream_has_access Helper function to check access on activity stream by name.
heartbeat_stream_view Views a heartbeat stream.
heartbeat_stream_views_build Builds a heartbeat stream from views results.
_heartbeat_stream_config_load Implements Ctools load function.
_heartbeat_stream_config_load_all Implementation of ctools load all function.
_heartbeat_stream_config_unpack Helper function to unpack the settings into the root of the object.
_heartbeat_stream_has_access Helper function to check access on activity stream.


Namesort descending Description
HeartbeatStreamFactory Factory to return a stream object.