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8 calls to heartbeat_decode_message_variables() in Heartbeat 6.4

HeartbeatActivity::set_variables in includes/
Sets the variables array Data variables are stored in an array to use them to build real variables. this means that when activity message objects get merged, the variables will be filled with variables components from all instances.
HeartbeatMessageTemplate::set_arguments in includes/
Sets the concatenation arguments
HeartbeatMessageTemplate::set_variables in includes/
Sets the variables array Data variables are stored in an array to use them to build real variables. this means that when activity message objects get merged, the variables will be filled with variables components from all instances.
heartbeat_features_export_render in ./
Implementation of hook_features_export_render().
heartbeat_messages_export_messages in ./
Function to export messages to use as default
heartbeat_message_load in ./heartbeat.module
Fetches the translatable message for corresponding action
heartbeat_variables_compare in modules/heartbeat_rules/hrules.module
compares variables that need to be included with variables that are already there and check their values to fit as default value in a textarea
_heartbeat_messages_rebuild in ./heartbeat.module
Rebuild the messages and check their status