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heartbeat.api.php in Heartbeat 7

Hooks provided by the Heartbeat API.

This file is divided into static hooks (hooks with string literal names) and dynamic hooks (hooks with pattern-derived string names).

Note that the export hooks like ° hook_heartbeat_template_info, ° hook_heartbeat_stream_info ° hook_heartbeat_plugin_info are dependant on CTools. This requires you to include the hook_ctools_plugin_api() as well.

There are also some utility or api functions available.

heartbeat_api_log API function to log a message when an event occurs. Most people will log through the rules api though. However, developer are very likely to like this approach better as you can abstract the activity functionality to one module.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by the Heartbeat API.
 * This file is divided into static hooks (hooks with string literal names) and
 * dynamic hooks (hooks with pattern-derived string names).
 * Note that the export hooks like
 *   ° hook_heartbeat_template_info,
 *   ° hook_heartbeat_stream_info
 *   ° hook_heartbeat_plugin_info
 * are dependant on CTools. This requires you to include the
 * hook_ctools_plugin_api() as well.
 * There are also some utility or api functions available.
 * heartbeat_api_log
 *   API function to log a message when an event occurs. Most people will log through
 *   the rules api though. However, developer are very likely to like this approach better
 *   as you can abstract the activity functionality to one module.
 *   @param string $message_id
 *     Id of the message that is known in the message
 *   @param integer $uid
 *     Actor or user performing the activity
 *   @param integer $uid_target [optional]
 *     user id of the target user if present. Target users can be an addresse or a
 *     user relation transaction with the actor $uid
 *   @param integer $nid [optional]
 *     Node id for content (for context node)
 *   @param integer $nid_target [optional]
 *     Node id for content that is related to other content
 *   @param array $variables [optional]
 *     Variables can be used if you used them in the used message. Take care to use
 *     the !-sign for words that are prefix with the question mark sign in the messages
 *   @param integer $access
 *     The access to restrict the message
 * function heartbeat_api_log($message_id, $uid, $uid_target = 0, $nid = 0, $nid_target = 0, $variables = array(), $access = HEARTBEAT_PUBLIC_TO_ALL, $time = 0) {
 * }

 * @addtogroup hooks
 * @{

 * Implement hook_ctools_plugin_api().
 * This hook is needed to let ctools know about exportables.
function hook_ctools_plugin_api($module, $api) {
  if ($module == 'yourmodule' && $api == 'yourmodule') {
    return array(
      'version' => 1,

 * Register default heartbeat streams.
 * @see hook_ctools_plugin_api.
function hook_heartbeat_stream_info() {
  $heartbeatstreams = array();
  $heartbeatstream = new HeartbeatStreamConfig();
  $heartbeatstream->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default heartbeatstream disabled initially */
  $heartbeatstream->api_version = 1;
  $heartbeatstream->class = 'siteactivity';
  $heartbeatstream->name = 'Site activity';
  $heartbeatstream->module = 'heartbeat_defaults';
  $heartbeatstream->title = 'Site activity';
  $heartbeatstream->path = 'streams/';
  $heartbeatstream->settings = array();
  $heartbeatstream->variables = array();
  $heartbeatstreams['siteactivity'] = $heartbeatstream;
  return $heartbeatstreams;

 * Register heartbeat templates.
 * @see hook_ctools_plugin_api.
function hook_heartbeat_template_info() {
  $heartbeatmessagetemplates = array();
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate = new HeartbeatMessageTemplate();
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->disabled = FALSE;

  /* Edit this to true to make a default heartbeatmessagetemplate disabled initially */
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->api_version = 1;
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->message_id = 'heartbeat_add_node';
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->description = 'User adds a node, save user activity';
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->message = '!username has added !node_type !node_title.';
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->message_concat = '!username has added the following !types: %node_title%.';
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->perms = TRUE;
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->group_type = 'summary';
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->concat_args = array(
    'group_by' => 'user',
    'group_target' => 'node_title',
    'group_num_max' => '4',
    'merge_separator' => ',',
    'merge_end_separator' => 'and',
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->variables = array(
    'username' => '',
    'node_type' => '',
    'node_title' => '',
    'types' => '',
  $heartbeatmessagetemplate->attachments = array();
  $heartbeatmessagetemplates['heartbeat_add_node'] = $heartbeatmessagetemplate;
  return $heartbeatmessagetemplates;

 * Add attachments to a heartbeat message template.
function hook_heartbeat_attachments(HeartbeatMessageTemplate &$heartbeatMessageTemplate) {
  $form = array();
  $form['myproperty'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Flag i like this'),
    '#default_value' => TRUE,
  return $form;

 * Take action when activity is being deleted.
 * @param array $uaids
 *   Array of activity ID's
function hook_heartbeat_activity_delete($uaids) {

  // Do your stuff...

 * Take action before activity is saved.
 * @param HeartbeatActivity $heartbeatActivity
 *   The heartbeat activity object.
function hook_heartbeat_activity_presave($heartbeatActivity) {

  // Do your stuff...

 * Take action when activity is being inserted.
 * @param HeartbeatActivity $heartbeatActivity
 *   The heartbeat activity object.
function hook_heartbeat_activity_insert($heartbeatActivity) {

  // Do your stuff...

 * Take action when activity is being saved.
 * @param HeartbeatActivity $heartbeatActivity
 *   The heartbeat activity object.
function hook_heartbeat_activity_save($heartbeatActivity) {

  // Do your stuff...

 * Hook to alter the stream or take action when the stream
 * is loaded.
function hook_heartbeat_stream_load(HeartbeatStream $heartbeatStream) {

  // Alter things in the configuration object or the stream itself.
  // Load extra requirements such as includes, behaviors, ...

 * Hook to load extra stuff to heartbeat messages.
 * Additions and variables could easily be changed here.
 * Typical example would be to load the output string or array of
 * attachments.
 * HeartbeatStream will be by address by default, however changes made
 * at this point will not enforced as it is too late in the process.
 * Changes made to the configurated stream are done in hook_heartbeat_stream_load().
 * @param array $messages_raw
 *   Array of messages resulting from the stream query.
 * @param HeartbeatStream $heartbeatStream
 *   The heartbeat stream object.
function hook_heartbeat_load(&$messages_raw, HeartbeatStream $heartbeatStream) {

  // Load extra data in the attachments section.

 * Hook to block messages that came from the query result.
 * This hook interacts at a point where heartbeat parser did not set the
 * maximum number of messages yet. Try to avoid this hook as much as possible,
 * as this hook should only be used to unset/remove activity messages from
 * the stream.
 * @param array $messages
 *   Array of messages to alter by address.
 * @param HeartbeatStream $heartbeatStream
 *   The heartbeat stream object.
function hook_heartbeat_messages_alter(&$messages, HeartbeatStream $heartbeatStream) {

  // Only use this to change access, add hardcoded messages on top of stream,
  // deny messages, things like that ...

 * Hook to alter messages before render engine starts.
 * This hook is invoked right before the parsing of messages has finished and
 * before the template engine started rendering.
 * @param array $messages
 *   Array of messages to alter by address.
 * @param HeartbeatStream $heartbeatStream
 *   The heartbeat stream object.
function hook_heartbeat_theme_alter(&$messages, HeartbeatStream $heartbeatStream) {

  // Here you do pretty much whatever you want.

 * This hook is provided by Heartbeat to prepare content for an activity object.
 * In fact the result needs to be a well formed drupal build to alter in any way.
 * It will be mostly used to add output of fields retrieved by a theme function.
 * This hook will be used to load build elements or already parsed output.
 * Underneath is the example of heartbeat's own implementation of this hook.
 * @param HeartbeatActivity $heartbeatActivity
 *   The activity message activity object.
 * @param String $view_mode
 *   The view mode of the activity object.
 * @param string $language
 *   The language of the activity message.
function hook_heartbeat_activity_view(HeartbeatActivity $heartbeatActivity, $view_mode = 'full', $language = NULL) {
  if (isset($heartbeatActivity->actor->picture->uri)) {
    $heartbeatActivity->content['avatar'] = array(
      '#markup' => theme('image_style', array(
        'style_name' => 'thumbnail',
        'path' => $heartbeatActivity->actor->picture->uri,
        'attributes' => array(
          'class' => 'avatar',
  $heartbeatActivity->content['message'] = array(
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
    '#title' => t('Heartbeat activity message'),
    '#markup' => $heartbeatActivity->message,
  $heartbeatActivity->content['time'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Activity on'),
    '#markup' => theme('heartbeat_time_ago', array(
      'heartbeat_activity' => $heartbeatActivity,
  $heartbeatActivity->content['buttons'] = array(
    '#markup' => theme('heartbeat_buttons', array(
      'heartbeat_activity' => $heartbeatActivity,
  $heartbeatActivity->content['attachments'] = array(
    '#markup' => theme('heartbeat_attachments', array(
      'heartbeat_activity' => $heartbeatActivity,

 * Hook to calculate user ID's based on a defined relation. This can be OG, friends, followers, etc ... .
 * @param Integer $uid
 *   The user ID whom we calculate the relations for.
function hook_heartbeat_related_uids($uid) {
  return array(

 * @} End of "addtogroup hooks".


Namesort descending Description
hook_ctools_plugin_api Implement hook_ctools_plugin_api().
hook_heartbeat_activity_delete Take action when activity is being deleted.
hook_heartbeat_activity_insert Take action when activity is being inserted.
hook_heartbeat_activity_presave Take action before activity is saved.
hook_heartbeat_activity_save Take action when activity is being saved.
hook_heartbeat_activity_view This hook is provided by Heartbeat to prepare content for an activity object.
hook_heartbeat_attachments Add attachments to a heartbeat message template.
hook_heartbeat_load Hook to load extra stuff to heartbeat messages.
hook_heartbeat_messages_alter Hook to block messages that came from the query result.
hook_heartbeat_related_uids Hook to calculate user ID's based on a defined relation. This can be OG, friends, followers, etc ... .
hook_heartbeat_stream_info Register default heartbeat streams.
hook_heartbeat_stream_load Hook to alter the stream or take action when the stream is loaded.
hook_heartbeat_template_info Register heartbeat templates.
hook_heartbeat_theme_alter Hook to alter messages before render engine starts.