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Functions in Heartbeat 6.4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
heartbeat_features_revert ./ Implementation of hook_features_revert().
heartbeat_filter_stories modules/heartbeat_example/ Heartbeat filter implementation for custom filters.
heartbeat_get_available_tags ./heartbeat.module Function to get the heartbeat tags 4
heartbeat_get_message_reactions modules/heartbeat_comments/heartbeat_comments.module Get heartbeat comments on a message 1
heartbeat_get_node_comments modules/heartbeat_comments/heartbeat_comments.module Theme function to render comment(s) on a node 1
heartbeat_get_reactions modules/heartbeat_comments/heartbeat_comments.module Function to fetch reactions on a heartbeat message. 2
heartbeat_get_related_uids ./heartbeat.module Function calculates all related uids for given uid. 2
heartbeat_get_tuaid ./ Function to get the corresponding tuaid 2
heartbeat_get_uaids ./ Function to retrieve the user activity ids for each language. 4
heartbeat_heartbeat_message_info ./heartbeat.module Implementation of hook_heartbeat_message_info().
heartbeat_heartbeat_register_access_types ./heartbeat.module Implementation of hook_heartbeat_register_access_types(). 1
heartbeat_heartbeat_stream_filters ./heartbeat.module Implementation of hook_heartbeat_stream_filters().
heartbeat_include ./ Include heartbeat .inc class files 13
heartbeat_init ./heartbeat.module Implementation of hook_init().
heartbeat_install ./heartbeat.install Implementation of hook_install().
heartbeat_load_message_instance ./heartbeat.module Fetches the translatable message for corresponding action 5 1
heartbeat_log ./heartbeat.module User activity logger function 1
heartbeat_match_variables modules/heartbeat_rules/hrules.module Function looks for variables in an array of given strings 1
heartbeat_menu ./heartbeat.module Implementation of hook_menu().
heartbeat_messages ./heartbeat.module get all messages with static cache variable and reset possibility 11 4
heartbeat_messages_access_types ./ Menu callback to show a page with heartbeat access types Shows the several composed streams. 1
heartbeat_messages_access_types_submit ./ Submit function for the stream overview form.
heartbeat_messages_add ./ Function to maintain and administer heartbeat messages 3
heartbeat_messages_add_submit ./ Accept the form submission to add messages.
heartbeat_messages_add_validate ./ Validate function to maintain and administer heartbeat messages.
heartbeat_messages_admin_overview ./ Form builder; Builds the comment overview form for the admin. 1
heartbeat_messages_admin_overview_submit ./ Process heartbeat_messages_admin_overview form submissions.
heartbeat_messages_admin_overview_validate ./ Validate heartbeat_messages_admin_overview form submissions.
heartbeat_messages_delete ./ Function to delete a heartbeat message 1
heartbeat_messages_edit ./ Function to maintain and administer heartbeat messages 1 3
heartbeat_messages_edit_submit ./ Accept the form submission heartbeat messages to edit.
heartbeat_messages_export ./ Function to export messages to use as default 1
heartbeat_messages_export_messages ./ Function to export messages to use as default 1
heartbeat_messages_export_submit ./ Submit handler to stay on the same form and show a textbox
heartbeat_messages_import ./ Import for heartbeat message templates(). 1
heartbeat_messages_import_submit ./ Import for heartbeat message templates().
heartbeat_messages_install ./heartbeat.module Function to install default records 1
heartbeat_messages_multiple_delete_confirm ./ List the selected activitymessages and verify that the admin really wants to delete them. 1
heartbeat_messages_multiple_delete_confirm_submit ./ Process comment_multiple_delete_confirm form submissions.
heartbeat_messages_overview ./ Overview list of heartbeat messages This page must be viewed to make the messages appear in the database after a module is installed as well as make them translatable 1
heartbeat_messages_page ./ Page callback function to load an activity stream page. 1
heartbeat_messages_rebuild ./heartbeat.module Function that gathers all messages from all modules New ones and existing ones 2
heartbeat_messages_revert ./ Revert a heartbeat message back to default 2
heartbeat_messages_title ./heartbeat.module Function to load title for pages. 1
heartbeat_messages_uninstall ./heartbeat.module Function to uninstall default records 2
heartbeat_message_activity ./ Page callback for one activity message. 1
heartbeat_message_insert ./heartbeat.module Inserts a heartbeat message 5
heartbeat_message_load ./heartbeat.module Fetches the translatable message for corresponding action 4
heartbeat_message_update ./heartbeat.module Updates a heartbeat message 2
heartbeat_nodeapi ./heartbeat.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().


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