heartbeat.heartbeat_type.user_post_tweet.yml in Heartbeat 8
config/install/heartbeat.heartbeat_type.user_post_tweet.ymlView source
- uuid: c1cdd3d5-6cc4-4a40-8c77-08806b0dae21
- langcode: en
- status: true
- dependencies: { }
- _core:
- default_config_hash: ZDrD-P5fnWXHyP6RQMyJDFGTgEzIymRDYpXn2WDa5U4
- id: user_post_tweet
- label: 'User Post Tweet'
- message_id: null
- description: 'Records the event of a user posting a tweet which was recorded by the Republic'
- mainentity: node
- bundle: tweet
- message: '!user shared a tweet !tweettitle !tweetbody'
- weight: 0
- perms: -1
- group_type: '11'
- arguments: '{"!user":"[user:account-name]","!tweettitle":"[node:title]","!tweetbody":"[node:body]"}'
- variables:
- - '[user:account-name]'
- - '[node:title]'
- - '[node:body]'