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changelog.txt in Heartbeat 6.4

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.3 changelog.txt
  2. 7 CHANGELOG.txt
# @author Stalski
# @legend
# BUGFIX: Bug fixes reported in the issue queue or bugs found by maintainers
# FEATURE: Feature requests from issue queue and features by the maintainers

# @date ? For release DRUPAL-6--4-x

  * #1117738 by Baroch Orgen : URL-encoded 'user-name-url' token breaks message concatenation on translated (Hebrew) site
  * #1051630 by gateway69: warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in sites/all/modules/heartbeat/ on line 70.
  * #1050634 by aether: Multiple comments by same user on same node not displaying in stream.
  * #1049512 by aether: HeartbeatMessageBuilder not respecting profile access settings.
  * #1037488 by dmadruga: No single key for message ordering.
  * #1041832 by wanggy and thomjjames: Heartbeat cannot show user's own message on heartbeat relational activity
  * Fixed a couple of bugs i found myself. 
    - Ogheartbeat did not poll correct.
    - Fixed the double submit problem of a comment after clicking older messages or
      polling for newer messages.
    - the ungrouped delete buttons where overlapping each other
  * Removed the trigger of heartbeat_comments_post from node_comment context. The 
    available tokens are too different.
  * #1044344 by reynaldio: Heartbeat shows invalid activity in panels.
    The block configuration to show the displayed user instead of the logged-in one
    now defaults to 1!
  * Added/changed default styling so it's more out-of-the-box
  * #1031014 by LiuShaz: OG activity paging
  * #1046050 by mrfelton: Ability to filter heartbeat messages by date
  * #1046988 by aether: Possible to override heartbeatParser
  * #1029780 by dmadruga: Comments (not related to nodes) not showing on activity streams 
    when multiple languages enabled.
    This is a big refactoring. Started from patches but then decided to re-analyze the 
    translation part and it is much more clear and even obvious now.
  * #1007520 by master-of-magic: translation missing for merge_end_separator / merge_separator
  * #1007536 by master-of-magic: improved deletion of grouped acitvity logs
  * #1007068 by master-of-magic: Full list" link optional on block even for AJAX paging
  * #777596 by mikestefff: Integration with Features.module.
  * Performance issue: Changed the loading on the user object
    heartbeat_relations is checked on the actor(heartbeatMessageBuilder) itself
    now, not stuffed on the user if it is not needed.
    Also the stream actor (whoIsActor) is populated with its connections, 
    without the need of the user object. 
  * #966124 Added theme function for the 'older messages' link.
  * Fixed the hardcoded shout element submission. Serializing values of the 
    form, makes it easy to add other variables.
  * #964346 Removed variables in install file. Changed the removal during 
  * #965678 Added a setting to configure the heartbeat comments cache.
    Disabled will have allways recent messages, but is slower.
  * #964258 Added a way for stream classes to manipulate the configuration
    form. See example in
  * #964066 Added class to the _theme_time_ago function.
  * Fixed a caching issue on heartbeat comments (non-node)
# @date 10/05/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-10
- Refactoring to improve perfomance
  * Changed the order of execution of the heartbeat_load hook.
  * Cached the friends of a user with a static variable.
  * Changed the node_access checks to a better way (Swentel):
    Added fields nid_info and nid_target_info to fasten the node_access.
  * Cached get_latest_shout message in a static variable.
  * Added a field for comment count 
  * Altered the comment count calculation for node comments
  * Made sure no extra queries were run due to "comment_count = 0".
  * Cached the message entry output on activity row base(html output)
    cleared when actions occur that involve this activity.

# @date 10/05/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-9
- Security Update!
  When shouts are displayed, the content is now sanitized with filter_xss
  to filter the user input.
    - Upgraded heartbeat.install so the default allowed tags are more secure.
    There is a left-over img attack but the code where this filtering is done,
    is managed by a higher level permission. Before heartbeat messages,
    heartbeat comments (and shouts) were sanitized with this tags match. It is 
    only needed and handy for the per UI manipulatable heartbeat messages. This 
    means that heartbeat comments and shouts will follow the normal filter_xss 
    approach within standard drupal.
    - Added the filter_xss for shouts module when fetching the shouts from database
    - Tipped by David Rothstein, I moved the filter_xss for heartbeat_messages to a 
    earlier point so it's not theme-overriable (thus possibly leading to XSS attack)
- Change to hds_regions.css following the DS releases.
- Added basic features integration.
- Fixed a couple of issues from the d.o queue.
- Refactored the comment rules integration so it can take the original author as well.
- Added update hook for this install.
# @date 19/04/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-8
- bugfixes and feature request from issuequeue.

# @date 17/05/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-7
- bugfixes and feature request from issuequeue.

# @date 14/04/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-6
- moved connectedheartbeat to friendlist_activity module where it 
- fixed some bugs
- Added throbber to ajax loads
- improved views integration module
- Added some examples and documentation on

# @date 14/03/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-6
- Friendlist_activity module will now take three user relations defining modules
  as api to make a choice on what defines heartbeat user relations. 
- Cleared d.o. issues and support request untill satisfied.

# @date 11/02/2010
- Refactored hds to follow releases of display suite
- Added check box on the stream configuration page so we can choose
  to have filters on block and/or page in stead of always enabled at once.
- Fixed some issue on d.o
- Fixed a bug on the page pager setting. 

# @date 01/02/2010
- Improved and added tests

# @date 31/01/2010
- Updated hds to be compatible with updated DS module
- Removed all notices and warnings from the postings(shouts, comments)
- Added a shout rules data type, so custom shout tokens can be used. With this
  change, rules export files are renewed.

# @date 28/01/2010
- Changed friendlist_activity to take options to define which user relation 
  api will be used.
- Debug and fixround through the issue queue on
- Updated views integration back to normal
- Improved scalability of a stream bigtime by adding a variable to maximize
  the sql. This is a rather weird configuration as it takes a little of playing
  with numbers.

# @date 2/12/2009
- Changed HeartbeatActivity object to hold a HeartbeatMessageTemplate
  object as composition. This way the objects live separately as it should.
- Altered and added defaults to HDS module.
- Added a heartbeat_examples module to show developers what can be achieved 
  by implementing hooks, overriding methods and classes.

# @date 27/11/2009
- Moved heartbeat rules to modules as submodule. As heartbeat is an API
  users are free to use it with custom code or install directly to let it 
  work with UI only (with hrules enabled).
- Added submodule hds as implementation of Display suite. We use it a lot 
  at work and heartbeat could benefit from it, putting the theming to 
  UI as well. again users are free to override theme functions with code,
  implement the hook_heartbeat_theme_alter function or using hrules submodule
  to theme their activity objects to the stream.

# @date 09/11/2009
- Added poll for more messages
- Altered the theme_heartbeat_filters function. So take care if you 
  were overriding this function!!!
- Changed (removed) the autoload function to speed up and handle 
  class instances differently. Creating a stream should go with the 
  function "heartbeat_stream_view" from now on.
# @date 20/10/2009
- Added heartbeat filters hook with callback to decrement the messages.
- Changed shout to a full commenting/reactions module to add a comment
  form on messages or commenting the nodes in the messages.

# @date 26/09/2009
- Added nid_target and changed nid_target into nid (for normal node contexts)
  nid_target can be used for instance for og.
# @date 26/07/2009
- Changed functionality so messages are fetched by number of records and not by timestamp. 
- Added pager property to info so the messagebuilder knows more on how it should display things.
- Added a per-message  property to overrule the maximum number of messages to merge together. The 
  global setting is overruled if the message specific one is set. For instance, when uploading images, 
  layout-wise we want to show 5 images in the summary. But if pages are the context of activity, then i 
  will only show 3 of them.
- TODO Make the pager ajax compatible and add settings for each access type

# @date 23/07/2009
- Changed activity stream settings so we can set max items separately per 
  heartbeat access type.
# @date 22/07/2009
- Changed some code on message attachments so it can work more generic
- Posted new picture and plan to recreate some blog posts, maybe roadmap
- Added commenting to the attachments via shouts module. You can shout globally 
  or you could react with a shout on a message user activity stream id.
- Added a field to the messages that is very important to always have the merging 
  go correct. If we know the message part that has to be summarized and now we 
  know the variable in the message that is used to group by, we can always group 
  messages together without having problems on actor vs logged-in user shit. 
  This is difficult to explain in detail.

# @date 20/07/2009
- FEATURE: Added heartbeat message tags as a comma separated list of values
  we can use to filter our activity streams on. This will be available in views as well, 
  but mainly a default tagged page display will be provided as well within heartbeat
- Removed the code for module and message_type because has become unneccesairy with the introduction
  of tags. They were only there to use in views to limit specific contained messages (E.g. friendlist stuff)
  Now all of this is available with displays on a tag basis.
# @date 19/07/2009
- Rechecked and changed the default message exports to work with the current format. (issue queue)
- Deleted the columns module and type from the list overview. 
- Added revert option on heartbeat messages, such as in rules. This way default messages
  can be altered but put back to codebase (after export for instance) easily.
- FEATURE: Added logic to the heartbeatmessagebuilder to check the access that is now introduced on 
  a per heartbeat-message base. This is an global setting that leads or has higher priority 
  in comparison to the heartbeatAccessState the messages are built with.
  E.g. Lists composed with PublicHeartbeatAccess State object can hide/display message types 
  as they were set in the message configuration.

# @date 13/07/2009
- FEATURE: Added integration in heartbeat messages to have flags, using the submodule "flag_heartbeat". Two things that have to 
  be done here: 1/ change the way the heartbeat message edit form is altered. 2/ Delete the flag property and change this
  POC to a real concept with attachments per message. Flags would be an attachment, but others will come, like comments...
- added a custom field to db heartbeat_messages to know how a message was installed/added

# @date 13/06/2009
# Changed features from 6.3 to 6.4
- BUGFIX: Added node_type (if available) to the logic of merging messages
- removed the heartbeat-flag code because i intend to integrate with the nice module "flag"
- Deleted unused variables and even used ones that did not have much purpose anymore
- Moved heartbeat states to separate files, making it possible to use a custom heartbeat state 
  in contributes modules
- Removed the menu items in the navigation. (This should not be done by heartbeat by default imho)
- removed module heartbeat_activity and added codebase to heartbeat because it did not make sense to separate 
  them if you can cant use one as standalone module


View source
  1. # @author Stalski
  2. # @legend
  3. # BUGFIX: Bug fixes reported in the issue queue or bugs found by maintainers
  4. # FEATURE: Feature requests from issue queue and features by the maintainers
  5. #
  6. #############################################################################
  7. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  8. # @date ? For release DRUPAL-6--4-x
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  10. * #1117738 by Baroch Orgen : URL-encoded 'user-name-url' token breaks message concatenation on translated (Hebrew) site
  11. * #1051630 by gateway69: warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in sites/all/modules/heartbeat/ on line 70.
  12. * #1050634 by aether: Multiple comments by same user on same node not displaying in stream.
  13. * #1049512 by aether: HeartbeatMessageBuilder not respecting profile access settings.
  14. * #1037488 by dmadruga: No single key for message ordering.
  15. * #1041832 by wanggy and thomjjames: Heartbeat cannot show user's own message on heartbeat relational activity
  16. * Fixed a couple of bugs i found myself.
  17. - Ogheartbeat did not poll correct.
  18. - Fixed the double submit problem of a comment after clicking older messages or
  19. polling for newer messages.
  20. - the ungrouped delete buttons where overlapping each other
  21. * Removed the trigger of heartbeat_comments_post from node_comment context. The
  22. available tokens are too different.
  23. * #1044344 by reynaldio: Heartbeat shows invalid activity in panels.
  24. The block configuration to show the displayed user instead of the logged-in one
  25. now defaults to 1!
  26. * Added/changed default styling so it's more out-of-the-box
  27. * #1031014 by LiuShaz: OG activity paging
  28. * #1046050 by mrfelton: Ability to filter heartbeat messages by date
  29. * #1046988 by aether: Possible to override heartbeatParser
  30. * #1029780 by dmadruga: Comments (not related to nodes) not showing on activity streams
  31. when multiple languages enabled.
  32. This is a big refactoring. Started from patches but then decided to re-analyze the
  33. translation part and it is much more clear and even obvious now.
  34. * #1007520 by master-of-magic: translation missing for merge_end_separator / merge_separator
  35. * #1007536 by master-of-magic: improved deletion of grouped acitvity logs
  36. * #1007068 by master-of-magic: Full list" link optional on block even for AJAX paging
  37. * #777596 by mikestefff: Integration with Features.module.
  38. * Performance issue: Changed the loading on the user object
  39. heartbeat_relations is checked on the actor(heartbeatMessageBuilder) itself
  40. now, not stuffed on the user if it is not needed.
  41. Also the stream actor (whoIsActor) is populated with its connections,
  42. without the need of the user object.
  43. * #966124 Added theme function for the 'older messages' link.
  44. * Fixed the hardcoded shout element submission. Serializing values of the
  45. form, makes it easy to add other variables.
  46. * #964346 Removed variables in install file. Changed the removal during
  47. uninstall.
  48. * #965678 Added a setting to configure the heartbeat comments cache.
  49. Disabled will have allways recent messages, but is slower.
  50. * #964258 Added a way for stream classes to manipulate the configuration
  51. form. See example in
  52. * #964066 Added class to the _theme_time_ago function.
  53. * Fixed a caching issue on heartbeat comments (non-node)
  54. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  55. # @date 10/05/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-10
  56. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  57. - Refactoring to improve perfomance
  58. * Changed the order of execution of the heartbeat_load hook.
  59. * Cached the friends of a user with a static variable.
  60. * Changed the node_access checks to a better way (Swentel):
  61. Added fields nid_info and nid_target_info to fasten the node_access.
  62. * Cached get_latest_shout message in a static variable.
  63. * Added a field for comment count
  64. * Altered the comment count calculation for node comments
  65. * Made sure no extra queries were run due to "comment_count = 0".
  66. * Cached the message entry output on activity row base(html output)
  67. cleared when actions occur that involve this activity.
  68. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  69. # @date 10/05/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-9
  70. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  71. - Security Update!
  72. When shouts are displayed, the content is now sanitized with filter_xss
  73. to filter the user input.
  74. Actions:
  75. - Upgraded heartbeat.install so the default allowed tags are more secure.
  76. There is a left-over img attack but the code where this filtering is done,
  77. is managed by a higher level permission. Before heartbeat messages,
  78. heartbeat comments (and shouts) were sanitized with this tags match. It is
  79. only needed and handy for the per UI manipulatable heartbeat messages. This
  80. means that heartbeat comments and shouts will follow the normal filter_xss
  81. approach within standard drupal.
  82. - Added the filter_xss for shouts module when fetching the shouts from database
  83. - Tipped by David Rothstein, I moved the filter_xss for heartbeat_messages to a
  84. earlier point so it's not theme-overriable (thus possibly leading to XSS attack)
  85. - Change to hds_regions.css following the DS releases.
  86. - Added basic features integration.
  87. - Fixed a couple of issues from the d.o queue.
  88. - Refactored the comment rules integration so it can take the original author as well.
  89. - Added update hook for this install.
  90. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  91. # @date 19/04/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-8
  92. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  93. - bugfixes and feature request from issuequeue.
  94. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  95. # @date 17/05/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-7
  96. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  97. - bugfixes and feature request from issuequeue.
  98. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  99. # @date 14/04/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-6
  100. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  101. - moved connectedheartbeat to friendlist_activity module where it
  102. belongs.
  103. - fixed some bugs
  104. - Added throbber to ajax loads
  105. - improved views integration module
  106. - Added some examples and documentation on
  107. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  108. # @date 14/03/2010 For release DRUPAL-6--4-6
  109. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  110. - Friendlist_activity module will now take three user relations defining modules
  111. as api to make a choice on what defines heartbeat user relations.
  112. - Cleared d.o. issues and support request untill satisfied.
  113. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  114. # @date 11/02/2010
  115. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  116. - Refactored hds to follow releases of display suite
  117. - Added check box on the stream configuration page so we can choose
  118. to have filters on block and/or page in stead of always enabled at once.
  119. - Fixed some issue on d.o
  120. - Fixed a bug on the page pager setting.
  121. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  122. # @date 01/02/2010
  123. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  124. - Improved and added tests
  125. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  126. # @date 31/01/2010
  127. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  128. - Updated hds to be compatible with updated DS module
  129. - Removed all notices and warnings from the postings(shouts, comments)
  130. - Added a shout rules data type, so custom shout tokens can be used. With this
  131. change, rules export files are renewed.
  132. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  133. # @date 28/01/2010
  134. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  135. - Changed friendlist_activity to take options to define which user relation
  136. api will be used.
  137. - Debug and fixround through the issue queue on
  138. - Updated views integration back to normal
  139. - Improved scalability of a stream bigtime by adding a variable to maximize
  140. the sql. This is a rather weird configuration as it takes a little of playing
  141. with numbers.
  142. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  143. # @date 2/12/2009
  144. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  145. - Changed HeartbeatActivity object to hold a HeartbeatMessageTemplate
  146. object as composition. This way the objects live separately as it should.
  147. - Altered and added defaults to HDS module.
  148. - Added a heartbeat_examples module to show developers what can be achieved
  149. by implementing hooks, overriding methods and classes.
  150. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  151. # @date 27/11/2009
  152. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  153. - Moved heartbeat rules to modules as submodule. As heartbeat is an API
  154. users are free to use it with custom code or install directly to let it
  155. work with UI only (with hrules enabled).
  156. - Added submodule hds as implementation of Display suite. We use it a lot
  157. at work and heartbeat could benefit from it, putting the theming to
  158. UI as well. again users are free to override theme functions with code,
  159. implement the hook_heartbeat_theme_alter function or using hrules submodule
  160. to theme their activity objects to the stream.
  161. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  162. # @date 09/11/2009
  163. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  164. - Added poll for more messages
  165. - Altered the theme_heartbeat_filters function. So take care if you
  166. were overriding this function!!!
  167. - Changed (removed) the autoload function to speed up and handle
  168. class instances differently. Creating a stream should go with the
  169. function "heartbeat_stream_view" from now on.
  170. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  171. # @date 20/10/2009
  172. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  173. - Added heartbeat filters hook with callback to decrement the messages.
  174. - Changed shout to a full commenting/reactions module to add a comment
  175. form on messages or commenting the nodes in the messages.
  176. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  177. # @date 26/09/2009
  178. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  179. - Added nid_target and changed nid_target into nid (for normal node contexts)
  180. nid_target can be used for instance for og.
  181. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  182. # @date 26/07/2009
  183. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  184. - Changed functionality so messages are fetched by number of records and not by timestamp.
  185. - Added pager property to info so the messagebuilder knows more on how it should display things.
  186. - Added a per-message property to overrule the maximum number of messages to merge together. The
  187. global setting is overruled if the message specific one is set. For instance, when uploading images,
  188. layout-wise we want to show 5 images in the summary. But if pages are the context of activity, then i
  189. will only show 3 of them.
  190. - TODO Make the pager ajax compatible and add settings for each access type
  191. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  192. # @date 23/07/2009
  193. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  194. - Changed activity stream settings so we can set max items separately per
  195. heartbeat access type.
  196. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  197. # @date 22/07/2009
  198. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  199. - Changed some code on message attachments so it can work more generic
  200. - Posted new picture and plan to recreate some blog posts, maybe roadmap
  201. - Added commenting to the attachments via shouts module. You can shout globally
  202. or you could react with a shout on a message user activity stream id.
  203. - Added a field to the messages that is very important to always have the merging
  204. go correct. If we know the message part that has to be summarized and now we
  205. know the variable in the message that is used to group by, we can always group
  206. messages together without having problems on actor vs logged-in user shit.
  207. This is difficult to explain in detail.
  208. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  209. # @date 20/07/2009
  210. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  211. - FEATURE: Added heartbeat message tags as a comma separated list of values
  212. we can use to filter our activity streams on. This will be available in views as well,
  213. but mainly a default tagged page display will be provided as well within heartbeat
  214. - Removed the code for module and message_type because has become unneccesairy with the introduction
  215. of tags. They were only there to use in views to limit specific contained messages (E.g. friendlist stuff)
  216. Now all of this is available with displays on a tag basis.
  217. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  218. # @date 19/07/2009
  219. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  220. - Rechecked and changed the default message exports to work with the current format. (issue queue)
  221. - Deleted the columns module and type from the list overview.
  222. - Added revert option on heartbeat messages, such as in rules. This way default messages
  223. can be altered but put back to codebase (after export for instance) easily.
  224. - FEATURE: Added logic to the heartbeatmessagebuilder to check the access that is now introduced on
  225. a per heartbeat-message base. This is an global setting that leads or has higher priority
  226. in comparison to the heartbeatAccessState the messages are built with.
  227. E.g. Lists composed with PublicHeartbeatAccess State object can hide/display message types
  228. as they were set in the message configuration.
  229. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  230. # @date 13/07/2009
  231. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  232. - FEATURE: Added integration in heartbeat messages to have flags, using the submodule "flag_heartbeat". Two things that have to
  233. be done here: 1/ change the way the heartbeat message edit form is altered. 2/ Delete the flag property and change this
  234. POC to a real concept with attachments per message. Flags would be an attachment, but others will come, like comments...
  235. - added a custom field to db heartbeat_messages to know how a message was installed/added
  236. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  237. # @date 13/06/2009
  238. # Changed features from 6.3 to 6.4
  239. ---------------------------------------------------------------
  240. - BUGFIX: Added node_type (if available) to the logic of merging messages
  241. - removed the heartbeat-flag code because i intend to integrate with the nice module "flag"
  242. - Deleted unused variables and even used ones that did not have much purpose anymore
  243. - Moved heartbeat states to separate files, making it possible to use a custom heartbeat state
  244. in contributes modules
  245. - Removed the menu items in the navigation. (This should not be done by heartbeat by default imho)
  246. - removed module heartbeat_activity and added codebase to heartbeat because it did not make sense to separate
  247. them if you can cant use one as standalone module