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header_and_footer_scripts.module in Header and Footer Scripts 8.2

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  1. 8 header_and_footer_scripts.module

Add scripts and styles from the frontend on all over the site.


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 * @file
 * Add scripts and styles from the frontend on all over the site.
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;

 * Implements hook_help().
function header_and_footer_scripts_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {
    case '':
      $output = '<h2>' . t('About') . '</h2>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('This module allows you to add style and scripts in your site or , You do not need to open any file for this purpose.') . '</p>';
      $output .= '<h2>' . t('Uses') . '</h2>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('Header and Footer Scripts provides you the capability to quickly add the style and scripts in your site. It provides you 3 regions (Header, Body, and Footer) of the page on which you can add the style and script. You can add custom style/script file, add Google or other Analytics code, inline css,  inline js and so on. You can configure them from the Administer -> Configuration -> Development -> Header Footer Scripts') . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implements hook_page_top().
 * Add scripts after the body tag on overall the site
 * which are defined on the settings page.
function header_and_footer_scripts_page_top(array &$page_top) {
  $body_section = \Drupal::config('header_and_footer_scripts.body.settings')
  if (isset($body_section['styles']) && !empty($body_section['styles'])) {
    $output_styles = preg_split("/(<\\/style>|\\/>)/", $body_section['styles']);
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($output_styles as $row) {
      if (empty($row)) {
      $style_tag = 'style';
      $style_attr = [];
      $value = '';
      $style_attributes = preg_replace('/(<style|<link)/', '', $row, 1);
      $get_style_attr = preg_split('/(>)/', $style_attributes, 2);
      if (isset($get_style_attr[1])) {
        $value = $get_style_attr[1];
      $get_style_tag = preg_split('/<link/', $row, 2);
      if (isset($get_style_tag[1])) {
        $style_tag = 'link';
      if (isset($get_style_attr[0]) && !empty($get_style_attr[0])) {
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(\'|\\")/', '', $get_style_attr[0]);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ',', $get_attr);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(,=,|,=|=,)/', '=', $get_attr);
        $fetch_attr = explode(',', $get_attr);
        foreach ($fetch_attr as $attr) {
          if (empty($attr)) {
          $attr_key_value = explode('=', $attr);
          if (2 <= count($attr_key_value)) {
            $style_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = preg_replace('/' . $attr_key_value[0] . '=/', '', $attr, 1);
          else {
            $style_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = $attr_key_value[0];
      $page_top['top_styles_' . $i] = [
        '#type' => 'html_tag',
        '#tag' => $style_tag,
        '#value' => $value,
      if (!empty($style_attr)) {
        $page_top['top_styles_' . $i]['#attributes'] = $style_attr;
  if (isset($body_section['scripts']) && !empty($body_section['scripts'])) {
    $output_scripts = preg_split("/(<\\/script>|<\\/noscript>)/", $body_section['scripts']);
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($output_scripts as $row) {
      if (empty($row)) {
      $script_tag = 'script';
      $script_attr = [];
      $value = '';
      $script_attributes = preg_replace('/(<script|<noscript)/', '', $row, 1);
      $get_script_attr = preg_split('/(>)/', $script_attributes, 2);
      if (isset($get_script_attr[1])) {
        $value = $get_script_attr[1];
      $get_script_tag = preg_split('/<noscript/', $row, 2);
      if (isset($get_script_tag[1])) {
        $script_tag = 'noscript';
      if (isset($get_script_attr[0]) && !empty($get_script_attr[0])) {
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(\'|\\")/', '', $get_script_attr[0]);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ',', $get_attr);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(,=,|,=|=,)/', '=', $get_attr);
        $fetch_attr = explode(',', $get_attr);
        foreach ($fetch_attr as $attr) {
          if (empty($attr)) {
          $attr_key_value = explode('=', $attr);
          if (2 <= count($attr_key_value)) {
            $script_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = preg_replace('/' . $attr_key_value[0] . '=/', '', $attr, 1);
          else {
            $script_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = $attr_key_value[0];
      $page_top['top_scripts_' . $i] = [
        '#type' => 'html_tag',
        '#tag' => $script_tag,
        '#value' => $value,
      if (!empty($script_attr)) {
        $page_top['top_scripts_' . $i]['#attributes'] = $script_attr;

 * Implements hook_page_bottom().
 * Add scripts before the Footer tag on overall the site
 * which are defined on the settings page.
function header_and_footer_scripts_page_bottom(array &$page_bottom) {
  $footer_section = \Drupal::config('header_and_footer_scripts.footer.settings')
  if (isset($footer_section['styles']) && !empty($footer_section['styles'])) {
    $output_styles = preg_split("/(<\\/style>|\\/>)/", $footer_section['styles']);
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($output_styles as $row) {
      if (empty($row)) {
      $style_tag = 'style';
      $style_attr = [];
      $value = '';
      $style_attributes = preg_replace('/(<style|<link)/', '', $row, 1);
      $get_style_attr = preg_split('/(>)/', $style_attributes, 2);
      if (isset($get_style_attr[1])) {
        $value = $get_style_attr[1];
      $get_style_tag = preg_split('/<link/', $row, 2);
      if (isset($get_style_tag[1])) {
        $style_tag = 'link';
      if (isset($get_style_attr[0]) && !empty($get_style_attr[0])) {
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(\'|\\")/', '', $get_style_attr[0]);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ',', $get_attr);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(,=,|,=|=,)/', '=', $get_attr);
        $fetch_attr = explode(',', $get_attr);
        foreach ($fetch_attr as $attr) {
          if (empty($attr)) {
          $attr_key_value = explode('=', $attr);
          if (2 <= count($attr_key_value)) {
            $style_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = preg_replace('/' . $attr_key_value[0] . '=/', '', $attr, 1);
          else {
            $style_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = $attr_key_value[0];
      $page_bottom['bottom_styles_' . $i] = [
        '#type' => 'html_tag',
        '#tag' => $style_tag,
        '#value' => $value,
      if (!empty($style_attr)) {
        $page_bottom['bottom_styles_' . $i]['#attributes'] = $style_attr;
  if (isset($footer_section['scripts']) && !empty($footer_section['scripts'])) {
    $output_scripts = preg_split("/(<\\/script>|<\\/noscript>)/", $footer_section['scripts']);
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($output_scripts as $row) {
      if (empty($row)) {
      $script_tag = 'script';
      $script_attr = [];
      $value = '';
      $script_attributes = preg_replace('/(<script|<noscript)/', '', $row, 1);
      $get_script_attr = preg_split('/(>)/', $script_attributes, 2);
      if (isset($get_script_attr[1])) {
        $value = $get_script_attr[1];
      $get_script_tag = preg_split('/<noscript/', $row, 2);
      if (isset($get_script_tag[1])) {
        $script_tag = 'noscript';
      if (isset($get_script_attr[0]) && !empty($get_script_attr[0])) {
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(\'|\\")/', '', $get_script_attr[0]);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ',', $get_attr);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(,=,|,=|=,)/', '=', $get_attr);
        $fetch_attr = explode(',', $get_attr);
        foreach ($fetch_attr as $attr) {
          if (empty($attr)) {
          $attr_key_value = explode('=', $attr);
          if (2 <= count($attr_key_value)) {
            $script_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = preg_replace('/' . $attr_key_value[0] . '=/', '', $attr, 1);
          else {
            $script_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = $attr_key_value[0];
      $page_bottom['bottom_scripts_' . $i] = [
        '#type' => 'html_tag',
        '#tag' => $script_tag,
        '#value' => $value,
      if (!empty($script_attr)) {
        $page_bottom['bottom_scripts_' . $i]['#attributes'] = $script_attr;

 * Implements hook_page_attachments_alter().
 * Alter CSS/JS files before they are output on the page.
 * which are defined on the settings page.
function header_and_footer_scripts_page_attachments_alter(array &$attachments) {
  $header_section = \Drupal::config('header_and_footer_scripts.header.settings')
  if (isset($header_section['styles']) && !empty($header_section['styles'])) {
    $output_styles = preg_split("/(<\\/style>|\\/>)/", $header_section['styles']);
    $i = 1;
    $i = count($attachments['#attached']['html_head']) + 1;
    foreach ($output_styles as $row) {
      if (empty($row)) {
      $style_tag = 'style';
      $style_attr = [];
      $value = '';
      $style_attributes = preg_replace('/(<style|<link)/', '', $row, 1);
      $get_style_attr = preg_split('/(>)/', $style_attributes, 2);
      if (isset($get_style_attr[1])) {
        $value = $get_style_attr[1];
      $get_style_tag = preg_split('/<link/', $row, 2);
      if (isset($get_style_tag[1])) {
        $style_tag = 'link';
      if (isset($get_style_attr[0]) && !empty($get_style_attr[0])) {
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(\'|\\")/', '', $get_style_attr[0]);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ',', $get_attr);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(,=,|,=|=,)/', '=', $get_attr);
        $fetch_attr = explode(',', $get_attr);
        foreach ($fetch_attr as $attr) {
          if (empty($attr)) {
          $attr_key_value = explode('=', $attr);
          if (2 <= count($attr_key_value)) {
            $style_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = preg_replace('/' . $attr_key_value[0] . '=/', '', $attr, 1);
          else {
            $style_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = $attr_key_value[0];
      $attachments['#attached']['html_head'][$i][0] = [
        '#type' => 'html_tag',
        '#tag' => $style_tag,
        '#value' => $value,
      if (!empty($style_attr)) {
        $attachments['#attached']['html_head'][$i][0]['#attributes'] = $style_attr;
      $attachments['#attached']['html_head'][$i][1] = 'header-and-footer-css-' . $i;
  if (isset($header_section['scripts']) && !empty($header_section['scripts'])) {
    $output_scripts = preg_split("/(<\\/script>|<\\/noscript>)/", $header_section['scripts']);
    $i = 1;
    $i = count($attachments['#attached']['html_head']) + 1;
    foreach ($output_scripts as $row) {
      if (empty($row)) {
      $script_tag = 'script';
      $script_attr = [];
      $value = '';
      $script_attributes = preg_replace('/(<script|<noscript)/', '', $row, 1);
      $get_script_attr = preg_split('/(>)/', $script_attributes, 2);
      if (isset($get_script_attr[1])) {
        $value = $get_script_attr[1];
      $get_script_tag = preg_split('/<noscript/', $row, 2);
      if (isset($get_script_tag[1])) {
        $script_tag = 'noscript';
      if (isset($get_script_attr[0]) && !empty($get_script_attr[0])) {
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(\'|\\")/', '', $get_script_attr[0]);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ',', $get_attr);
        $get_attr = preg_replace('/(,=,|,=|=,)/', '=', $get_attr);
        $fetch_attr = explode(',', $get_attr);
        foreach ($fetch_attr as $attr) {
          if (empty($attr)) {
          $attr_key_value = explode('=', $attr);
          if (2 <= count($attr_key_value)) {
            $script_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = preg_replace('/' . $attr_key_value[0] . '=/', '', $attr, 1);
          else {
            $script_attr[$attr_key_value[0]] = $attr_key_value[0];
      $attachments['#attached']['html_head'][$i] = [
          '#type' => 'html_tag',
          '#tag' => $script_tag,
          '#value' => $value,
        'header-and-footer-scripts-' . $i,
      if (!empty($script_attr)) {
        $attachments['#attached']['html_head'][$i][0]['#attributes'] = $script_attr;