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namespace Drupal\hacked in Hacked! 8.2

Classsort descending Location Description
hackedFileGroup src/hackedFileGroup.php Represents a group of files on the local filesystem.
hackedFileHasher src/hackedFileHasher.php Base class for the different ways that files can be hashed.
hackedFileIgnoreEndingsHasher src/hackedFileIgnoreEndingsHasher.php Class hackedFileIgnoreEndingsHasher @package Drupal\hacked
hackedFileIncludeEndingsHasher src/hackedFileIncludeEndingsHasher.php This is a much faster, but potentially less useful file hasher.
hackedProject src/hackedProject.php Encapsulates a Hacked! project.
hackedProjectWebDevDownloader src/hackedProjectWebDevDownloader.php Downloads a development snapshot of a project using Git.
hackedProjectWebDownloader src/hackedProjectWebDownloader.php Base class for downloading remote versions of projects.
hackedProjectWebFilesDownloader src/hackedProjectWebFilesDownloader.php Downloads a project using a standard Drupal method.