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 * Ensapsulates a Hacked! project.
 * This class should handle all the complexity for you, and so you should be able to do:
 * <code>
 * $project = hackedProject('context');
 * $project->compute_differences();
 * </code>
 * Which is quite nice I think.
class hackedProject {
  var $name = '';
  var $project_info = array();
  var $remote_files_downloader;
  var $remote_files;
  var $local_files;
  var $project_type = '';
  var $existing_version = '';
  var $result = array();
  var $project_identified = FALSE;
  var $remote_downloaded = FALSE;
  var $remote_hashed = FALSE;
  var $local_hashed = FALSE;

   * Constructor.
  function hackedProject($name) {
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->remote_files_downloader = new hackedProjectWebFilesDownloader($this);

   * Get the Human readable title of this project.
  function title() {
    return $this->project_info['title'];

   * Identify the project from the name we've been created with.
   * We leverage the update (status) module to get the data we require about
   * projects. We just pull the information in, and make descisions about this
   * project being from CVS or not.
  function identify_project() {

    // Only do this once, no matter how many times we're called.
    if (!empty($this->project_identified)) {

    // Fetch the required data from the update (status) module.
    $available = update_get_available(TRUE);
    $data = update_calculate_project_data($available);
    foreach ($data as $key => $project) {
      if ($key == $this->name) {
        $this->project_info = $project;

        // Add in the additional info that update module strips out.
        // This is a really naff way of doing this, but update (status) module
        // ripped out a lot of useful stuff in issue:
        // Find an item that this project includes:
        if (module_exists('cvs_deploy')) {
          foreach ($project['includes'] as $name => $title) {
            if (is_dir(drupal_get_path($project['project_type'], $name) . '/CVS')) {
              $this->remote_files_downloader = new hackedProjectWebCVSDownloader($this, drupal_get_filename($project['project_type'], $name));
        $this->project_identified = TRUE;
        $this->existing_version = $this->project_info['existing_version'];
        $this->project_type = $this->project_info['project_type'];

   * Downloads the remote project to be hashed later.
  function download_remote_project() {

    // Only do this once, no matter how many times we're called.
    if (!empty($this->remote_downloaded)) {
    $this->remote_downloaded = TRUE;

   * Hashes the remote project downloaded earlier.
  function hash_remote_project() {

    // Only do this once, no matter how many times we're called.
    if (!empty($this->remote_hashed)) {

    // Ensure that the remote project has actually been downloaded.

    // Set up the remote file group.
    $base_path = $this->remote_files_downloader
    $this->remote_files = hackedFileGroup::fromDirectory($base_path);
    $this->remote_hashed = TRUE;

   * Locate the base directory of the local project.
  function locate_local_project() {

    // we need a remote project to do this :(

    // Do we have at least some modules to check for:
    if (!is_array($this->project_info['includes']) || !count($this->project_info['includes'])) {
      return FALSE;

    // If this project is drupal it, we need to handle it specially
    if ($this->project_type != 'core') {
      $includes = array_keys($this->project_info['includes']);
      $include = array_shift($includes);
      $include_type = $this->project_info['project_type'];
    else {

      // Just use the system module to find where we've installed drupal
      $include = 'system';
      $include_type = 'module';

    //$include = 'image_captcha';
    $path = drupal_get_path($include_type, $include);

    // Now we need to find the path of the info file in the downloaded package:
    $temp = '';
    foreach ($this->remote_files->files as $file) {
      if (preg_match('@(^|.*/)' . $include . '.info$@', $file)) {
        $temp = $file;

    // How many '/' were in that path:
    $slash_count = substr_count($temp, '/');
    $back_track = str_repeat('/..', $slash_count);
    return realpath($path . $back_track);

   * Hash the local version of the project.
  function hash_local_project() {

    // Only do this once, no matter how many times we're called.
    if (!empty($this->local_hashed)) {
    $location = $this
    $this->local_files = hackedFileGroup::fromList($location, $this->remote_files->files);
    $this->local_hashed = TRUE;

   * Compute the differences between our version and the cannoical version of the project.
  function compute_differences() {

    // Make sure we've hashed both remote and local files.
    $results = array(
      'same' => array(),
      'different' => array(),
      'missing' => array(),
      'access_denied' => array(),

    // Now compare the two file groups.
    foreach ($this->remote_files->files as $file) {
      if ($this->remote_files->files_hashes[$file] == $this->local_files->files_hashes[$file]) {
        $results['same'][] = $file;
      elseif (!$this->local_files
        ->file_exists($file)) {
        $results['missing'][] = $file;
      elseif (!$this->local_files
        ->is_readable($file)) {
        $results['access_denied'][] = $file;
      else {
        $results['different'][] = $file;
    $this->result = $results;

   * Return a nice report, a simple overview of the status of this project.
  function compute_report() {

    // Ensure we know the differences.

    // Do some counting
    $report = array(
      'project_name' => $this->name,
      'status' => HACKED_STATUS_UNCHECKED,
      'counts' => array(
        'same' => count($this->result['same']),
        'different' => count($this->result['different']),
        'missing' => count($this->result['missing']),
        'access_denied' => count($this->result['access_denied']),
      'title' => $this->project_info['title'],
      'link' => $this->project_info['link'],
      'name' => $this->project_info['name'],
      'existing_version' => $this->project_info['existing_version'],
      'install_type' => $this->project_info['install_type'],
      'datestamp' => $this->project_info['datestamp'],
      'project_type' => $this->project_info['project_type'],
      'includes' => $this->project_info['includes'],
    if ($report['counts']['access_denied'] > 0) {
      $report['status'] = HACKED_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED;
    elseif ($report['counts']['missing'] > 0) {
      $report['status'] = HACKED_STATUS_HACKED;
    elseif ($report['counts']['different'] > 0) {
      $report['status'] = HACKED_STATUS_HACKED;
    elseif ($report['counts']['same'] > 0) {
      $report['status'] = HACKED_STATUS_UNHACKED;
    return $report;

   * Return a nice detailed report.
  function compute_details() {

    // Ensure we know the differences.
    $report = $this
    $report['files'] = array();

    // Add extra details about every file.
    $states = array(
      'access_denied' => HACKED_STATUS_PERMISSION_DENIED,
      'missing' => HACKED_STATUS_DELETED,
      'different' => HACKED_STATUS_HACKED,
    foreach ($states as $state => $status) {
      foreach ($this->result[$state] as $file) {
        $report['files'][$file] = $status;
        $report['diffable'][$file] = $this
    return $report;
  function file_is_diffable($file) {
    return $this->remote_files
      ->is_not_binary($file) && $this->local_files
  function file_get_location($storage = 'local', $file) {
    switch ($storage) {
      case 'remote':
        return $this->remote_files
      case 'local':
        return $this->local_files
    return FALSE;


 * Base class for downloading remote versions of projects.
class hackedProjectWebDownloader {
  var $project;

   * Constructor, pass in the project this downloaded is expected to download.
  function hackedProjectWebDownloader(&$project) {
    $this->project = $project;

   * Returns a temp directory to work in.
   * @param $namespace
   *   The optional namespace of the temp directory, defaults to the classname.
  function get_temp_directory($namespace = NULL) {
    if (is_null($namespace)) {
      $namespace = get_class($this);
    $segments = array(
      'hacked-cache-' . get_current_user(),
    $dir = implode('/', array_filter($segments));
    if (!file_check_directory($dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) && !mkdir($dir, 0775, TRUE)) {
      watchdog('hacked', 'Failed to create temp directory: %dir', array(
        '%dir' => $dir,
      return FALSE;
    return $dir;

   * Returns a directory to save the downloaded project into.
  function get_destination() {
    $type = $this->project->project_type;
    $name = $this->project->name;
    $version = $this->project->existing_version;
    $dir = $this
      ->get_temp_directory() . "/{$type}/{$name}";

    // Build the destination folder tree if it doesn't already exists.
    if (!file_check_directory($dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) && !mkdir($dir, 0775, TRUE)) {
      watchdog('hacked', 'Failed to create temp directory: %dir', array(
        '%dir' => $dir,
      return FALSE;
    return "{$dir}/{$version}";

   * Returns the final destination of the unpacked project.
  function get_final_destination() {
    $dir = $this
    $name = $this->project->name;
    $version = $this->project->existing_version;
    $type = $this->project->project_type;

    // More special handling for core:
    if ($type != 'core') {
      $module_dir = $dir . "/{$name}";
    else {
      $module_dir = $dir . '/' . $name . '-' . $version;
    return $module_dir;

   * Download the remote files to the local filesystem.
  function download() {

   * Recursively delete all files and folders in the specified filepath, then
   * delete the containing folder.
   * Note that this only deletes visible files with write permission.
   * @param string $path
   *   A filepath relative to file_directory_path.
  function remove_dir($path) {
    if (is_file($path) || is_link($path)) {
    elseif (is_dir($path)) {
      $d = dir($path);
      while (($entry = $d
        ->read()) !== FALSE) {
        if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') {
        $entry_path = $path . '/' . $entry;
    else {
      watchdog('hacked', 'Unknown file type(%path) stat: %stat ', array(
        '%path' => $path,
        '%stat' => print_r(stat($path), 1),


 * Downloads a project using a standard web method, and unpacking the tar-ball.
class hackedProjectWebFilesDownloader extends hackedProjectWebDownloader {
  function download_link() {
    $this_release = $this->project->project_info['releases'][$this->project->existing_version];
    return $this_release['download_link'];
  function download() {
    $dir = $this
    $release_url = $this

    // If our directory already exists, we can just return the path to this cached version
    if (file_exists($dir)) {
      return $dir;

    // We've not downloaded this release before:
    // Let's try to download it:
    $request = drupal_http_request($release_url);

    // If we downloaded it, try to unpack it:
    if ($request->code == 200) {

      // Build the destination folder tree if it doesn't already exists.
      if (!file_check_directory($dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) && !mkdir($dir, 0775, TRUE)) {
        watchdog('hacked', 'Failed to create temp directory: %dir', array(
          '%dir' => $dir,
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        return FALSE;

      // Save the tarball someplace:
      $project_path = file_create_path($dir . '/' . basename($release_url));
      file_save_data($request->data, $project_path);
      shell_exec("cd {$dir}; tar -zxf " . basename($project_path));
      return TRUE;

    // Something went wrong:
    return FALSE;


 * Downloads a project using CVS.
 * @deprecated
class hackedProjectWebCVSDownloader extends hackedProjectWebDownloader {
  var $base_filename = '';
  function hackedProjectWebCVSDownloader(&$project, $base_filename) {
    $this->base_filename = $base_filename;

   * Get information about the CVS location of the project.
  function download_link() {
    $info = array();
    $pinfo =& $this->project->project_info;

    // Special handling for core.
    if ($pinfo['project_type'] == 'core') {
      $info['cvsroot'] = '';
      $info['module'] = 'drupal';
      $info['checkout_folder'] = $pinfo['name'] . '-' . $pinfo['info']['version'];
      $info['tag'] = $this
    else {
      $info['cvsroot'] = '';
      $info['module'] = 'contributions/' . $pinfo['project_type'] . 's/' . $pinfo['name'];
      $info['checkout_folder'] = $pinfo['name'];
      $info['tag'] = $this
    return $info;

   * Get the CVS tag associated with the given file.
  function cvs_deploy_get_tag($file) {
    $version = '';
    static $available = array();
    $match = array();
    if (empty($version)) {

      // The .info file contains no version data. Find the version based
      // on the sticky tag in the local workspace (the CVS/Tag file).
      $cvs_dir = dirname($file) . '/CVS';
      if (is_dir($cvs_dir)) {
        $tag = '';

        // If there's no Tag file, there's no tag, a.k.a. HEAD.
        if (file_exists($cvs_dir . '/Tag')) {
          $tag_file = trim(file_get_contents($cvs_dir . '/Tag'));
          if ($tag_file) {

            // Get the sticky tag for this workspace: strip off the leading 'T'.
            $tag = preg_replace('@^(T|N)@', '', $tag_file);
        $version = $tag;
    elseif (preg_match('/\\$' . 'Name: (.*?)\\$/', $version, $match)) {
      $version = trim($match[1]);
    if (empty($version)) {
      $version = 'HEAD';
    return $version;
  function download() {
    $dir = $this
    $release_info = $this

    // TODO: Only delete if not a TAG.
    if (file_exists($dir)) {
      if ($this
        ->is_cvs_tag($release_info['tag'])) {
        return $dir;
      else {

        // This is not a CVS tag, so we need to re-download.
    if (hacked_cvs_checkout($release_info['cvsroot'], $release_info['module'], $dir, $release_info['checkout_folder'], $release_info['tag'])) {
      return $dir;

    // Something went wrong:
    return FALSE;
  function get_destination() {
    $type = $this->project->project_type;
    $name = $this->project->name;
    $info = $this

    // Add in the CVS tag here.
    $version = $this->project->existing_version . '-' . $info['tag'];
    $dir = $this
      ->get_temp_directory() . "/{$type}/{$name}";

    // Build the destination folder tree if it doesn't already exists.
    if (!file_check_directory($dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY) && !mkdir($dir, 0775, TRUE)) {
      watchdog('hacked', 'Failed to create temp directory: %dir', array(
        '%dir' => $dir,
      return FALSE;
    return "{$dir}/{$version}";
  function is_cvs_tag($tag) {

    // CVS tags in Drupal are of the form:
    $valid_tags = '@^DRUPAL-[567]--(\\d+)-(\\d+)(-[A-Z0-9]+)?@';
    return (bool) preg_match($valid_tags, $tag);


 * Represents a group of files on the local filesystem.
class hackedFileGroup {
  var $base_path = '';
  var $files = array();
  var $files_hashes = array();
  var $file_mtimes = array();
  var $hasher;

   * Constructor.
  function hackedFileGroup($base_path) {
    $this->base_path = $base_path;
    $this->hasher = hacked_get_file_hasher();

   * Return a new hackedFileGroup listing all files inside the given $path.
  static function fromDirectory($path) {
    $filegroup = new hackedFileGroup($path);

    // Find all the files in the path, and add them to the file group.
    return $filegroup;

   * Return a new hackedFileGroup listing all files specified.
  static function fromList($path, $files) {
    $filegroup = new hackedFileGroup($path);

    // Find all the files in the path, and add them to the file group.
    $filegroup->files = $files;
    return $filegroup;

   * Locate all sensible files at the base path of the file group.
  function scan_base_path() {
    $files = hacked_file_scan_directory($this->base_path, '/.*/', array(
    foreach ($files as $file) {
      $filename = str_replace($this->base_path . '/', '', $file->filename);
      $this->files[] = $filename;

   * Hash all files listed in the file group.
  function compute_hashes() {
    foreach ($this->files as $filename) {
      $this->files_hashes[$filename] = $this->hasher
        ->hash($this->base_path . '/' . $filename);

   * Determine if the given file is readable.
  function is_readable($file) {
    return is_readable($this->base_path . '/' . $file);

   * Determine if a file exists.
  function file_exists($file) {
    return file_exists($this->base_path . '/' . $file);

   * Determine if the given file is binary.
  function is_not_binary($file) {
    return is_readable($this->base_path . '/' . $file) && !hacked_file_is_binary($this->base_path . '/' . $file);
  function file_get_location($file) {
    return $this->base_path . '/' . $file;


 * Base class for the different ways that files can be hashed.
class hackedFileHasher {

   * Returns a hash of the given filename.
   * Ignores file line endings
  function hash($filename) {
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
      if ($hash = $this
        ->cache_get($filename)) {
        return $hash;
      else {
        $hash = $this
          ->cache_set($filename, $hash);
        return $hash;
  function cache_set($filename, $hash) {
      ->cache_key($filename), $hash, HACKED_CACHE_TABLE, strtotime('+7 days'));
  function cache_get($filename) {
    $cache = cache_get($this
      ->cache_key($filename), HACKED_CACHE_TABLE);
    if (!empty($cache->data)) {
      return $cache->data;
  function perform_hash($filename) {
    return '';
  function cache_key($filename) {
    $key = array(
      'filename' => $filename,
      'mtime' => filemtime($filename),
      'class_name' => get_class($this),
    return sha1(serialize($key));

class hackedFileIgnoreEndingsHasher extends hackedFileHasher {

   * Returns a hash of the given filename.
   * Ignores file line endings.
  function perform_hash($filename) {
    if (!hacked_file_is_binary($filename)) {
      $file = file($filename, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
      return sha1(serialize($file));
    else {
      return sha1_file($filename);


 * This is a much faster, but potentially less useful file hasher.
class hackedFileIncludeEndingsHasher extends hackedFileHasher {
  function perform_hash($filename) {
    return sha1_file($filename);



Namesort descending Description
hackedFileGroup Represents a group of files on the local filesystem.
hackedFileHasher Base class for the different ways that files can be hashed.
hackedFileIncludeEndingsHasher This is a much faster, but potentially less useful file hasher.
hackedProject Ensapsulates a Hacked! project.
hackedProjectWebCVSDownloader Downloads a project using CVS.
hackedProjectWebDownloader Base class for downloading remote versions of projects.
hackedProjectWebFilesDownloader Downloads a project using a standard web method, and unpacking the tar-ball.