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function hackedProjectWebDevDownloader::git_checkout in Hacked! 7.2

Checks out the last Git commit prior to the project's timestamp.


$path: The path of the Git repository where the checkout should happen.

$branch: The desired branch within the repository containing the commit.

$timestamp: The UNIX timestamp for the downloaded project.

Return value

Either FALSE on failure or the location of the checked out files.

1 call to hackedProjectWebDevDownloader::git_checkout()
hackedProjectWebDevDownloader::download in includes/
Download the version of the project to compare.


includes/, line 154


Downloads the dev version of a project.


function git_checkout($path, $branch, $timestamp) {

  // Fetch the Git command.
  $git_cmd = $this

  // Point the working tree at the commit just before the timestamp.
  // This takes us to the point in time when the local project was downloaded.
  exec("cd {$path}; {$git_cmd} checkout \$({$git_cmd} rev-list -n 1 --before='{$timestamp}' {$branch})", $output_lines, $return_value);

  // On success, return the path to the download, or FALSE otherwise.
  if ($return_value == 0) {
    return $path;
  return FALSE;