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11 uses of HACKED_STATUS_HACKED in Hacked! 8.2

drush_hacked_details in ./
Drush callback that shows the list of changes/unchanged files in a project.
drush_hacked_list_projects in ./
Drush command callback that shows the listing of changed/unchanged projects.
drush_hacked_lock_modified in ./
Lock all of the modified files so that pm-updatecode will not touch them.
HackedCommands::details in src/Commands/HackedCommands.php
Show the Hacked! report about a specific project.
HackedCommands::listProjects in src/Commands/HackedCommands.php
List all projects that can be analysed by Hacked!
hackedProject::compute_details in src/hackedProject.php
Return a nice detailed report.
hackedProject::compute_report in src/hackedProject.php
Return a nice report, a simple overview of the status of this project.
hacked_preprocess_update_project_status in ./
Prepares variables for hacked project status templates.
template_preprocess_hacked_detailed_report in ./
Theme project status report.
template_preprocess_hacked_file_status in ./
template_preprocess_hacked_report in ./
Prepares variables for hacked status report templates.