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gss-result.tpl.php in Google Site Search 7

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  1. 6 gss-result.tpl.php

Default theme implementation for displaying a single Google search result.

This template renders a single search result and is collected into gss-results.tpl.php. This and the parent template are dependent to one another sharing the markup for definition lists.

Available variables:

  • $url: URL of the result.
  • $title: Title of the result.
  • $snippet: A small preview of the result. Does not apply to user searches.
  • $thumbnail_url: The url of the image thumbnail
  • $info: String of all the meta information ready for print. Does not apply to user searches.
  • $info_split: Contains same data as $info, split into a keyed array.

Default keys within $info_split:

  • $info_split['type']: Node type (or item type string supplied by module).
  • $info_split['user']: Author of the node linked to users profile. Depends on permission.
  • $info_split['date']: Last update of the node. Short formatted.

Since $info_split is keyed, a direct print of the item is possible. This array does not apply to user searches so it is recommended to check for its existence before printing. The default keys of 'type', 'user' and 'date' always exist for node searches. Modules may provide other data.

  <?php if (isset($info_split['type'])) : ?>
    <span class="info-type">
      <?php print $info_split['type']; ?>
  <?php endif; ?>

To check for all available data within $info_split, use the code below.

  <?php print '<pre>'. check_plain(print_r($info_split, 1)) .'</pre>'; ?>


View source

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation for displaying a single Google search result.
 * This template renders a single search result and is collected into
 * gss-results.tpl.php. This and the parent template are
 * dependent to one another sharing the markup for definition lists.
 * Available variables:
 * - $url: URL of the result.
 * - $title: Title of the result.
 * - $snippet: A small preview of the result. Does not apply to user searches.
 * - $thumbnail_url: The url of the image thumbnail
 * - $info: String of all the meta information ready for print. Does not apply
 *   to user searches.
 * - $info_split: Contains same data as $info, split into a keyed array.
 * Default keys within $info_split:
 * - $info_split['type']: Node type (or item type string supplied by module).
 * - $info_split['user']: Author of the node linked to users profile. Depends
 *   on permission.
 * - $info_split['date']: Last update of the node. Short formatted.
 * Since $info_split is keyed, a direct print of the item is possible.
 * This array does not apply to user searches so it is recommended to check
 * for its existence before printing. The default keys of 'type', 'user' and
 * 'date' always exist for node searches. Modules may provide other data.
 * @code
 *   <?php if (isset($info_split['type'])) : ?>
 *     <span class="info-type">
 *       <?php print $info_split['type']; ?>
 *     </span>
 *   <?php endif; ?>
 * @endcode
 * To check for all available data within $info_split, use the code below.
 * @code
 *   <?php print '<pre>'. check_plain(print_r($info_split, 1)) .'</pre>'; ?>
 * @endcode
 * @see template_preprocess_gss_result()
<li class="<?php

print $classes;

print $attributes;

print render($title_prefix);
  <h3 class="gss-title"<?php

print $title_attributes;
    <a href="<?php

print $url;

print $title;

if ($thumbnail_url) {
    <img class="gss-thumbnail-image" src="<?php

  print $thumbnail_url;
  ?>" height="62"/>


print render($title_suffix);
  <div class="gss-search-snippet-info">

if ($snippet) {
      <p class="gss-search-snippet"<?php

  print $content_attributes;

  print $snippet;


if ($url) {
      <p class="gss-search-url"><a href="<?php

  print $url;

  print $url;


if ($show_info && $info) {
      <p class="gss-info">

  print $info;

