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public function GroupContentMenuParentFormSelector::parentSelectElement in Group Content Menu 8

Gets a form element to choose a menu and parent.

The specific type of form element will vary depending on the implementation, but callers will normally need to set the #title for the element.


string $menu_parent: A menu name and parent ID concatenated with a ':' character to use as the default value.

string $id: (optional) ID of a link plugin. This will exclude the link and its children from being selected.

array $menus: (optional) Array of menu names as keys and titles as values to limit the values that may be selected. If NULL, all menus will be included.

Return value

array A form element to choose a parent, or an empty array if no possible parents exist for the given parameters. The resulting form value will be a single string containing the chosen menu name and parent ID separated by a ':' character.

Overrides MenuParentFormSelector::parentSelectElement


src/GroupContentMenuParentFormSelector.php, line 25


Group content menu implementation of the menu parent form selector service.




public function parentSelectElement($menu_parent, $id = '', array $menus = NULL) {
  if (strpos($menu_parent, GroupContentMenuInterface::MENU_PREFIX) !== FALSE) {
    $this->isGroupMenu = TRUE;
  $element = parent::parentSelectElement($menu_parent, $id, $menus);

  // Add the group content list tag in case a menu is created, deleted, etc.
  $element['#cache']['tags'] = $element['#cache']['tags'] ?? [];
  $element['#cache']['tags'] = Cache::mergeTags($element['#cache']['tags'], [
  return $element;