public function GroupContentStorageInterface::loadByGroup in Group 2.0.x
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8 src/Entity/Storage/GroupContentStorageInterface.php \Drupal\group\Entity\Storage\GroupContentStorageInterface::loadByGroup()
Retrieves all GroupContent entities for a group.
\Drupal\group\Entity\GroupInterface $group: The group entity to load the group content entities for.
string $plugin_id: (optional) A group relation plugin ID to filter on.
array $filters: (optional) An associative array of extra filters where the keys are property or field names and the values are the value to filter on.
Return value
\Drupal\group\Entity\GroupContentInterface[] A list of GroupContent entities matching the criteria.
1 method overrides GroupContentStorageInterface::loadByGroup()
- GroupContentStorage::loadByGroup in src/
Entity/ Storage/ GroupContentStorage.php - Retrieves all GroupContent entities for a group.
- src/
Entity/ Storage/ GroupContentStorageInterface.php, line 45
- GroupContentStorageInterface
- Defines an interface for group content entity storage classes.
public function loadByGroup(GroupInterface $group, $plugin_id = NULL, $filters = []);