public function GroupContentType::getGroupTypeId in Group 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 2.0.x src/Entity/GroupContentType.php \Drupal\group\Entity\GroupContentType::getGroupTypeId()
Gets the group type ID the content type was created for.
Return value
string The group type ID for which the content type was created.
Overrides GroupContentTypeInterface::getGroupTypeId
2 calls to GroupContentType::getGroupTypeId()
- GroupContentType::getContentPlugin in src/
Entity/ GroupContentType.php - Gets the content enabler plugin the content type uses.
- GroupContentType::getGroupType in src/
Entity/ GroupContentType.php - Gets the group type the content type was created for.
- src/
Entity/ GroupContentType.php, line 133
- GroupContentType
- Defines the Group content type configuration entity.
public function getGroupTypeId() {
return $this->group_type;