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public function GroupContentCreateEntityAccessCheck::access in Group 2.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/Access/GroupContentCreateEntityAccessCheck.php \Drupal\group\Access\GroupContentCreateEntityAccessCheck::access()

Checks access for group content target entity creation routes.

All routes using this access check should have a group and plugin_id parameter and have the _group_content_create_entity_access requirement set to either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.


\Symfony\Component\Routing\Route $route: The route to check against.

\Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account: The currently logged in account.

\Drupal\group\Entity\GroupInterface $group: The group in which the content should be created.

string $plugin_id: The group relation ID to use for the group content entity.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultInterface The access result.


src/Access/GroupContentCreateEntityAccessCheck.php, line 35


Determines access for group content target entity creation.




public function access(Route $route, AccountInterface $account, GroupInterface $group, $plugin_id) {
  $needs_access = $route
    ->getRequirement('_group_content_create_entity_access') === 'TRUE';

  // We can only get the group content type ID if the plugin is installed.
  if (!$group
    ->hasContentPlugin($plugin_id)) {
    return AccessResult::neutral();

  /** @var \Drupal\group\Plugin\Group\Relation\GroupRelationManagerInterface $plugin_manager */
  $plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.group_relation');
  $access_handler = $plugin_manager
  $access = $access_handler
    ->entityCreateAccess($group, $account);

  // Only allow access if the user can create group content target entities
  // using the provided plugin or if he doesn't need access to do so.
  return AccessResult::allowedIf($access xor !$needs_access);