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protected function Help::helpElement in GridStack 8.2

Returns the help element.

1 call to Help::helpElement()
Form::closingForm in src/Plugin/gridstack/stylizer/Form.php


src/Plugin/gridstack/stylizer/Help.php, line 18


Provides the help.




protected function helpElement() {
  $element = [
    '#type' => 'details',
    '#open' => FALSE,
    '#title' => $this
    '#attributes' => [
      'class' => [
    '#weight' => 60,
  $items = [];
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('Save the form first before working.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('Create one multi-value unlimited <code>Media</code> field containing <code>Image, Video or Remote Video</code> bundles right on this entity/ content type before using the Media Library. Then select it under <code>Global settings > Main settings</code>.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('Avoid <code>Viewport Height (VH 100)</code> or any fixed height, unless desired. Use <code>Min Height</code> instead.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('Use <code>Min Height</code> at <code>Preset classes</code> if the image/ media is collapsed.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('Select <code>Black (#000000)</code> to disable color.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('Avoid color-related options at <code>Preset classes</code> to make custom <code>Styles</code> work.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('The layout editor is two-dimensional. Unless for two-dimensional, it is not _always applicable to one-dimensional layouts. Understanding the principal difference should reduce confusion. Shortly, if the output is different from preview, adjust it accordingly.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('Unless uploading images, no need to keep saving the form. Click each <code>+ Styles</code> button to select regions without AJAX once the modal is open instead. Once done, be sure to hit <code>Update</code> button, or lose all the stylings.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('Anything under <code>Styles</code> requires the provided Media Library Image or Media, not blocks, for now.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('If a layout variant is added or changed drastically (e.g. 12 columns becomes 2 or 3), be sure to re-sync, or re-save, this modal form (hit <code>Update</code> button) _only if any display issue. The reason, some options require 12 columns like EtE, etc.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('If a layout variant is messed up for a reason, simply revert, or delete it.');
  $items[] = $this
    ->t('<b>Known bugs</b>: <br>- when editing a region (not the global container), it must have a red outline. If not, try re-clicking <code>+ Styles</code> button. <br>- <b>Save as New</b> is still chaotic, not generating icon, not directly saves the label. Needs re-adding label, then <b>Update icon</b> > <b>Save</b> or <b>Apply</b>.');
  $element['help'] = [
    '#theme' => 'item_list',
    '#items' => $items,
  return $element;