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Variant.php in GridStack 8.2


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namespace Drupal\gridstack\Plugin\gridstack\engine;

use Drupal\gridstack\GridStackEnginePluginBase;
use Drupal\gridstack\Entity\GridStackVariant;

 * Provides a shadow variant layout engine.
 * @GridStackEngine(
 *   id = "variant",
 *   group = "gridstack",
 *   hidden = "true",
 *   version = "2",
 *   label = @Translation("Variant engine")
 * )
class Variant extends GridStackEnginePluginBase {

   * Allows layout variants to override the original optionset.
  public function override(&$optionset, array &$settings) {
    $variant = NULL;
    if (isset($settings['vid']) && ($vid = $settings['vid'])) {
      $variant = GridStackVariant::load($vid);
      if ($variant && ($breakpoints = $variant
        ->getBreakpoints())) {
          'breakpoints' => $breakpoints,
        $settings['_variant'] = $variant
    return $variant;



Namesort descending Description
Variant Provides a shadow variant layout engine.