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public function ContentEntityTypeResolver::resolveRecursive in GraphQL 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/TypeResolver/ContentEntityTypeResolver.php \Drupal\graphql\TypeResolver\ContentEntityTypeResolver::resolveRecursive()


mixed $type:

Return value


Overrides TypedDataTypeResolver::resolveRecursive


src/TypeResolver/ContentEntityTypeResolver.php, line 82


Resolves the schema for content entities.




public function resolveRecursive($type) {

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\TypedData\EntityDataDefinitionInterface $type */
  $entityTypeId = $type
  $bundleInfo = $this->entityManager
  $bundleKeys = array_keys($bundleInfo);

  // The bundles available for this entity type.
  $availableBundles = array_diff($bundleKeys, [

  // The bundles defined as constraint on the the type definition.
  $constraintBundles = $type
  $constraintBundles = $constraintBundles ? array_diff($bundleKeys, $constraintBundles) : [];
  $constraintBundles = array_intersect($constraintBundles, $availableBundles);

  // We currently do not support multiple bundle constraints although we could
  // potentially support that in the future through union types.
  $constraintBundle = count($constraintBundles) === 1 ? reset($constraintBundles) : NULL;

  // Check if we've already built the type definitions for this entity type.
  $cacheKey = isset($constraintBundle) ? $constraintBundle : $entityTypeId;
  if (array_key_exists($entityTypeId, $this->cachedTypes)) {
    return $this->cachedTypes[$entityTypeId][$cacheKey];

  // Resolve complex data definitions lazily due to recursive definitions.
  return function () use ($entityTypeId, $cacheKey) {
    if (array_key_exists($entityTypeId, $this->cachedTypes)) {
      return $this->cachedTypes[$entityTypeId][$cacheKey];

    // Initialize the static cache for this entity type.
    $staticCache =& $this->cachedTypes[$entityTypeId];
    $staticCache = [];

    // Retrieve the field map for the entity type (contains base and bundle
    // specific fields).
    $fieldMap = $this
    $baseFields = $fieldMap['base'];
    $entityTypeName = StringHelper::formatTypeName("entity:{$entityTypeId}");
    if (!empty($fieldMap['bundles'])) {

      // If there are bundles, create an interface type definition and the
      // object type definition for all available bundles.
      $objectTypeResolver = [
      $staticCache[$entityTypeId] = new InterfaceType($entityTypeName, $baseFields, $objectTypeResolver);
      $typeInterfaces = [
      foreach ($fieldMap['bundles'] as $bundleKey => $bundleFields) {
        $bundleName = StringHelper::formatTypeName("entity:{$entityTypeId}:{$bundleKey}");
        $staticCache[$bundleKey] = new ObjectType($bundleName, $bundleFields + $baseFields, $typeInterfaces);
    else {

      // If there are no bundles, simply handle the entity type as a
      // stand-alone object type.
      $staticCache[$entityTypeId] = !empty($baseFields) ? new ObjectType($entityTypeName, $baseFields) : new NullType();
    return $staticCache[$cacheKey];