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public function TermFieldAutocomplete::resolve in GraphQL 8.4

Gets term items matched against given query for given vocabulary.


string $entity_type: Entity type the searchable term field is attached to.

string $bundle: Bundle the searchable term field is attached to.

string $field: Field name to search the terms on.

string|null $match_string: String to be matched.

bool $prioritize_start_with: Whether terms which start with matching string should come first.

int $limit: Number of items to be returned.

\Drupal\graphql\GraphQL\Execution\FieldContext $context: The caching context related to the current field.

Return value

array List of matched terms.


src/Plugin/GraphQL/DataProducer/Taxonomy/TermFieldAutocomplete.php, line 267


Gets term items matching the given string in given field's vocabularies.




public function resolve(string $entity_type, string $bundle, string $field, ?string $match_string, bool $prioritize_start_with, int $limit, FieldContext $context) : ?array {
  if ($limit <= 0) {
    $limit = 10;
  if ($limit > self::MAX_ITEMS) {
    $limit = self::MAX_ITEMS;

  // Get configured vocabulary. If none is obtained, bail out.
  if (!($vocabularies = $this
    ->getTermFieldVocabularies($entity_type, $bundle, $field))) {
    return NULL;

  // Base of the query selecting term names and synonyms.
  $query = $this->database
    ->select('taxonomy_term_field_data', 't');
    ->fields('t', [
    ->condition('t.vid', $vocabularies, 'IN');
    ->range(0, $limit);

  // Make condition matching name as OR condition group. This makes it
  // extendable if a module needs to cover a match in term name OR in some
  // other fields.
  $like_contains = '%' . $query
    ->escapeLike($match_string) . '%';
  $name_condition_group = $query
    ->condition('', $like_contains, 'LIKE');

  // Additional query logic for matches.
  if ($match_string) {

    // Prioritize terms starting with matching string.
    if ($prioritize_start_with) {

      // Get calculated meta weight value where terms which match the string
      // at the start have higher meta weight value comparing to the terms
      // which match the string in between.
      $like_starts_with = $query
        ->escapeLike($match_string) . '%';
        ->addExpression('( LIKE :like_starts_with) * 1 + ( LIKE :like_contains) * 0.5', 'meta_weight', [
        ':like_starts_with' => $like_starts_with,
        ':like_contains' => $like_contains,

      // Order by calculated meta weight value as a first ordering criterion.
        ->orderBy('meta_weight', 'DESC');

    // Rest of ordering.
      ->orderBy('t.weight', 'ASC');
      ->orderBy('', 'ASC');

  // Allow modules to alter the term autocomplete query.
  $args = [
    'entity_type' => $entity_type,
    'bundle' => $bundle,
    'field' => $field,
    'match_string' => $match_string,
    'prioritize_start_with' => $prioritize_start_with,
    'limit' => $limit,
    ->alter('graphql_term_autocomplete_query', $args, $query, $name_condition_group);

  // Add name OR condition group after query was altered. If added sooner then
  // condition group extensions done in alter hooks wouldn't be reflected.

  // Handle access on query.

  // Process the terms returned by term autocomplete query.
  $terms = [];
  foreach ($query
    ->execute() as $match) {
    $terms[] = $match->tid;

    // Invalidate on term update, because it may change the name which does
    // not match the string anymore.
      'taxonomy_term:' . $match->tid,
  return $terms;