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PluggableSchemaDeriver.php in GraphQL 8.3


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namespace Drupal\graphql\Plugin\Deriver;

use Drupal\Component\Plugin\Derivative\DeriverBase;
use Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\SortArray;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableDependencyInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Plugin\Discovery\ContainerDeriverInterface;
use Drupal\graphql\Plugin\FieldPluginManager;
use Drupal\graphql\Plugin\MutationPluginManager;
use Drupal\graphql\Plugin\SubscriptionPluginManager;
use Drupal\graphql\Plugin\TypePluginManagerAggregator;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
class PluggableSchemaDeriver extends DeriverBase implements ContainerDeriverInterface {

   * The base plugin id.
   * @var string
  protected $basePluginId;

   * The field manager service.
   * @var \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\FieldPluginManager
  protected $fieldManager;

   * The mutation manager service.
   * @var \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\MutationPluginManager
  protected $mutationManager;

   * The subscription manager service.
   * @var \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\SubscriptionPluginManager
  protected $subscriptionManager;

   * The type manager aggregator service.
   * @var \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\TypePluginManagerAggregator
  protected $typeManagers;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, $basePluginId) {
    return new static($basePluginId, $container
      ->get('plugin.manager.graphql.field'), $container
      ->get('plugin.manager.graphql.mutation'), $container
      ->get('plugin.manager.graphql.subscription'), $container

   * PluggableSchemaDeriver constructor.
   * @param $basePluginId
   *   The base plugin id.
   * @param \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\FieldPluginManager $fieldManager
   *   The field plugin manager.
   * @param \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\MutationPluginManager $mutationManager
   *   The mutation plugin manager.
   * @param \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\SubscriptionPluginManager $subscriptionManager
   *   The mutation plugin manager.
   * @param \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\TypePluginManagerAggregator $typeManagers
   *   The type manager aggregator service.
  public function __construct($basePluginId, FieldPluginManager $fieldManager, MutationPluginManager $mutationManager, SubscriptionPluginManager $subscriptionManager, TypePluginManagerAggregator $typeManagers) {
    $this->basePluginId = $basePluginId;
    $this->fieldManager = $fieldManager;
    $this->mutationManager = $mutationManager;
    $this->subscriptionManager = $subscriptionManager;
    $this->typeManagers = $typeManagers;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getDerivativeDefinitions($basePluginDefinition) {

    // Construct the optimized data representation for building the schema.
    $typeMap = $this
    $typeReferenceMap = $this
    $typeAssocationMap = $this
    $fieldAssocationMap = $this
      ->buildFieldAssociationMap($this->fieldManager, $typeMap);
    $fieldMap = $this
      ->buildFieldMap($this->fieldManager, $fieldAssocationMap);
    $mutationMap = $this
    $subscriptionMap = $this
    $managers = array_merge([
    ], iterator_to_array($this->typeManagers));
    $cacheTags = array_reduce($managers, function ($carry, CacheableDependencyInterface $current) {
      return Cache::mergeTags($carry, $current
    }, []);
    $cacheContexts = array_reduce($managers, function ($carry, CacheableDependencyInterface $current) {
      return Cache::mergeContexts($carry, $current
    }, []);
    $cacheMaxAge = array_reduce($managers, function ($carry, CacheableDependencyInterface $current) {
      return Cache::mergeMaxAges($carry, $current
    }, Cache::PERMANENT);
    $this->derivatives[$this->basePluginId] = [
      'type_map' => $typeMap,
      'type_reference_map' => $typeReferenceMap,
      'type_association_map' => $typeAssocationMap,
      'field_association_map' => $fieldAssocationMap,
      'field_map' => $fieldMap,
      'mutation_map' => $mutationMap,
      'subscription_map' => $subscriptionMap,
      'schema_cache_tags' => $cacheTags,
      'schema_cache_contexts' => $cacheContexts,
      'schema_cache_max_age' => $cacheMaxAge,
    ] + $basePluginDefinition;
    return $this->derivatives;

   * Builds an optimized map of types registered with any of the type managers.
   * @param array $managers
   *   The registered type plugin managers.
   * @return array
   *   The optimized representation/registry of type definitions.
  protected function buildTypeMap(array $managers) {

    // First collect all definitions by their name, overwriting those with
    // lower weights by their higher weighted counterparts. We also collect
    // the class from the plugin definition to be able to statically create
    // the type instance without loading the plugin managers at all at
    // run-time.
    $types = array_reduce(array_keys($managers), function ($carry, $type) use ($managers) {
      $manager = $managers[$type];
      $definitions = $manager
      return array_reduce(array_keys($definitions), function ($carry, $id) use ($type, $definitions) {
        $current = $definitions[$id];
        $name = $current['name'];
        if (empty($carry[$name]) || $carry[$name]['weight'] < $current['weight']) {
          $carry[$name] = [
            'type' => $type,
            'id' => $id,
            'class' => $current['class'],
            'weight' => !empty($current['weight']) ? $current['weight'] : 0,
            'reference' => !empty($current['type']) ? $current['type'] : NULL,
        return $carry;
      }, $carry);
    }, []);

    // Retrieve the plugins run-time definitions. These will help us to prevent
    // plugin instantiation at run-time unless a plugin is actually called from
    // the graphql query execution. Plugins should take care of not having to
    // instantiate their plugin instances during schema composition.
    return array_map(function ($type) use ($managers) {
      $manager = $managers[$type['type']];

      /** @var \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\TypePluginInterface $instance */
      $instance = $manager
        'id' => $type['id'],
      return $type + [
        'definition' => $instance
      ] + $type;
    }, $types);

   * Builds an optimized map of data type and type name references.
   * @param array $types
   *   The list of types registered with any of the plugin managers.
   * @return array
   *   The optimized list of data type to type name references.
  protected function buildTypeReferenceMap(array $types) {
    $references = array_reduce(array_keys($types), function ($references, $name) use ($types) {
      $current = $types[$name];
      $reference = $current['reference'];
      if (!empty($reference) && (empty($references[$reference]) || $references[$reference]['weight'] < $current['weight'])) {
        $references[$reference] = [
          'name' => $name,
          'weight' => !empty($current['weight']) ? $current['weight'] : 0,
      return $references;
    }, []);
    return array_map(function ($reference) {
      return $reference['name'];
    }, $references);

   * Builds an optimized representation of fields keyed by their parent types.
   * @param \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\FieldPluginManager $manager
   *   The field plugin manager.
   * @param $types
   *   The optimized list of types.
   * @return array
   *   The list of fields keyed by their parent types.
  protected function buildFieldAssociationMap(FieldPluginManager $manager, $types) {
    $definitions = $manager
    $fields = array_reduce(array_keys($definitions), function ($carry, $id) use ($definitions, $types) {
      $current = $definitions[$id];
      $parents = $current['parents'] ?: [
      return array_reduce($parents, function ($carry, $parent) use ($current, $id, $types) {

        // Allow plugins to define a different name for each parent.
        if (strpos($parent, ':') !== FALSE) {
          list($parent, $name) = explode(':', $parent);
        $name = isset($name) ? $name : $current['name'];
        if (empty($carry[$parent][$name]) || $carry[$parent][$name]['weight'] < $current['weight']) {
          $carry[$parent][$name] = [
            'id' => $id,
            'weight' => !empty($current['weight']) ? $current['weight'] : 0,
        return $carry;
      }, $carry);
    }, []);
    $rename = [];
    foreach ($fields as $parent => $fieldList) {
      foreach ($fieldList as $field => $info) {
        if (!array_key_exists($parent, $types)) {
        foreach ($types[$parent]['definition']['interfaces'] as $interface) {
          if (isset($fields[$interface][$field]) && $definitions[$fields[$interface][$field]['id']]['type'] != $definitions[$info['id']]['type']) {
            $rename[$parent][$field] = TRUE;
    foreach ($rename as $parent => $names) {
      foreach (array_keys($names) as $name) {
        $fields[$parent][$name . 'Of' . $parent] = $fields[$parent][$name];

    // Only return fields for types that are actually fieldable.
    $fieldable = [
    $fields = array_intersect_key($fields, array_filter($types, function ($type) use ($fieldable) {
      return in_array($type['type'], $fieldable);
    }) + [
      'Root' => NULL,

    // We only need the plugin ids in this map.
    return array_map(function ($fields) {
      return array_map(function ($field) {
        return $field['id'];
      }, $fields);
    }, $fields);

   * Builds an optimized representation of type and composite type relations.
   * @param array $types
   *   The optimized list of types.
   * @return array
   *   The optimized list of types and their associated unions/interfaces.
  protected function buildTypeAssociationMap(array $types) {
    $assocations = array_filter(array_map(function ($type) use ($types) {

      // If this is an object type, just return a mapping for it's interfaces.
      if ($type['type'] === 'type') {
        return array_map(function () use ($type) {
          return [
        }, array_flip($type['definition']['interfaces']));

      // For interfaces, find all object types that declare to implement it.
      if ($type['type'] === 'interface') {
        return [
          $type['definition']['name'] => array_values(array_map(function ($type) {
            return $type['definition']['name'];
          }, array_filter($types, function ($subType) use ($type) {
            return $subType['type'] === 'type' && in_array($type['definition']['name'], $subType['definition']['interfaces']);

      // Union types combine the two approaches above.
      if ($type['type'] === 'union') {
        $explicit = $type['definition']['types'];
        $implicit = array_values(array_map(function ($type) {
          return $type['definition']['name'];
        }, array_filter($types, function ($subType) use ($type) {
          return $subType['type'] === 'type' && in_array($type['definition']['name'], $subType['definition']['unions']);
        return [
          $type['definition']['name'] => array_merge($explicit, $implicit),
      return [];
    }, $types));
    $assocations = array_map('array_unique', array_reduce($assocations, 'array_merge_recursive', []));
    $assocations = array_map(function ($parent) use ($types) {
      $children = array_map(function ($child) use ($types) {
        return $types[$child] + [
          'name' => $child,
      }, $parent);
      uasort($children, [
      $children = array_reverse($children);
      return array_map(function ($child) {
        return $child['name'];
      }, $children);
    }, $assocations);
    return $assocations;

   * Builds an optimization representation of all registered fields.
   * @param \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\FieldPluginManager $manager
   *   The field plugin manager.
   * @param $association
   *   The type/field association map.
   * @return array
   *   The optimized list of all registered fields.
  protected function buildFieldMap(FieldPluginManager $manager, $association) {
    return array_reduce($association, function ($carry, $fields) use ($manager) {
      return array_reduce($fields, function ($carry, $id) use ($manager) {
        if (!isset($carry[$id])) {
          $instance = $manager
            'id' => $id,
          $definition = $manager
          $carry[$id] = [
            'id' => $id,
            'class' => $definition['class'],
            'definition' => $instance
        return $carry;
      }, $carry);
    }, []);

   * Builds an optimized representation of all registered mutations.
   * @param \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\MutationPluginManager $manager
   *   The mutation plugin manager.
   * @return array
   *   The optimized list of all registered mutations.
  protected function buildMutationMap(MutationPluginManager $manager) {
    $definitions = $manager
    $mutations = array_reduce(array_keys($definitions), function ($carry, $id) use ($definitions) {
      $current = $definitions[$id];
      $name = $current['name'];
      if (empty($carry[$name]) || $carry[$name]['weight'] < $current['weight']) {
        $carry[$name] = [
          'id' => $id,
          'class' => $current['class'],
          'weight' => !empty($current['weight']) ? $current['weight'] : 0,
      return $carry;
    }, []);
    return array_map(function ($definition) use ($manager) {
      $id = $definition['id'];
      $instance = $manager
        'id' => $id,
      return [
        'definition' => $instance
      ] + $definition;
    }, $mutations);

   * Builds an optimized representation of all registered subscriptions.
   * @param \Drupal\graphql\Plugin\SubscriptionPluginManager $manager
   *   The subscription plugin manager.
   * @return array
   *   The optimized list of all registered subscriptions.
  protected function buildSubscriptionMap(SubscriptionPluginManager $manager) {
    $definitions = $manager
    $subscriptions = array_reduce(array_keys($definitions), function ($carry, $id) use ($definitions) {
      $current = $definitions[$id];
      $name = $current['name'];
      if (empty($carry[$name]) || $carry[$name]['weight'] < $current['weight']) {
        $carry[$name] = [
          'id' => $id,
          'class' => $current['class'],
          'weight' => !empty($current['weight']) ? $current['weight'] : 0,
      return $carry;
    }, []);
    return array_map(function ($definition) use ($manager) {
      $id = $definition['id'];
      $instance = $manager
        'id' => $id,
      return [
        'definition' => $instance
      ] + $definition;
    }, $subscriptions);

